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Breaking News : Stallone Rambo, First Blood Part II >>> Decision made, I'm BACK !


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AP Press (Boise, Idaho) --- Monday August 11, 2003, it's official, Rambo is back! Quoting Jon. J.,"It was a tough decision, I'm coming back to serve my country, not myself. The Forum has gone to the bottomless pit & they're sending me to Hell to clean it up. It's a long road when you're all alone."

But Jonny hasn't been all alone. Team-USA has provided much support via ICQ & e-mail. It has been exactly a year since the 2-Time-World-Champ has been a part of SC, and there's no better time to start the next mission: First Blood, Part II. "They drew first blood" is now a motto of the past. Here are the new positions:

"Sir, do we get to win this time?" -Jon Rambo

"I want what they want: For our country to love us as much as we love it, that's what I want" -Jon Rambo

"How will you live, Jon?" -Col. Trautman

"Day by day." -Jon Rambo


Lucky Zebra --- Thank goodness you're banned, a waste of time & a waste of life.

Punniworth --- I've read alot of your posts, it seems like you're searching for an identity, be yourself.

IronRanger --- Still ringing the historical bell? I like the HistoryChannel, but don't force that on a game.

Terif --- Hey, can we play when it's 2:00 a.m. in DeutchLand? I'm starting off the Ladder, but I will rise my game to "Der Grosse Konig".

Zappsweden --- When I beat you, don't call me "Tursamma javel". Everytime I think of a new strategy it's either copied or banned.

CodenameClone --- I see you're back for fun, since I've started my 2nd Coming, how about you? Lets play & take it to the battlefield.

MadMatt --- There were some off line discussions about "Gay's in the Miltary" & "Gays in Z-League". Well I'm NOT giving my opinion, I'm going to follow your take

Madmatt said: That is the law.
Where I live, Sodomy is against the Law. Therefore playing SC in Idaho against a Sodomite is against the Law. I will follow the Law.


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