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AAR - Terif - Dragonheart 2nd Game


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As this is our regame according PL-Rules i m allied this time with 225 BID (1:5:20)

DOW and Landing rule + AA rule

Short report what happend so far.

- Poland surrendered turn 4(no breakthrough)

- Denmarc on turn 3

- LC turn 2

- Subs did some damage on one carrier

- France was very annoying for me

Axis had an early breakthrough through wood hex but i could fight back with help of french HQ and saved the day....in some counters i managed to kill 1 tank and 3 corps and damaging other units.

Everything was running fine but then i did one bad mistake killing a corps outside Paris leaving my tank with 9 strengh...Terif took this chance and managed to kill my tank in paris. (7july40)

Result was very bad for me

-tangier corps not saved 125

-4 british corps not saved 500

-1 british army not saved 250

-1 french army not saved ~100

-paris fell 1 or 2 turns earlier

-due to earlier fall could not repair the 1st saved french army and could not sell my hq

-early loss of the two frechn cities+ports

Total MPP loss of this action was app. 1250 MPP

Well there are alot of things caused due to this mistake...until this point it was a great france defence....

The following things were the usual procedere....vichy,norway,sweden,spain,yugo,med,etc...nothing special as i had not the ressources to intervene.

The only thing to mention is that i tryed a new thing called "Kill the IRA" :D its simple that i did not take Irland but trained my carriers on the city...but this thing is too costy to pay off...so dont do the same ;)

Now we are a couple of turns before barbarossa and Terif had endless time to prepare...guess what will be the outcome tongue.gif

Well everything will depend on my russia game this time ...maybe i should use my sombra tactic ;) hehe but against Terif?

Well we will see but dont expect me to win every time ag Terif...i m happy to win every 20th game.

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seems other players are reaching the optimum here ... terif was the first to do that, this is the fact behind his quasi-invincibility.

Probably other players come close to the point where their gameplay is maxed out - this should be a time when luck and combat roll matter a lot.

Good knowledge of game mechanics, optimized strategies, focus and patience are the tools of terif - DH is close to this as well, probably between them is only a matter of experience now.

I would place my bets on terif for at least 1-2 months from now on ;)

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Barbarossa starts in December 1941:

All 9 border armies, cruiser, 2 AFs and both russian tanks destroyed or cut off. The 3rd AF survives 2 airstrikes. Germany shows jets 2, LR 2, AT 2.

Everything quiet in the West, USA joined some turns ago. Allies DoWed Portugal and Iraq before Barbarossa. Greece surrenders to Germany.

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April 19, 1942 (4rd turn Barbarossa):

Minsk and central mine conquered, german forces reach Leningrad - heavy airbattles in the neighbourhood with 4 russian AFs (jets lv 1). Russia also researched at least AT lv 1. Russian forces retreat without much fights, so they are still in good shape - many russian armies, no tanks spotted.

Airbattles over Brest between 3 german AFs, 4 UK (lv 2 jets) and 2 US AFs.

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June 1942:

Axis conquers Leningrad, Smolensk, Kharkov and the mines north of Sevastopol. No airbattles any more, russian forces retreat without a fight and entrench behind the rivers in the east, only 1 german corps lost near Leningrad.

Siberians arrive


Still 3 airbattles each turn over Brest and carriers are training - USA reached jets lv 2. Besides this: everything´s quiet.

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July 1942:

Sevastopol under siege...the first real ground battles around Moskov without losses for both sides. The german AFs attacked the russian ones directly and therefore were not able to support the operations on the ground. In the heavy airfights 2 of the 5 russian AFs get killed. All 4 nations are at the same jet level (lv 2).


Allies finally liberate Brest. Axis forces retreat to Paris and Bordeaux.

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End of July 1942:

German army lost near Moskov, russian capital conquered in return. Russian and german soldiers are standing face to face - watching each other across the rivers in north and south. Only Rostov and Sevastopol under attack - they should fall next turn. Russia shows AT lv 2.


- US troops + HQ land in their bridgehead at Brest.

- USA reaches jets lv 3 and is now ahead in technology.

- italian transports at the US coast, several US armies and corps are standing at the ports, ready to embark towards Europe. Anti-tank lv 1 spotted. Italian cruisers and battleships bombard the US invasion forces before they can start to Europe.

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August 1942:

Rostov conquered, small russian counterattack at Sevastopol, so the fortress survives another turn since Germany has to deal with the attackers first. German tanks near Moskov move east - russian forces retreated after the loss of the capital.


- german AF lost...killed by a UK carrier, US forces are marching towards Paris/Bordeaux.

- Italian fleet still bombarding 4 US armies/corps in their homecountry as retaliation for the allied coastal bombardments in France

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August 23, 1942:

Sevastopol, Voronezh and Vologda conquered. Russia disbanded the last 3 AFs and is entrenching its armies in the Ural mountains and around Stalingrad.


- Allies killing some corps each turn, still 2 hexes away from Paris and Bordeaux, not enough ground units to move forward.

- USA: 4 US armies/corps go into transports heading for France. One army transport gets intercepted by the italian navy and sunk in the following turn. Italian transport outside Canada - 2 defenders spotted, so no landings will be made.

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September 1942:

Approaching Stalingrad - only minor battles in Russia.


- US reinforcements arrive in France, ground units now marching forward towards Paris and Bordeaux.

- Finally allied naval forces arrive at Canada/USA to protect their coasts. After light battles, the italian navy retreats towards Portugal - some ships and a transport damaged.

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