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Is industrial technology too strong?


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As originally posted by Hawk:

I don't know how many games I've played during beta. In all of these games, industrial technology has only had a heavy impact in a couple of those games, so I wouldn't wory too much about it.

This is an area that really intrigues me... Hawk, would you care to elaborate on some of your successes and failures, and what your general strategy was? (Without giving away your potential PBEM secrets, of course ;) )

I still believe that this one element of the game adds a tremendous flavor. Perhaps the full-game will disabuse me of this notion, but for now I can see where this will be one sure and certain indication of the opponent's strategic tendencies. smile.gif

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Originally posted by Immer Etwas:

Hawk, would you care to elaborate on some of your successes and failures, and what your general strategy was?

Have you read my beta AAR? There you can study one of my humiliating defeats in all it's gory details! :D

I had another very interresting battle against the AI the other day. All options on, all countries random, AI +1 experience bonus and Intermediate difficulty. I played as allied.

Germany took Poland on the third turn, then spent one turn redeploying before attacking Low Countries which it took in two turns. After that, I managed to defend France for roughly 6 - 8 months (don't remember excactly) using all available allied land/air forces except the fighter on Malta and corps in Gibraltar and Alexandria. When I started loosing to much there I managed to withdraw the Canadian forces, Montgomery and 4 fighters back to England. At this point Italy joind the war. However, they played only a minor part in the rest of the war (not too efficient AI there I'm afraid).

A few turns later, the AI declared war on Russia (the turn before she entered the war). Germany never managed to take a single city in Russia, but I was fighting for my very life every turn, shifting forces back and forth. It was very tense and extreemly fun! smile.gif

Anyway, after a minor eternity, USA entered the war. I spent three turns transporting forces to coordinate D-day. France was very lightly defended, and after a successfull landing, the AI started shifting forces from the eastern front, thus giving me a little relief there.

To make this short, I liberated France and Low Countries while Russia managed to push the remaining German forces out of the Motherland. After that, conquering Germany was easy.

During this game I spent little on research, only gaining a level or two in industrial technology (USA and Russia) and three levels in jet fighters (England). The French fleet was all but annihilated (one BB survived), and the British Atlantic fleet was badly mauled.

The parts I enjoyed most in this game was the defence of France and Russia. The former because I was able to withdraw some forces in good order and the latter because the desperation I felt when fighting a mobile defence.

SC (and it's successors! Do you hear me Hubert?! smile.gif ) are games I'll probably be playing for years to come, and I believe many of you will enjoy them too.


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As originally posted by Hawk:

The parts I enjoyed most in this game was the defence of France and Russia. The former because I was able to withdraw some forces in good order and the latter because the desperation I felt when fighting a mobile defence.

Thanks, I think all of us are looking forward to playing the full game, and feeling some of this desperation (... or elated triumph, as the case may be... and the skill might dictate). :cool:
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