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The match of the century we all been waiting for...


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Bullwinkle --- "Why would you do that"?........Let me think.........You like competition & would get some satisfaction in a long shot victory.........Let me think...........this is a Forum about Strategic Command so actually playing the game is what people do here.

That's right, you'd rather sit on your computer chair thinking to yourself: the world would be a better place if everybody like Bullwinkle.

Answer to your question: Get some motivation old man.

If there are any other pointers you need regarding SC or about life, just ask.


[ July 18, 2003, 08:01 AM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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OK Rambo, let me spell this out for you.

I'm going to play SC against you. To what end? I win, so what? You win, so what? This proves nothing and means nothing.

Aside from which you have a severe ego problem which makes you obnoxious. Why would I want to play against someone like that? Even the AI has a better personality than you do, so I will stay with the better choice.

See ya later, "King Of The Universe".

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Bullwinkle --- That's what I thought, typical Liberal response about competition. Nah, I'm not the "King of the Universe"; but I'm a dude that challenges people to a game. You sit at home & enjoy the lame A.I. Better yet, go get your Panzer General game off the shelf & play that A.I. where the pieces don't even move.

To what end you ask? You sound like this a degenerate gambler thing who won't quit until they win. Don't make it more than it would be; just a game. Oh well, go turn on "TV Land" & watch those old re-runs, then fight the A.I.

Remember, competition is the root of Capitalism.

"Get a sack" --- Rambo 3:23

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