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The AFD research category


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We have all touched on this in past threads, now let's get definitive. To add to the complexity of comtemplation, replayability and for us to have an endless discussion about the idiosyncracies of, I would like to propose the new randomly available research category known as "The Armed Force Doctrine". Being only known by the developer, various levels of the basic research categories should randomly(%)open this category to the player for additional MPP investment. The choices for this randomly accessed category could be something like "Naval-air Doctrine", Combined Arms Doctrine", Ground Force Mobilty Doctrine, Air defense Doctrine, etc. etc. For example: When a player reaches AA level 2 in addition to level 2 Gunlaying Radar and Rockets level 2, the reporting screen has a % chance to enact the "Air Defense Doctrine" for potential investing. Acquiring a level in this specific doctrine would have certain benefits to certain unit types and resource hexes and may require additional investing MPPs for deployment. Of course all this is random and known only to the developer(HC in this instant)to be figured out by the players....us. This will create an almost endless stream of theories, conjectures and conclusions for discussion as well as contributing to the infinite level of replayablity......all for SC2.

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Here's the deal guys, this thread is just like the atomic bomb option and any others that promote the "Hope" manifestation. If you are the God of SC you should win 90+% of the time, but there should always be that small % chance that even a novice could knock you off. No matter how far the game has eroded into "no chance" to win, there could always be that fractional opportunity that if the right elements just happen to combine, then the game can become a contest again. Isn't this how it is in real life, that one lucky punch in the championship fight, that one ricochet football to Franco Harris and he runs for the touchdown, and what do you tell yourself when you lay out the bucks for that lotto ticket. The game mechanics should take advantage of human nature, if its a game for the ages,... and we know SC is perched upon that precipice.

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Well of course Shaka that is a concern, but knowing what a good programmer HC is I'm sure this variable multiplication factor could be somewhat subdued. Besides it seems even now that a lot of the upgrades in tech seem to come a tad bit soon in SC, not that I disagree, but in comparison to reality of the WW2 theater. Another possibility is the advent of AFD levels could open up different enhancements(many examples in previous threads) other than what we are familiar with presently, obviously to the obscurity of the users.

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Without stating the obvious,.....OK I'll state the obvious....If AFD should be introduced as a research category dependent upon the combination of basic tech levels, it will relegate the importance of all the basic research categories to be equitable. No longer will the "cookie cutter" moves of Jet research or LR, or AT be more important than the others.

[ March 30, 2004, 05:02 PM: Message edited by: SeaMonkey ]

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