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Not complaining ... really... well I AM a bit upset

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I just want to comment.

I was overjoyed when the cWiF news was released.

I was assuming the thread would not last too longish before being closed due to not being Scish. That, I would not object to overly much. I kinda expected it.

But to delete a link in a thread, just because it is in here and not General Dscussion, that sounds a bit, well unfriendly really.

It's not in the Forum rules stcky either. I checked. There is no comment "thou shalt not post links to other commercial wargaming sites other than Battlefront".

There is indeed no "rule" specifically prohibiting advertising that I know of.

And is acknowledging a discussion on a non Battlefront forum really that problematic to Battlefront?

I just want to go on record as protesting. Deleting the link was in my opinion entirely uncalled for.

I has soured my feelings about Battlefront yet again.

What is wrong here?

I know of no other forum in existence that can't tolerate the acknowledgement there might actually be other producers of wargames.

Was my link actually harming Battlefront that much?

No I am not going to sulk off. But it does indeed pour cold water on my desire to post now.

And if I end up going silent. It just means Battlefront loses out.

If all our best posters suddenly went silent, well it would definitely become public knowledge elsewhere, that the site was not a good place to meet.

New members? sure there will always be new members. No one person here is unreplaceable.

But it takes very little time for each new member to hear how straightjacketed the discussion is.

And that only means no one stays long.

If that is acceptable policy, I can't change that.

I wish I could though.

Lately Battlefront has been near the top of my list of places to go first.

I would rather it stayed there.

But people usually only go where they are welcome.

And I only feel welcome where I can discuss wargames with wargamers.

And there is indeed more to wargaming than SC.

It is inevitable that the SC community here is not going to aaaaaalways just have SC on their mind.

And no, I don't feel like posting n General Discssions. And yes you already know why.

It isn't an option in Les the Sarge's rules (sorry).

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There is a grey zone between discussing other games, and advertising other games. There are no hard and fast rules about what is what, often it's the presentation and the frequency.

I have deleted screenshots posted by somebody which had a company logo plastered all over them for example. Too much advertising. You posting a link to a commercial site might have been ok in the General Forum once, but if you had repeated it, or if it was prominent (like an extra large type font, or, like you have done, starting a post with it right on the top), I might have removed it anyway.

But be it as is, an off-topic post in this forum is not tolerated, advertising or not. I would have moved it to the general forum, but since you said you have no interest in posting there, I simply locked the thread. And I am locking this one as well now.

Since you know the rules of this forum very well, you will be banned next time you choose to disregard them openly.

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