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When An HQ Bites The Bullet?


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Playing the demo as the Axis I accidently stumbled into a Russian HQ and destroyed it. The event started me thinking about my own HQ's more than usual.

And here is my questions. If you happen to have a bad day at the office and lose a couple of HQ's, over time does SC add more HQ's to the roster to purchase? And if SC does add more HQ's will they be random quality?

I know HQ's are very important to this game due to supply , movement, reinforcments. If the HQ pool is allowed to run dry it could make a bad day worse.

Do both sides have the same amount of HQ's available for the conflict?

Thank u

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I bought a Rommol hq (8) and when i did so another became avaible also at level 8, cant remember name though. So i think they pool gets replenished if you buy a new one, but i don't know what would happen if u bought loads and loads though, mabe you would run out in end?

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