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"MasterReichKiller" AAR Aesop verses Curry


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I have not heard from the usual suspects berating my "assmypooo" to throw in the towel.

Evrything I am doing is in contrast to their wisdom and conventional/learned tactics.




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Hats off to Aesopo but I will prevail

IN THE WEST: Yes, Paris has fallen. But that does not matter. Its not like in the real war. My air intercepts again. I lose Paris but I also regain the French mine. I fall back but I can hold the west.

IN THE EAST: He continues to try to take Lenigrad and Finland for some reason. Go ahead. I instead take Voronezh. Another city lost to the Axis and more MPP points. This game is about MPP points my new friend and your oil fields are all at 1 or 2 instead of 10 in the south. He tries to form pockets out of my pockets of him, only to have me cut him off more. He is playing well but its a lost cause I still think. You should have played a forward defense with your ability and you would be doing better now. You are a good player but your strategy is flawed I think. But this is fun none the less.

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Dont know how many moves into the Russian invasion. This was my move #95.

IN THE WEST: The allies reinforce and no attacks made. I use that to pull back. I form a straight line of units from Amsterdam down south. Then another group of units in the south of France. Most likely will lose Broudox.

IN THE EAST: He kills off a couple of my weakened armies. Bad news. But I hit back and destroy several of his units. Still have a couple in a pocket, he is just sending them east and I will have to clean them up. But they will be at zero supply. He is pressing me in Finland and around Lenigrad. But I am forming large breaks in his lines in the central and south. Russia is now broken into two as my units hit the map edge north of Stalingrad.

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Our lines are too fluid in USSR. We are barely able to coordinate attacks which is bad. If it weren't for those pesky jets - he would have run out of steam by now!

In the west, we pressed on and took Bordeaux. Defensive lines have solidified though we have to focus our attacks for breakthroughs. We really needs to save our US mpps as we sorely need a new general in the field.

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Moved and then forgot to update the AAR

IN THE WEST - He killed off another one of my Ialian units. Bad. But I knocked off one of his UK jets which is very good for me.

IN THE EAST - Like aesopp said our lines are very fluid. But I have the upper hand in that I can afford the losses and he cannot. He has large holes now in his lines and he is cut in two in Russia. He still drives for Lenigrad and has approached the city in north of it. My drives are in the south. He lost another couple of URRS units this turn which will be hard for him to replace.

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In the east, managed to kill a panzer formation and had to withdraw from my adventure into Finland. I am bleeding heavily in USSR.

In the west, success! We are going to liberate Amsterdam the next turn but it was costly. Another success! We have taken Hamburg by amphib!

He now has to redraw his resources in Russia to meet the western threat!

I think Papa Smurf is kaput! He got aggressive with his navy and positioned it far north of UK waiting to ambush me which he did for one battleship. But he left Hamburg open.

How are you going to handle this setback Papa Smurf?

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aesopo, don't get us wrong, there's nothing more us veterans would like to see but another new strategy evolve. We're just jaded into believing we've tried'em all. But with USSR cut in half, remember that Kansas song,.... do you hear it now, ever so softly as the breeze builds into a gale.

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It has come to this. His strategy is now throwing lots and lots of UK and US corps all over the place. All along the coasts, into the baltic, north sea coast. I hate that sort of stuff. Ok, if that be it.

I kill off a crusier of his that comes into the Baltic with a mass of corps.

I kill off several more of his units in Russia.

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Very hard pressed in the east. I had to retreat my northern front. Lunged in the southto distract him.

Attacked Amsterdam - corps unit reduced to one. No air attacks as we need to reorg. Mine captured in france. First French Corps was enlisted. France up to 78 mpps.

Why getting desperate Comrade Trapp? He had his navy and air deployed elsewhere, why not take advantage of it?

What is your German mpp now Curry?

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IN THE EAST - lines finally becoming more stable. He pulled back in the north. He makes a small counter in the south. I kill off one corps and encirle another. In the north kill off another corps that was encircled.

IN THE WEST - Lines also becoming more stable. I have pulled back to the Rhine. Pulled corps down to 1 out of Ansterdam to save it. He has two corps in and around Kiel now cut off.

IN AMERICA: Normally I dont do this often. But he is doing it to me by sending corps that really have no chance of supply and are used just as commando units to take a city. So I landed an Ialian corps in American and have taken the southern most oil well.

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Lines are getting more stable in the east and the west. We linked up again in the east and USSR is not cut in half anymore. He pulled back some of his airfleets in the east to meet the western threat.

We liberated Amsterdam. More mpps for us!

We now have two French Corps in the west, freeing valuable USA units from garrison duties.

We can easily deal with the fly that landed on the USA's backyard as he has no support and is surrounded right away.

Our forces around Hamburg grow a little bit more and we bring in close air support.

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Originally posted by aesopo123:

Isn't this looking grim for Papa Smurf?

Not really, considering he still controls a large majority of the neutrals, I suspect the loss of France has only put a minor dent in his MPP income.

Congrats on linking up with the Southern USSR though. Although I fear it is only prolonging the inevitable.

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He has really pushed me in the west. But my lines seem to be holding along the Rhine. However, let it be known the reason for this is due to Tech. I have never seen the American's do so well with Tech in a game. They are at AT level 4 and Jets level-4. I dont know where he got the resources to invest so much or he has just been very lucky. Even though I got level two with my one chit for Italy in AT his level 4 AT is a killer. Same is true for his Russian units which also have a high AT level.

In the west I do hold the line and also destroy one of his Level-4 US jets.

In the east the lines are now stable. I destroy two more Russia Corps. I am estimating that he is only getting between 130 to 145 MPP points a turn for Russia.

[ June 19, 2004, 08:58 AM: Message edited by: Curry ]

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We are really hurting in the east and we are just trying to hold on. He is not a doing a full front advance though.

In the west, we have broke through the northern line but it has cost us dearly. A german amphib is seen at the northern part of UK.

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I'll take you on anytime, anywhere but I am on a router that doesn't allow me to host. If you'll host that would be great! I'll take you on as soon as I ge tongue.gif t killed by Curry or vice-versa.

Gosh, I never thought I would be so popular or viled so much for going against your playbook! I do really make a good villian. I was insistent that my strategy would work very well against the AI on hard level plus two experience for the AI. It would have some merits against an experienced player but not all the time especially if your human opponent knows what you are doing.

This game still has bugs and you do know how to take full advantage of it (isn't that gamey?!). My hats off to you on that maestro. Hopefully, with SC2, it would be more of a display of military prowess than mere gamey gimmicks.

Our current game should finish by next week as we have reached the critical point. So if you want, we can start one on Saturday morning 9:00 PST. tongue.gif

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