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Installing Mods


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Afternoon everyone! :D

Just like to comment first on what a great game this is. I have a couple of observations/questions...as u do.

I read somewhere in the topics about the peace negotiations that pop up and end the game so I will give a quick report on what happened to me.

Played as the Axis from 39, built the Axis subs up

and generally looked after the Italians.

I didn't invade Russia, just kept them at bay and was planning to in late 46...my game ended in early 46.

Sent subs into the Med and Atlantic to the point I could invade England after taking out the Allied navy.

I then feinted with a landing in the north then got ashore in the south and the the message "Allies enter peace negotiations" came up and the game ended. so I guess that is a victory?

Funnily the game was saved automatically and I started to play again........from April 46 but stooped to download some Mods, which leads me to my second observation/question.

I am particuarly interested in the Mod campaign

"Cold War" I downloaded this and other mods, installed them into the Campaign Folder went to play and.......nothing, couldn't play anything had to uninstall everything a couple of times before a success, in at least getting the original S.C. to play.

My question is about installing Mods. Is there a particular path you must follow and are the patches necessary to download a Mod.

Any help would be appreciated

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Thnxs for the replies, to be honest I'm not sure about the patches, I haven't downloaded any.

I've written to Naravan at 5 Star.......they have the Cold War Mods.....no reply so far and there is no instructions on how to install their mods.

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