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"MasterReichKiller" AAR Aesop verses Curry


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Trying to consolidate USSR defensive lines. Papa Smurf making quick inroads into Russia. Finland likely to join the smurf huns by next round.

Ireland falls.

I have to get ready. Va-va-voom!

Churgargamelchill suffers constipation.

King George gives him royal super strength ex-lax and a roto-rooter to boot.

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Ireland Surrenders but the Smurfs vow to free the Irish and allow them to enter the Smurf Love Fest.

Russian invasion continues, Riga falls. In the south the Axis armies and corps cross the southern river. The Russians seem to have pull backed. I like that Papa Smurf was said to say.

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He-he so goes the peanut gallery.

The allies have finally caught up with Germany's tech advantage and even surpassed them in some areas.

Papa Smurf is taking a measured advance into Russia and seems to have pulled off some of his air support from the eastern front. It appears that Papa Smurf is afraid of getting spanked right away in France.

But Stalin cooes him again and his bloated ego, please come into my house and let's play.

USSR is entrenched and ready for the first defensive line.

The allies are starting their build-up in the west.

Iraq was invaded and will fall the next turn. Darn spaghetti eating facist Mussolinis! This opens the southern front into Russia.

All of the facists are cheering for their idol Papa Smurf while the defenders of democracy are utterly silent...We shall overcome the facist smurf idealogy and cancel their show! :mad:

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Iraq falls. More MPP's for the German lead Smurf alliance.

Karkov surrounded and the two southern mines behind the southern river are taken. He does not defend the southern river line. That is a key mistake in Papa Smurfs thinking.

Masterreich killer stategy is to pull back. I think that is a big big mistake. Those Russian cities I take shall never be given back.

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"Karkov surrounded and the two southern mines behind the southern river are taken. He does not defend the southern river line. That is a key mistake in Papa Smurfs thinking."

OMG eight ball in the side pocket, 15 turns may have been a grossly exaggerated over estimate on my part. :confused:

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Papa smurf slowed his advance into Russia and has definitely pulled air assets out to watch out for overlord.

Trade space for time, reorg, strengthening forces.

He is now starting to understand this cat and mouse game. I am the mouse and he is the cat chasing me deeply into my hole; however, the dog is on his tail and about ready to bite.

We are getting ready to rock but Papa Smurf sees my plan and he is reinforcing France.

Why not take the plunge? Papa smurf fathoms the strategic nuance of my plan and is reacting accordingly.

Level 12 infantry for Russia now and he is also almost ready to bite back. The mousee becomes the mouser.

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Both Kharkov and Leningrad fall. Lenigrad pounded by many air units and a carrier as Papa Smurf sent his air north to take Lenigrad. Kharkov in the south also could not hold out being attacked from all six sides and with a small amount of Jets-3. Smolensk attacked but the axis units do not cross the key "four hex" space in front of Moscow. Instead units are seen moving south and north.

In a key development Papa Smurf shows off his two Heavy bombers in Iraq. As they begin to pound the Russian oil fields from Iraq.

All quiet on the western front. Italian units seen moving in France taking up key defensive positions.

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I think the problem many of us have with your strategy is it may work against the AI but it will not work against a human.

1. In France its best to hold out as long as possible. The longer the better. When I was a rookie I even tried to just pull out as many French units as I could. That is a rookie mistake in my view.

2. As Allies its best to try to delay the Axis and keep pestering the axis as much as possible. The danger of course is a Sea Lion invasion of England by doing too much of it. That is the risk I think you have to take to try to delay the Axis. But its best not to just sit idlely by and allow the axis to do whatever he chooses. Even if you do everything right the Axis still has the advantage, but if you do nothing then you are giving him a huge advantage.

3. In Russia I use to pull back quickly, now I never do. I try to have the Axis fight for any hex that has a MPP value. Always trying to delay the axis as best I can. I always try to hold the southern river line (The Dnipro I believe)at all costs. You can make a solid defense line in the south along the river and then up to the marshes. Too many rookies give up the southern defense too quickly in my humble view. Once the Axis can get past that line in the south there is not much geography that is going to stop them until the next river and Stalingrad. It then becomes 1942 all over again and the Germans march over the Russian Steeps.

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What did I tell you aesopo123, you pull your defensive lines back too far too soon like that, you'll end up being overwhelmed by a massive amount of Axis MPPs.

Not to mention, the fall of Leningrad gives the Germans a nice little supply line in Northern Russia.

Two questions:

1) Has Finland entered yet?

2) Has Gibraltar fallen yet?

Good game so far guys.

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Comrade, No Finland has not yet entered. Should soon. Gibralter has fallen.

SeaMonkey - I understand. I am moving so fast in this game I cant do it any faster than I am. Lenigrade was in my plans as I like to take it for supply in the north and for MPP points. But I have enough units where it does not affect what I am doing in the south. In the south so far my biggest enemy is the distance to cover.

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Not much to report,

Sev is surrounded on three sides and entrenchment is taken down to 0.

Axis units continue to move north and south but stay away from Moscow.

Bombers in Iraq continue to pound Russian oil fields.

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