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Originally posted by Immer Etwas:

Great job Straha! That sounds like one helluva game, where and when can I get it! smile.gif

Wouldn't you like to know! :D Well, ok, I'll tell you: go to a game retailer you trust and ask him for "Chess II". Some people already have mentioned it in this thread. It's a board game, actually. Be shrewd and insist on the version where the grid is made up of 64 alternating black and white tiles. But beware: be sure to ask whether stacking of chess pieces in one field is allowed - if not, he's certainly going to dupe you, and you should go to the next shop!


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Originally posted by Valadictum:

Hmmmm! New thread on Chess 2 required? :cool:

I'd suggest a cross shaped board for a 4 player game in which you can attack the player opposite and to your right, but not the player to your left. It would be a world where no-one could trust no-one where you run from people you can't hit and they hunt you down, while you attack the others! :D

Any other ideas? tongue.gif


You should be able to have dialogues with other pieces by clicking on them. ("Oh, you're the enemy queen, are you? I guess you're going to kill me now...")

You should be given quests. ("Your pawn needs to go to e4 to get a package from the black bishop. If you return it to the king's knight he'll give you a flaming sword".)

There should be power-ups on certain squares around the board (turn your might into a rook for three turns).

It needs to have 80,000 polygons per piece with all kinds of cool visual effects turned on, and an original score.

Units should be able to buy a BFG.

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