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Taking France


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"Even if you take France...which is doubtful"...."You will find that France can't be taken.....""We will leave with what we can in the night and we will return to crush you when you least expect it."" France is not simply a piece of territory one can occupy"..."It is a vast ocean of history and molten emotion that we carry in our hearts.""Something you..... Germans have never quite understood". ;)

[ November 17, 2002, 05:00 AM: Message edited by: General Billote ]

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My 2-takes on "The Maginot Line."

# 1) As Germany, NEVER attack it. It's a waste of time.

# 2) If you're the Allies, you can do something interesting as France if your opponent believes in my point #1. You need to know when to "Get Out" -A.Horror. If Germany has taken the LowCountries & has slammed into French soil...considering sliding a piece out in the very, very Southern part of "The Maginot Line."

Maybe you can bait him (Rambo likes to bait people) to waste a unit. But obvioulsy don't let the Germans waltz (do German's waltz?) where you don't want them. Also, if your "ass is grass" (excuse the French, ha-ha), move everybody out of the M-Line before they get cut out of supply anyhows.

Great Subject >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OUT

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My take: timetable is the key.

You must attack France before it is ready. You have to attack before they have enough front line units to make a full front.

In my most recent games, when playing Axis I am moving from Poland straight to France. Forget about Denmark and Norway. I operate my Infantry Armies and Reinforce them while the tanks ride all the way to Belgium.

I attack the low countries in December 1939, before the French have time to build up. Usually I take the low countries in one week. In the January turn I am already moving into northern France, which simply don't have enough units to cover the whole front.

According to my time table, by the third turn of 1940 the Germans should reach the outskirts of Paris, triggering Italy into the war. A human player could prevent this by retreating the units from the Maginot to defend Paris. But the AI won't retreat fast enough.

If I were delayed in Poland, I would operate all my units to the Belgian Frontier and attack without reinforcing my armies. The time table is just too important. If you attack early, you can outflank the French Army since they won't have enough units to cover the whole front. This is will save you time and unit losses.

A quick victory in France is vital. In turn this will payback in time and money for research. There is nothing better than having a couple of tech levels in your belt when Russia enters the war.

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Use all three of your Luftflottes to blast the French army in the Ardennes hex (the wooded one) then attack it with all three Panzer armies, you will get at least one clean through the gap, use your infantry armies to mop up the Low Countries and protect the Panzer's from being cut of ignore the maginot line use some corps to surround it .

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Heres my 2cents on this;

The German attack on France should be concentrated on one hex at a time(get as many units on one hex including Air!) and you should ignore the Maginot Line altogether! The French will give up the line once you pass on by to Paris! Hit Belgium and take it in one turn, then turn due south towards the Resource hexes chopping away until you get to Paris. Take note of the Channel, the Allies love to swipe at straglers along the coast. Plus be aware of the French Armies they are powerful enough to deystroy any unit you have since they are still young. Best to keep the French Defending at all times!

In short you should hit France right after Poland unless you are confident you can take Denmark as you ferry your troops across to the Lowlands then off to France! I do not agree with some of the other posts about rolling tanks across land to France, I suggest you operate them to the front as soon as possible they are your punch if used correctly.

thanks ;)

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Sometimes ( and maybe I'm just speaking as Free Fench lover here) The best decision is to cut and run and live to fight another day...I don't think it's gamey, I think it's smart. If your playing an experienced german player, try to get to England with a general (Billote) of course and at least two French Armies and the air unit. Move your Syrian Corps to the British controlled Suez, Park the Algerian Corps in Gibraltor ( all before the fall)...One General five units.....French Army intact....It is historically feasible that the French could have done this...They got out with some, just not enough to be a "minor" player"

[ November 19, 2002, 05:40 PM: Message edited by: General Billote ]

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Originally posted by 82ndReady:

Heres my 2cents on this;

The German attack on France should be concentrated on one hex at a time(get as many units on one hex including Air!) and you should ignore the Maginot Line altogether! The French will give up the line once you pass on by to Paris! Hit Belgium and take it in one turn, then turn due south towards the Resource hexes chopping away until you get to Paris. Take note of the Channel, the Allies love to swipe at straglers along the coast. Plus be aware of the French Armies they are powerful enough to deystroy any unit you have since they are still young. Best to keep the French Defending at all times!

In short you should hit France right after Poland unless you are confident you can take Denmark as you ferry your troops across to the Lowlands then off to France! I do not agree with some of the other posts about rolling tanks across land to France, I suggest you operate them to the front as soon as possible they are your punch if used correctly.

thanks ;)

I agree with everything you just said.

I normally finish Poland off in two turns. And attack Belgium in turn 4 or 5. I used to operate my units from Poland on turn 4. But playing at Expert level I do not have enough money to buy HQ Manstein and operate my units, all in turn 3. So I buy Manstein in turn 3, and have my tanks arriving at the Belgian frontier by turn 4. I attack Belgium in turn 5 and finish it off in only one turn.

If I have the money to buy HQ Manstein and operate enough units, I will attack Belgium in turn 4, ...no doubt.

As I have said elsewhere, timetable is key. You must attack the French before they build a large enough army to hold you.

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Originally posted by Carl Von Mannerheim:

I hate France, ;)

try my campaign at otto's www.ww2n.com/schq entitled: VIve' le Reich!

Just went to Otto's, was too impressed to think straight and forgot to download CvM's campaign, though I'll go back for it.

That is one AWESOME site! :D

[ November 23, 2002, 09:05 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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