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Fall Blau Tourney - Round Two


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In my last game in a league game i realized that sitting on my ass after the fall of moskau and recapturing paris is a bad mistake.

Unfortunately this game has begun after the tourney game, so i have to go on with this wrong tactic. Now i have no other choice but to defend. Next time when i play axis in Fall Blau i know what to do.

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At first I offered sevral times to Kuni but non matched his schedule. He has contacted me latly but I'm too busy for a game during the week days, and most weekends. I'm, and I think Kuni, are uninterested in a PBEM game, as as it stands now we have not played.

For a starter, Kurt how was the sides determined in the other game? If you fliped a coin could you do the same here, and tell us our flags?

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please amend the statement above to "Friendly Fire idiotically wanted to play the Allies"



It's all out war in the East centered around Kharkov. Axis take out an armored division, an army and a corps unit, the counterattack takes out an Axis armor and 2 corps... Axis enjoys strong air support with six L4 jets based in Russia. (I'm not sure what Dragon means by saying he has to defend, it sure looks like an offensive!)

Allies take Tobruk and raid Greece.

Port of Olso wrecked by American bombers stationed near Brest, with support from British carrier group.

UK navy supported by the RAF attacks German ship in the Brussels port, destroying it. One German air intercepts.

[ March 05, 2004, 09:01 PM: Message edited by: Friendly Fire ]

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the allies are gaining ground in the past few turns...

The Americans have liberated Norway and are pushing towards Stockholm. A line of corps defends the mines but they are outnumbered and outgunned by the US ground forces. The Germans fly in air units for the defense. It looks like a showdown in Sweden!

A US corps manages to sneak into an undefended Copenhagen, the Danes party long into the night.

In the USSR everything is dead quiet except for a few Axis air raids (just training, or warming up for another offensive?). Soviet commanders urge the front line batallions to remain vigilant.

In the Med, the UK fleet, having recently dispached the last of the Italian navy, trains against Greece. Tobruk to Bagdad is now commonwealth territory.

Over the past several turns there have been some air battles over France as the RAF tests the defenses.

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This game doesnt look good at all as i used my old axis tactic.....meanwhile i do it better but for this game its too late.

Many of my games i can turn, but if i can do this here is questionary. This would be my first loss outside panzerliga where i lost several times ag Terif, and one time ag zapp, since roughly 30 games. But let´s see.

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It's a trick! It's a trick! He has a huge force just waiting to crush the unsuspecting newbie! Don't believe it!

It's his evil plan - lure them into thinking they have chance, then stomp them! (we got stomped once in the LC you know!)

I know he has L4 heavy tanks hiding outside my scouting range in the USSR! (um, that would be all of two hexes since the Russian's don't know how to fly...)


[ March 08, 2004, 03:20 AM: Message edited by: Friendly Fire ]

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The Kuni vs Iron match has not started, and I fear it never will. For whatever reason we seam not to have fitting schedules. Kurt make the call, I will bow out to Kuni (or play the winer)if you wish or perhaps you should call the Dragon vs FF game a final - It's up to you and your fair judgement.

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That's why I play by email, no chance I can get a whole bunch of time in a row, let alone align it with somebody else! Why don't you guys at least start the game that way?

update on the match with Dragon

- Major air battles over Sweden. Axis has L5 jets, UK L4, USA L3. Most of the German air operates out of Finland, however one fleet left in Sweden is bombed and killed.

- The USA army secures the mines and re-enforces.

- Very light action in the USSR around Kharkov.

- In the Med the UK recaptures Malta and takes Tripoli (both undefended)

- Although things are going well for the Allies, the intellegence report shows that Germany has a huge numerical advantage in ground forces, this game has a ways to go!

[ March 10, 2004, 01:19 AM: Message edited by: Friendly Fire ]

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I will try to reach a draw in this game to force a repmatch...as i m interesed in the outcome what Kurt is arranging, so maybe the other game is starting to the same time like our second game ;)

Come on FF we have to speed up our game, finally we could be the slower semifinal. :eek:

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Hehe FF this was thought when you also think that this will be a draw and then we would be also behind schedule.........on your reaction i can see that you are still not sure to win.....dont forget you get at least 100 MPP more than me.

So take your time....we dont need to hurry. :D

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Ranger, I asked Kuni to start a PBEM with you. I also said that if he wanted to abandon the Tourney I wouldn't mind and that then you would go to the final.

I'll give him two days if he hasn't responded by then you'll be in the final playing Dragon or FF.

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Update on the semi-final in progress

US forces are moving in on the Swedish capital, now defended primarly by Italians. Most likely Stockholm will be abandoned next turn. A series of intense air exchanges have occured over the past month, with each side losing two air fleets. The USA and Germany are both at L5 jets. The German pilots and HQs are undoubtebly more experienced, but the Allies have the all important cash advantage.

In the USSR the Soviets are waging a war of attrition and probing for weaknesses. The Germans are fighting well and giving back as much as they take. Without air power a breakthrough is unlikely. USSR has AT4 and HT3. Axis air forces the HQs well back of the front lines. The front has been static for about a year.

UK forces capture Sicily in a lightning strike. There is no sign of Axis resistance to Allied expansion in the med.

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Lol ...whats the problem? I only have 5 units, only 1 of them is fully operable. But i have the impression your air is struggling too. You get arround 270 MPP more than me meanwhile...but maybe the wrong nation gets the cash :D . This longrange crap is sooooooooo expenisve.

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Update Turn 40

Axis contructed a trap for the carrier in the med and got him..now it should be more easy to defend italy. Allied ships flee.

Army tranport near the coast of finland....coast secured by axis forces.

Skirmishes at the russian Border but it´s still a stalmate. More German corps are sent there.

No sign of allied air obviously they prepare for the final blow.

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