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Can Allies Recover from A Sea Lion?

Edwin P.

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If most of the Axis troops are still either in the UK or en route to eastern Germany when Russia joins the war, then I have seen some very interesting situations arise which made me glad that we had carried on the games.

In one, the Russians were battling hard to break through to a still allied Yugoslavia, and for a while they had the Romanian army totally cut off from German help. The Germans had trouble maintaining their own front line around Warsaw and Konigsberg, while trying to assemble a force to capture Belgrade and break through to Bucharest.

It was great fun, and while the end result is probably never in doubt once the UK has been conquered, the allied player should continue fighting until the Axis really have got a visible edge in Russia.

The only hope for the allies would be that the Germans send so many troops east that the US can invade either France or the UK. I did at one point strip the UK a little too bare, so it is an eventuality to be borne in mind.

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The real question is what's the military and economic balance when USSR and USA enter. If UK surrenders, Germany gets plunder but not that many production MPPs from England. USSR can be very formidable with their 480+ MPPs if they're on the offensive and not withering under the blows of Barbarossa. If UK manages to hang on and not surrender, if only long enough for American reinforcements to arrive, then Germany would find itself in a very bad situation trying to fight a two-front war.

Sealion must not only be successful, it must force UK surrender soon enough to allow German forces to consolidate their defense of England against American landings and to relocate units to the east. If not, and Germany's units are worn out and Allies gain the MPP advantage, then Sealion may well turn out to be a Pyrrhic victory.

So players shouldn't automatically end a game if they get the UK Surrenders message. Play it out a bit and see if Axis can maintain the initiative. Like Bill101 said, you can get some very interesting situations. With a little luck, the Allies could recover and win.

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Like Pzgndr said: it depends on the overall situation, the time when Sealion takes place and the mpp income of both sides.

A Sealion is not an automatic win for Axis, in contrary: often it leads to their defeat even if they conquer England. From experience: I lost England in several games and still won the game - often because of the invasion ;) . But with England out of the war it will be a quite interesting game with a completly different war independent of the outcome smile.gif .

If Axis invades England early before it conquered the usual neutrals: Axis has good chances to get it - usually its not possible for England to stop an invasion if they lost a lot in France - but Russia and USA join very early too. Germany only gets 234 mpp with France and another 40 mpp from England (eventually +120 mpp from minors).

Perhaps Axis has more units, but Russia and USA gets a lot more mpp/turn and they have an excellent strategical position to grab some minors themselves (Finland, Turkey, Iraq, Sweden, Romania...)or invade Poland while Axis units are still busy in the west.

An Axis invasion after they conquered the neutrals and with their minors joined should be very difficult. England also should be grown strong during this time and a successful Sealion can only be possible if Axis throws everything to England and is therefore very weak in the east. Where Russia can advance.

Its always a balance of power. Axis can decide which side they can defeat: either they go to Russia, then they can conquer it. Or they go to England and take this country. But in the meantime the other allied side always has the possibility to grow strong and finally can/should be able to win the war on its own.

First measure for Allies when England is near to surrender:

- Canadian and/or US/russian units take and secure english colonies: Gibraltar, Malta, Egypt, Canada and other from England conquered cities. This way Allies still get the mpp after England surrendered, have a foothold in the Med and they can invade and take Iraq + Finland immediately.

Together with these ressources Russia and USA can easily reach around 800 mpp/turn - more than Axis...a good starting situation for the revenge smile.gif

[ February 08, 2004, 05:50 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]

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