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While i was eaten alive from Terif...


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I am just back from an very interesting game against Terif. While i learned a lot of him i had enough time to think about some things while my armies were hammered, my planes went down in flames and my navies turned into artifical reefs:

1.)I would like to see an improvement for harbors:

limited attack abilities against sea-units.

2.)I want limited attack abilities from land units on coastlines against enemy fleet unists (guns can not only fire from sea to land, trust me, friends).

3.)i would be very glad about a separation of tactical / strategic air-attacks

4.)the chat mode has a bug: when a unit (which you don't need to see (FOW) passes through a hex, which is covered by a chat sentence, the letters disapear in this hex. the letters should stay there until they fade completly away.

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and of course:

5.)Terif plays excellent & fair

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Originally posted by xwormwood:

2.)I want limited attack abilities from land units on coastlines against enemy fleet units (guns can not only fire from sea to land, trust me, friends).

Most, if not all of your requests have been discussed in this Forum. You will have to search back through the old threads to find each topic.

I like #2. The land units would have artillery to shoot back.


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I agree. Let land units attack back at Ships.

This just got me thinking. Anyone know if Rockets can attack ships? If so, you could have a rocket right behind a city, and use it to attack the ships that are around that city.

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Originally posted by Carl G. E. von Mannerheim:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Konstatin V. Kotelnikov:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by kenfedoroff:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by KDG:

...Anyone know if Rockets can attack ships?..

Yes they can, at least in v1.06 anyway.

Ken </font>

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