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New Strategic Command Discussion Board

Comrade Trapp

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To my fellow Battlefront.com SC Forum members

As we all know, things have not been going well on the SC Forum. For the past 2 months things have taken a turn for the worse, although when you look at it, things have been going down hill since June. In my opinion, it is the Battlefront.com moderators that are responsible for the downfall that we are going thru on the SC forum. They have been slowly driving the SC forum into the ground with their absolute enforcement of the rules that are too strict to begin with.

After the "SC community is dying" thread wasn't locked and we were allowed to post our concerns about the way things were going, I thought things were going to get better, and for about 2 weeks they did. But now within the last week, it seems they are at it again with the padlocks and the threats of banning members.

At this point, I don't see how the SC forum at Battlefront.com could revive itself, at least not until SC 2 comes out. We have made an attempt work with the Battlefront moderators, but unfortunately they won't meet us half way.

Now for the good news.

For the past 4 days I have been talking with a few of our "Veteran/Core Members" and we have come up with the idea of creating our own discussion board based on "Strategic Command: European Theater". While the primary reason for this board is to discuss SC, discussions relating to any war game, historical topic, or political subject are welcome, this board is pretty much open to general discussion.

Our new forum came online yesterday morning and is now up and running. As I look at the features available on our new discussion board, I think this board will prove to be a lot better than the one provided by Battlefront.com.

Link to new forum (Strategic Command HQ): Strategic Command HQ

It is requested that you register under the same screen names you used on Battlefront.com.

Unlike the SC forum at Battlefront, this board will be run by the members. All major issues will be put to a vote (the board has a poll feature available) so everyone will have a say on how the board is run.

For the day to day operation of the board, I have asked JerseyJohn and Shaka of Carthage to be moderators along with myself.

If anyone needs to contact me concerning the board, you can contact me via e-mail at JTrapp04@comcast.net or you can contact me via ICQ (217469683). Also, the discussion board has a Instant Messaging service, feel free to IM a moderator at any time.


Comrade Trapp

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The new site has gotten off to a great start.

It's existence will have a positive effect for the Battle Front site as discussions which would have been considered off topic over here are perfectly acceptable on the new site.

Also, the sites in no way conflict with each other. I've been posting at both, along with several other mainstays, and intend to continue doing so.

Everyone is invited and everyone is encouraged to post at both Forums, just bring your off topic or non-Battle Front related ideas to the new site, and post here as usual with material which is within the Battle Front framework.

Naturally, the new site neither encourages nor will tolerate negative activities.

The main difference is, as no commercial product is directly affiliated with the new site, people posting there will have a lot more freedom to say what they want to without fear of compromising a product.

Hoping to see everyone appropriately active at both locations. smile.gif

[ October 25, 2003, 11:14 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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There's nothing wrong with this forum except you have to stay within Battle Front's Commercial limits. Which is fine, if I had a product and a site to promote it I'd have exactly the same philosphy as Battle Front. And I don't think the moderators are tyranical, but sometimes the confines and the posts clash and that leads to locked threads and hard feelings.

So -- if you want to post something that doesn't quite fit within the SC Forum limitations try the new site. If you've got something to say that is within Battle Front's guide lines, especially directly pertaining to game play or mechanics, then you should say it here.

Comrade has over a thousand posts here and I've got a few more than that, neither of us would have racked up those totals if we didn't like the SC Forum.

Post in both if you'd like. I do and plan to continue doing so.

[ October 26, 2003, 12:00 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Battlefront THE site for official SC stuff.

But I think I will spend most of my time over on the new site, I am a lounge type of wargamer.

I don't make mods, I am not into statistical disertations, and I doubt I will be writing up long diatribes on the perfect gambits soon.

I am just a player of SC, nothing more.

And I discuss wargames.

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As originally posted by CC Baxter:

This is truly a momentous day! The lunatics have taken over the asylum! ;)

As a one who has had some collateral experience with Asylums, which surely will come as no surprise to many of the similar-minded (oops... almost said SINGLE minded) members, I would caution: sometimes that can be good, and sometimes... not so wonderful. ;)

Depending on the Gestalt, but of course.

Most popular games have alternative sites, usually called "unofficial official" fan-type sites and the like.

So, no surprise that there would also be another place for SC folks to go, no? ;)

Remains to be seen just how expertly and with what degree of IMPARTIALITY they might have at the other place.

Could be that they will end up... EQUALLY as confining, only in a completely different way, we'll soon see.

Seems to me that there is often a good and sufficient reason to have DISINTERESTED and non-participating "moderators."

Who would be fair, without that certain... ummm, normal human tendency toward... clumping up together and finally deciding on some special... EXCLUSIVITY.

Who would not care to closely examine anyone's pedigree or extra-special qualifications.

And so, will it turn out to be the case, yet again, where another well-meaning place would, quite innocently and slyly, but of course, KEEP OUT!!! those who they think are... not... QUITE... closely akin, or aligned?

Well, and once again... we'll see.

I don't agree that the Moderators on Battlefront have been unduly out of line, if that is the main complaint.

Surely there should be some off-topic inter-play among members, and I have said so on this board. How could I not? Since I do very much enjoy elaborating and expanding on topics that pique my interest, in a kind of spontaneous, free-wheeling way.

Some don't care for that, or RATHER: they don't care for it unless THEY themselves are the ones who are straying away, whatever unique form that might take, yes?

Like everything else, EACH individual has their very own pet peeves and personal "likes and dislikes," and some will chafe or be annoyed or even disgusted at a comment, whereas some others will not.

Who can say? Just what is relevant to living happily and well, in this extremely brief life?

Easy to say... just go with the flow and be tolerant, so that YOU yourself might be better tolerated, but as we know... some threshold can be reached that would UPSET one person, whereas most others are hardly bothered.

As for allowing other game advertisements, Battlefront has every right to be restrictive, if that's their particular policy.

However, if I owned a company (... and, I have) I WOULD allow mention of other games, but, NOT other directly competing companies. A fine line, well, maybe, but each business much make their OWN calculations. ;)

[ October 26, 2003, 12:27 PM: Message edited by: Immer Etwas ]

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Could be that they will end up... EQUALLY as confining, only in a completely different way, we'll soon see.

Seems to me that there is often a good and sufficient reason to have DISINTERESTED and non-participating "moderators."

Who would be fair, without that certain... ummm, normal human tendency toward... clumping up together and finally deciding on some special... EXCLUSIVITY.

Who would not care to closely examine anyone's pedigree or extra-special qualifications.

And so, will it turn out to be the case, yet again, where another well-meaning place would, quite innocently and slyly, but of course, KEEP OUT!!! those who they think are... not... QUITE... closely akin, or aligned?


I agree with you. If we end up exchanging one set of draconian rules for another then we will be back where we started and will have installed one group of "asylum wardens" for another. However it can only be a good thing for an alternate off-shoot of the SC community to exist, albeit if it seems to be the same people over at SC HQ as here. The only thing that worries me over at the SC HQ board is the welcoming of political discussions. Like religion politics is one of those subjects that gets people riled up and about which people refuse to back down.

Apart from that the SC off-shoot seems to be thriving and has many features lacking on this forum. I just wonder how long the "regulars" will continue to post here.I feel the lure of their own private idaho may prove to be too strong.

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Immer -- CC

Valid points all around.

First, regarding Draconian Administration.

The three administrators are Comrade, Shaka and myself. None of us are inclined to delete or edit anyone's posts or ban anyone from the site. Neither do I believe any of us have any desire to steer the site in a direction of our own choosing. I'm a little surprised, though not in an antagonistic way, but surprised all the same, that this would even be considered. For my part there was a very simple reason for accepting a 1/3 role in this regard, I felt certain I would never, except in dire extremes, exercise any of the powers entrusted to me. Dire extremes means someone pasting pornographic pictures, dumping wanton abuse on the other members and borderline psychotic things of that nature. I have no desire to be controled and even less desire to control others.

Having said that I'll add that I've got absolute comfidence in both Comrade and Shaka. As a matter of fact, any thoughts along those lines regarding these gentlemen never entered my mind.

As for the Battle Front SC Thread, I believe the regulars will definitely continue to post here. Further, I think this thread will have a resurgence and become much more active than it is now.

Why? Because this is where new members sign up and learn about the game. Older members will always be at hand to help out and the process will be an ongoing one. What they will no longer see here is a lot of controversial discussions being locked up -- the people interested in those issues will mainly be the guys who have posted here a while, and they will have a sense of what should be discussed here and what should be discussed at the new site.

It's a win -- win situation.

Should I ever become tyranical as a moderator please feel free to let me in on the hows and whys. I'd say with confidence that Comrade and Shaka feel the same way.

As always, I want to add that I don't think the moderators at Battle Front are tyrants. If they were we certainly would not be discussing this issue here at such great legnth. The special concerns these moderators have, which we don't have at the other site, gives them a more difficult task and it's easy to end up with misunderstandings.

Hopefully those problems will diminish now and we can all enjoy both locations.

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Hopefully those problems will diminish now and we can all enjoy both locations
My feelings exactly.

Keep the strictly SC stuff here and do the silly talk at the new site.Everybody will benefit.

Hey, I even hope Hubert,Moon and Madmatt will visit the new forum.

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Like Jersey said, none of us have any desire to have absolute power over the new board.

One of the reasons there are 3 moderators is so no one mod would have complete control. Any decisions made have to be discussed by at least Jersey, Shaka, and myself. The only time anyone of us would take action alone would be if a member started spamming the board or making hateful and threatening remarks to other members and it was absolutely necessary to take action immediately. Even then it would be put to vote afterwards.

Also it states in the Strategic Command HQ - Terms of Use that any major issues concerning the board would be put to a vote using the poll feature. This is policy.

Major issues like banning a member or anything else that would substantially effect the board. In fact, in a few days, there will be a vote to approve the Terms of Use which all members can participate in.

Everything I have posted up above is the backbone of the new board, it is one of the reasons why it was created.

Comrade Trapp

[ October 26, 2003, 02:23 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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Agreed entirely; that's been the understanding and was decided upon before the site was even created.


Exactly -- Great Points!

When I said Everyone in an earlier posting, it was with Martin, Hubert and Madmatt in mind. I didn't want to put them on the spot by mentioning them specifically, but I'd honestly enjoy seeing them participating at the other site.

Things are more free-wheeling over there and I've already taken the liberty of lampooning a few things at that site. I'm sure those involved will know it wasn't done in a malicious manner and, hopefully, they'll get a chuckle or two in the bargain.

Taking it a step further, I know Martin has a good sense of humor and, should he choose to post there, I'd greatly enjoy seeing it at the site. If it's in my direction that's perfectly all right and I'm sure I'd enjoy it.

-- Okay, perhaps I wouldn't enjoy it that much :D , but I'd still welcome his posting there.

It reminds me of something I saw when I was ten and touring a US Navy destroyer with my father. Two sailors were scraping paint. I stopped a moment to watch -- we did a lot of painting at my house and it was really just curiosity to see if they did any differently from the way we did it. One of the sailors gave me a sidways smirk and asked the other what he planned to do after they finished. The other sailor said, "Oh, I don't know, probably go tour some U.S. Navy ship somewhere!"

[ October 26, 2003, 02:38 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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I'm a little surprised, though not in an antagonistic way, but surprised all the same, that this would even be considered.
It's just human nature to consider all the possibilities and likely outcomes when presented with a new situation. I didn't mean to imply that the new board will turn into the plaything of you and your follow moderators. I'm sure it won't.

For my part there was a very simple reason for accepting a 1/3 role in this regard, I felt certain I would never, except in dire extremes, exercise any of the powers entrusted to me
Jersey this is the position of a dyed in the wool monarchist! smile.gif The powers you hold you do so as a way of stopping those powers falling into the hands of others who may abuse them. The Queen would heartily concur. smile.gif
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"God Save The Queen, I say God Save The Queen already !!"


Thanks C.C. I do generally believe that power corrupts, as that old adage goes, absolute power corrupts absolutely! I also believe that the person corruped would be the last person to realize it!

Sorry if I seemed a bit defensive on that point, I didn't intend to be, just wanted to emphasize the reasons why that wouldn't happen.

And I don't feel it's happened here; the new site isn't about rebellion, it's about filling a necessary function which will benefit this site as well.

I've always felt I was born on the wrong side of the Atlantic. Probably I am a monarchist. I'd like to try being, say, a Grand Duke , so I'd know for certain. But with my luck I'd get it at the exact moment the Bolsheviks started ransacking the Palace! :D

I've got to admit I still get a chill out of those faded old film clips of Royalty marching at Queen Victoria's, or her son Edward's funeral. In a former life I was probably a useless member with a title who got to lounge around and bitch about the lazy unwashed over a cognac -- hey, I can dream!

[ October 27, 2003, 12:18 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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