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Are people getting games opponents orgainised


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How many are putting challenges out now?

I would like to play Soll,as it is nice to play someone who i have absoulute confidence he wouldnt cheat,Infact everyone here seems to be out of thesame mold in that sense.

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I assume you are referring to me Titan, if so I would be happy to cross swords with you. I was going to wait till the game was playable TCP/IP but I may be convinced to do a PBEM. I have never done that but would give it a shot I think. I will have ample time to play so I plan on playing many games with just about anyone on these boards who so wishes. I should never run out of victims. :D

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Originally posted by Carl Von Mannerheim:

Aloid, when i get my game, i challenge you to a DUEL! How about a 1941 or 42 game. Ill let you pick the sides. So u can see how well The Finnish can do.


Ha, by now you've had Hubert inserting special code just for your version, just to get you to stop posting about the Fins!!! I envision half the map belonging to Finland at the games start! ;)

I'm certainly up for a go at PBEM. Email me when you get the game...


I'm not 14, I do care, I'm not lazy, I like purdy pictures of big tanks! :D

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