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Strategic Command Discussion Future


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Seems people feel alienated by Administrators. I have a few times too. They're not all that bad. We should keep the team going and we shouldn't have some much harshness. It's a game, and this interest group attracts people. Even if some things may seem off topic, sometimes Mr. Administrator the particular individual feels that you're picking on them 'personally'...

Right now I don't have to come to this website and I don't have to suggest my 20-30 Wargaming friends to come here. Though I have and I would again though not if every time I write something that may seem of topic to one or two people gets booted and...the fact is that other messages are just as much off topic. I'm not saying you should go gung-ho but let the community decide what is and what is not off topic. If you do not I get the feeling Strategic Command will be losing some business...

Personally I've seen this sort of thing before and over-Administration tends to kill communities. Everyone in here plays SC. I have played it for a year and I invited over 3-5 of my friends here and I'm certian some of them have come. That's 25 bucks per friend...More importantly that's hits for your site. Add that up to the 50-100 Regulars and you do the math ;)

If you can be a bit more openminded then well you'll ruin your own thing... A great thing until recently that's been treated kind like a Army Chain of Comman Situation. Personally I don't think Hubert would agree if he knew personally and had the time. Perhaps I should give the guy a phone call ;) or someone should who knows em and let him know how ballbustee these folks really are tongue.gif

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I will continue to visit the SC forum here.

I will do so because Hubert has personally made me feel welcome along with a few of our key members.

But I can say this much, that is the only thing getting me in here.

Battlefront has killed off so much of my fire to post, that it is very likely you won't see all that much more from me.

Obnoxious posts are no friend to anyone anywhere. But SC fans posting off topic posts amongst SC friends on an SC forum is called a "community"

An SC forum that has no room for anything but straight jacketed SC posts is really just a sterile experience. And it won't be vibrant dynamic or able to achieve any form of fan loyalty or longevity.

The names will change, new people will find the site, they will find out there are other places more "community oriented" and they will move on.

If that is a "good" thing, then I must be interested in a bad thing.

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Personally I don't have any problems with administrators or moderators, though I've often seen it hinted that I do. I've never bothered commenting on those insinuations, but they aren't quite correct.

I believe in giving people a lot of space and have always advocated that. The spammers, both recent and a little farther back, needed to be banned and I think Moon, Hubert and Madmatt have always taken timely and justified action in that regard.

As everyone knows I'm disappointed that my friend was banned, but aside from saying as much I haven't attempted making it an issue because it would only hurt matters.

Another thing I'd like to clear up is I don't now, and really have never, felt hedged in by Moon. He's always been very tolerant of my picture pasting and I've tried to keep it under control. In AARs I tend to post a lot of them but also try to stay away from the oversized images that stretch the margins.

Let's face it, how tolerant can admins of a commercial site be? I'm saying this to get on anyone's good side, I'm saying it because it's true. It's easy to say there are too many limitations but the truth is the site is really dedicated to a single game and we do get a lot of postings that go across the edges, so I've got no big complaint on that. If something is posted that openly advertisers one of BattleFront's competitors they've got a right to delete it. I certainly would. The wording may not always be what we'd like but nobody expects to have everything.

In part, I think the current lull in postings is because a lot of the oldtimers have said all they wanted about SC, said it a second and even a third time and don't choose to repeat it once more.

Hopefully the place will perk up again when something positive develops; either another patch, an expanded editor, or SC2.

Meanwhile it moves a long, if not at a fast pace then at a slower pace but that can always change.

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Folks need to remember why Battlefront provides this forum as a service. Potential customers and newbies just starting out need someplace like this. And we all need a central forum to discuss developments, and that place is right here.

Experienced players looking for league competition and off-topic chatter can be very distracting. Battlefront has already provided separate opponent finder and general discussion forums for that stuff, plus we have stickies above for league play information. If something more is desired, than a different forum or website may be the answer.

That's OK. Go for the rough and tumble someplace else, but come back here for forum discussions complying with the modest rules of our moderators. ;)

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Interesting Feedback by all!!! I know that some people feel they've been personally attacked. Whether or not these attacks were warranted fully, is what I think is in question. :(

Even myself I have been Moderated ;) about something that pertained more than several others subjects 4 posts below a guy was discussing Searching for a stranger he use to know on the boards, another guy actually putting out for a PBEM games earch, etc... I think that some of these people are newbies but screen through half this discussion. 1/4th of it is off topic completely not even belonging. Half of it and the Half which is the best which actually brings in NEW Customers is about history, military tactics, politics...that in some vague way may be interelated. THE FACT BEING:

Whatever you say this BattleFront SC Discussion area is the most accessible for All this for People and the ease of use makes it prefered to General. People will not move at this point. If these Moderators had a Brain they'd add in right next to this one a discussion Thread to make both very accessible, one called 100% relevent to Game Mechanics...2nd one called Not So 100% relevent LOL

I'm sorry if I sound bad, but I have visited this site ten thousand times plus. Those hits on their scorecard makes them look impressive. As well as many of the rest of you. If they can't respect us and our needs including the fact we purchased a product from THEM. then they need to be taught a lesson... ;)

Stop comming here accept for the BARE minimum

in Paradox boards, where we discuss EU, there isn't a problem. There is soooooooo many helpful individuals that 'haven't been frightened off' newbies want to congregate there and just surf ;)

Just a warning... We are Legions of Customers and we're a Hassle but we are your Backbone. I own 15% of a Computer Program, I helped Program. I know well the feeling... You want new Customers though, they're always right. The Ten of Thousands of Hits these pages will Miss in future will only take away from the good and aide the bad. the Loss of a cult classic ;)


I will play on and off most definitely, just it takes a long time to finish a game. and I'm really immersed in Civ3/EU2 right now...waiting for BattleFront to make a new Release and spend less time moderating ;)

[ October 25, 2003, 08:19 PM: Message edited by: Liam ]

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Sorry to hear you were caught up in something. Things happen, I was also caught up in something shortly after New Year's. Those are awkward situations but with a little patience they generally become worked out.

To me you're one of the best Forum members with a tone of great Threads. Like my own they're currently buried somewhere on page 50 :D but that's only because neither of us like to cover the same issues a third, fourth and fifth time.

Basically Macon is right, neither of us is about to resurrect the pleasure we had here when it was all new to us, so the best thing is to just let the present crop of new people come and enjoy things the way we did.

I agree with your reasoning though, if you feel you've been slighted the best course is fewer visits.

It's ironic indeed that I find myself speaking so much in defense of the moderators, but I really do believe they've been easing up and are more tolerant now than they used to be, so it could be that the point has already been made. Or, and more likely, they themselves didn't like the earlier heavy handedness and have loosened up.

It certainly didn't help having those lunatic spammers, prior to that the Forum was running smoothly and I think it's running smoothly right now, despite the apparent lack of participation. I've seen it much busier, true, but I've also seen it a lot slower.

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