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Arngrim vs Derek AAR Pbem


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Barbarossa executed. German units with light airsupport Roll forward, destroying and trapping Russian armies. Kriegsmarine pounds the coast.

Spain invaded light, no kills. Alexandria taken with heavy airsupport.

USA declares war.

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Heavy drinking tonight... AAR as follows, forgot the date, if Derek sends another turn tonight (22:56 here) I'll try to remember to popst it...

British bomber and three air with at least Jet 3, (fuzzy icons) bombard france, I gotta remember to relocate some air there, looks slihtky pelilous.. damn hickups, spwelling is hard...

Heavy airsupport and the glorious 10:th Italian army destroy a corps in Egypt, but plenty still there.

Malta Pinged, Italian naviy is soon elites all of them.

Germans rock on in the east, but no cities taken. I have the feeling I've forgotten something...

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September 7th 1941

Madrid holds out against 2 German Panzergruppen an Army and a Corps, Spains IV Corp attempt to releive Madrid from SE bogs down against experienced German troops.

Malta is again reinforced.

Middle East is standing by to be overun – orders are to fight to the death.

USSR reels from Barbarossa, heavy losses taken. Hastily formed Corp sized units are strung along a new defensive line running from Riga to Crimea. In the North Soviet forces launch a preventative strike on the Finns.


PS I was really hungover this morning - need to get to bed earlier!

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Axis HQ:"Hungover is no wxcuse, i'm drunk as we speak... type, play, ah whatwever..."

Ready for court tomorrow... don't ask

Yes, siortry: AAR:

Some date, slightly later than the ladst post everyone is at wer, so no matter really.

The horrifieng brits think that firebombing europe is a good iodea, musteva gotten that ftom their football fans. :D Russia declares war on the finns again! :rolleyes:

didsn't they get enough the last time? :(

but, in retrospect the ruyssian fleet runs north, which will... Iäll let tyou know latyer :confused:

british carrierts train on bergen, man, they gotta be pissed on that quislng guy.

Madrid is rtaken by

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Re´taken by some unit.

G+I Desert dorps training on french corps in Egypt, (need turn soonnor I'll drop) Naval battles inthe baltic sea, my army was ambushed by the bllody Russkies, will dstoybtheir navuy for revenge.

minsk taken, Kiev taken, Odessa surrounded. Idf Derek dioesen't send gis turn soobn he'll hav te fightr nme sober.

Germany rocks tonight!

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October 5th 1941

The Axis juggernaught continues to spread its evil across Europe – in Spain Madrid is taken, USSR Kiev falls and is burned to the ground to offer no shelter to the Hitlerite invaders, the Middle East cannot last much longer and Malta continues to be bombarded.

Soviet forces have formed a new defence line from Riga thru Smolensk and Kharkov to the Crimea – we pray that it will hold. The 1st Guards Tank Army swings into Finland and engages Finnish forces North of Leningrad. Soviet cruisers surprise German transports North of Stockholm, inflicting considerable damage, however a German surface group centred on Gneisenau and supported by U-Boats takes its toll.


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  • 3 weeks later...

November 2, 1941

With the Axis’s PC problems resolved hostilities continue.

The RAF pays visits to the French mining areas and Essen – French coal output reduced to nil and Essen working at 60% of usual production. The RAF suffers quite high losses to German Flak.

The Fleet Air Arm continue to bomb Bergen and in the Western Med Supermarine Seafires from HMS Glorious strafe an Italian submarine near Algeirs.

Malta continues to hold out.

The Italian XXIV corps is mauled by the Canadian 1st Army in Palestine but things look pretty bleak in M East (whats new)

In the East Soviet forces dig and prepare to defend a line Riga-Smolensk-Kharkov-Crimea. Meanwhile Oddessa holds out grimly against the Hitlerite invaders.


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Nov. 30 -41

Russia throws all armor and air against Finland who withdraws an reforms. RN is getting agressive. Dow Poryugal, who holds out with 2 pts remaining. Odessa taken. Attacks across the russian line, but no significant progress.

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RN is very active, Italian navy's got to do something about that soon. Airstrikes by RAF, costs them. Russia presses on in Finland. Portugal and Spain Surrenders, and the advance in Russia is moving too slow. Taskforce Beirut ir on the move though.

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Gibraltar evacuated. Heavy fleet bombardment in Spain, Portugal and Norway. Airstrikes in Spain, France and Norway. Russia Throws everything at Finland, iuncluding empy Vodkabottles. Allies manages to inflict heavy structural damage, but no units are lost.

The brave general push by the Germans in russia appears to have no effect whatsoever! Despite _very_ heavy airbombardment Riga continues to hold. Same story in Beirut. Gibraltar taken. A heroic commendo corps invades and takes Halifax.

German high command, horrified by the allied air orders resources into AA research.

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And good morning from Stockholm!

Turn? date? slightly hung over, forgot to note the dates again...

Russia destroys a Finnish corps, ah well...

RN hits Norway. RAF hits France and germany, bombing the resources to hell, but taking hits in return.

RN withdraws from Spain.

Beirut taken, Riga finally falls due to heavy pounding from the air. 1 russian air destroyd, vengeance for the finns!

Whole eastern front reinforced.

It is time to go on the offensive!

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May 3rd, 1942

Listening to the Stones, drinkin some nice German beer – my Karma is good! smile.gif

1st Up - Canada is taken back by those awfully nice American chaps and a Free French corp takes up station there to make sure that those nasty nazis don’t come back.

Meanwhile the RAF continue their policy of flattening things with highly successful raids on Essen and the French mining industry – casualties are negligible and both areas are at zero production. Up North at Bergen my “Top Gun” navy fliers have ground a German Corp down to 20% strength – way to go guys!

Whilst I’m typing I got “Iriswebcam.com” you know “hi I’m Iris and if you give me your credit card details you can look at my ….” Anyone know how to block that stuff?

Anyway – in the East North of Riga a German Corps gets wiped out by some highly motivated Red Army Soldiers, plus as a bonus Red Army accounts for yet another Finnish Corp adjacent Helsinki – NICE!

Elsewhere along the line the Red Army is dug in and expecting rain.

Have a nice day. smile.gif

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and Derek, that pint is a given!

Finnish corps killed. Canadian commano killed, RN hits Norway, RAF strikes producyion cenetrs, I need AA 'tech.

Italians find and sink stray Fench tranport.

Axis in Russia destroy a few corps, but no real progress yet.

Axis invade Iraq. unit destroyed, but city onoccupied.

Axis scientists work day and night, producing results!

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Late june? -42

Russia withdraws, and attacks in Finland. Filand now down to a glorious corps, and a German army. Relief is on the way.

RAF now has 2 bombers and 3 jets pounding german resources. I guess overlord is on the way. preparations are in the works.

RN pounds Norway.

Germany pushes on in Russia, and destroy e few units. Iraq expiditionary force reorganises.

Manstein is assigned to the defence of France.

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