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Amphibious Research Tech


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I thought of this last night, and want to bounce it around the forum. Excuse me if something similar has been discussed before.

We all have seen large scale invasions in SC that could not have been conducted in reality. German large scale landings in Russia anyone? So I propose a new tech that would lend reality to the situation as well as add a bonus to anyone that placed a lot of MPP's into its development.

1. Creation of Amphibious landing tech

2. A country is limited transports according to their landing tech times a multiplier. For example, level two landing tech would allow the player to transport 6 divisions. Tech level 2 X the multiplier of 3 gives you 6. Level 0 would still provide 3 transports for the player, however with a slightly lower movement rate than level 1.

3. Germany and Italy would start at level 0, however 3 transports would still allow them to transport 3 divisions so a defense of North Africa is possible, as well as an invasion of Norway. However, to conduct a Sealion, a German player would have to invest some MPPS to get his level up to 2. I believe this better reflects reality. The MPPs devoted to this research would also reflect the time it took to build real landing craft.

2. England would enter at level 1 and the USA would enter at level 2, allowing D-Day.

3. Tech increases would also increase transport movement values. Level zero would be about two hexes shorter than it is now and level five would be about two hexes further.

4. As a bonus, level 5 would allow the player to move transports and land on the same turn!

[ June 11, 2003, 08:34 AM: Message edited by: Panzer39 ]

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Good ideas, I like them.

As you already know there has been a lot of discussion on these things, some links are listed below:

Ideas Concerning Amphibious Tactics in SC

-- These posts closely related to ideas posted by Immer Etwas.

*Amphibious Operations in SC.

*Ideas Regarding An Amphibious Operations Unit.

*Amphibious Operations Research Field

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