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Interesting Games Against AI


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After just posting in the most recent AI thread, I got the idea to share some recent games I've found that might be interesting to those who play against AI, and who are looking for new challenges.

1. Play Overlord scenario as Allies, set Expert +2. You must win by May, 1945 or lose the war. If this is too tough, give Allies +4 or +5 Strategic Bombers using the scenario editor. (If you go this route, be sure to invest in long range aircraft...)

2. Play Kursk as Allies, Expert +2. You must win by May, 1945 or lose the war. This is great fun, because you must defend Russia against a suddenly very tough German army.

Happy hunting to All!


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Most players including myself find games on Expert +2 to be skewed too much with the experience effect. Intermediate/Expert +1 offers a decent challenge, but often not enough to overcome some of the inherent AI weaknesses. Sort of like the Goldilocks dilemma - one setting is usually too tough and the other isn't tough enough. And that's been a problem with all the scenarios that are relatively balanced for hth play but can't be played well against the AI expect on the higher settings.

I've been playtesting a new 1941 winter counter-offensive scenario that I hope to release soon. Something I've been experimenting with is separate scenarios for Axis and Allied AI, by giving the major powers an extra research point each. This provides the AI a subtle and long term bonus rather than extra units or MPPs at start. I played one game as Allies on Intermediate +1 with Axis getting extra chits and the endgame was similar to my Expert +2 game, so this may be worth applying to other scenarios. This is also something that's easy to edit yourself.

Any other AI tricks out there?

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If I am playing a 1939 Game against the AI as allies and the Russians have turned the tide I normally declare war against all other neutral countries - Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Vichy, Greece and Turkey.

This gives the Axis a serious MPP boost, prevents the entry of the US into the war and the AI operates units from Spain, Switzerland, Greece and Turkey to Germany to form a wall going North to South to block the Russian advance. A Turkish corps even advanced on an ungarrisoned Iraq.

The only problem is that at the same time the AI operates all German HQ units to Rome, Athens and Istanbul and starts operating HQ units between these three cities needlessly burning up MPPs and not supporting German units defending Berlin, even though there are no other German units in Italy, Greece or Turkey.

Also, in a recent game against the AI at Expert +1 the Italian AI reached Level 5 Jets but did not reclaim its investment in technology.

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PS: I normally give Norway (garrisoned with 2 corps)to the Axis in the Editor.

If you have Turkey and Iraq join the Axis in the editor then their armies will attempt to take Egypt after France falls It makes for a much more interesting game as Allies.

[ September 20, 2003, 08:02 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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This is horrible, you're talking about situps and lovehandles when the rest of us are talking about ..., uh? ... anyway, you're not getting in the spirit of things.

Aside from which we're very glad you caught your pirate in the bathtub, be careful not to stab yourself -- sorry, I mean don't stab the pirate.

If people choose to play against the AI rather than a human they are entitled to do so without suffering denegrading comments, especially from someone who chooses to play with himself rather than the AI -- Uh, you know what I mean.

[ September 21, 2003, 02:05 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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If I am playing a 1939 Game against the AI as allies and the Russians have turned the tide I normally declare war against all other neutral countries - Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Vichy, Greece and Turkey.
Edwin P. that's an interesting solution. Simple. I might not declare war against everyone, but Spain and Turkey could help either the Axis or Allied AI. I like that. :cool:

Kuniworth, aren't you on forum probation or something? Recommend you keep your stupid comments to yourself unless you have something witty and intelligent to say. It wasn't so long ago that you were still trying to figure out how to conquer Poland in less than 4 turns. If you do possess any wit or intelligence, you have yet to demonstrate it here on this forum. :rolleyes:

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About the AI being an "inferior" opponent:

The annals of military history are filled with stories of overly conservative generalship, poor strategic planning, and lack of foresight.

Folks who are looking for a greater degree of "realism" should consider whether the plodding approach of AI doesn't actually simulate some of the inept generalship exhibited in real life.


Bill Macon raises an excellent point about the Expert +2 setting. It makes for an exceedingly slow game in the early scenarios because the MPPs mount very slowly--losses take a long time to replace.

But in later scenarios the Allies have great numerical superiority, and can concentrate large numbers of units to destroy indiviual AI units.

The trick becomes to maneuver units around to get them in position to ambush a +2 AI unit. It's a fun challenge for fans of maneuver warfare.

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additional thing i do as allies (39 campaign)

a) set Russia to neutral

B) give axis swe + nor + greece

( since the AI wont attack these anyway)

c) instead of a) set US to neutral

axis AI attacks russia (on neutal) depending on

the outcome of france , i.e. if you hold it,

chances are low that they attack them,especially if US is allready in war.

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