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Axis strategy in Med?


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I posted this in another thread, but no one took me up on it, so I'll try again. I seem to be the only Axis player who has trouble winning in the Med. Well, to be more precise, I usually run out of time (vs AI +1); by the time I'm done with France and Denmark and whatnot, the Sovs are breathing down my neck.

But even if I do have time, I have trouble figuring out how to win in the Med. E.g., how does one invade Malta? Two air units plus the Italian fleet aren't enough to dislodge that British air unit, and you can't land there (or can you?) until it's gone. As for the eastern Med, does the Italian navy outnumber the British? I haven't yet played as the Allies, and I use FOW, so I honestly don't know what I'm up against there. As for Egypt, I guess one must land an HQ and a number of land units in Libya and march east. As I say, I'm usually too busy with the Russki to do that. And what's the advantage of taking Egypt; some MPPs, yes, and access to Iraq?

So, any advice for the *Axis* in the Med?

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Grotius --- Hey Rookie, people usually pay me for what I do as a professional. Buy my latest electronic report for $9.95. It's called "The Do's & Don'ts of the Med. Front." This study clarifies everything for you to be successful in the Med.

All kidding aside...I'll give you some hints if you're playing a "Player" not the AI. If you don't know me, I don't play the AI. The AI doesn't count.

Against a player:

1) By-Pass Malta, a Player will have a French corp inserted. Not worth the thought or 6-Air pieces needed to dig it out. Under my plan, the Air will be busy.

2) Don't get caught up in all this Egypt B.S. All these guys preaching Egypt & Iraq don't beat me. They end up getting head-cracked in Russia. Or better yet, I stroll threw London as they battle on the sands of Egypt.

3) Last one......I can't tell you what I really do in the Med. Too many eyes & ears want to beat me. There's a MAJOR strategy that I use 30% of the time when the opportunity is there. It's a tournament type move. Like the warnings on T.V. "Please, please don't try this at home. The people you see are train professionals!"

Rambo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Professional

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It's a tough nut to crack.

Against the AI I found something that works about half the time.

First, sweep the english fleet out of the Med. Then the italian should repair the navy, build an HQ in sicily, then spend ALL MPP on air fleets and put them in sicily. 3-4 usually work, and of course this takes time. But it helps letting Italy take Yugoslavia and getting the plunder. About late 1942 or early 1943 you can be ready.

Park all four Italian naval vessels around malta. DO NOT SHELL IT YET. Do not air attack it yet either. Also have a corps in Italy proper next to the port.

Next turn the AI will not resist the temptation to attack your fleet, but they can only attack one vessel.

When it works the air fleet is at Strength 8 from attacking tripoli all the time. It attacks your ship, gets met with Italian interceptors. Boom all the sudden it's strength is 5. Sometimes it has been as low as 3 strength.

Pounce on them! With a little luck your 4 ships and 3-4 air fleets will destroy it. Then send the corps to take it.

Be prepared for it to fail about half the time. If it fails just repair everything and try it again. Sooner or later you'll get it. Especially as your air fleets and ships gain experience.

Like I said this works against the AI since it can't resist the temptation to attack your fleet.

Human players is a whole different can of worms. And that stategy all depends on who you are playing.

Best of luck to you, and may your Fiats shoot down Faith, Hope and Charity.


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Hello Grotius!

Making the med an Axis (Italian) lake will give the Italians the opertunity to own every factory and resource around the lake, and gives the opertunity to conquer these resources at your own pace. Italy can be as powerful as any other major nation if this is accomplished, so you are right in investigating this exciting opertunity :D

What I think is required to own the Med, is to shut off the allied reinforcement route.

This requires control of Gibraltar and Egypt.

How to accomplish this?

Defeat Britain.

I know this might not be the exciting answer that you wanted, but it is my suggestion to you. If you defeat Britain, then you get Gibraltar and Egypt as a bonus ;) It is not impossible to defeat Britain, espesically if you have taken your time defeating France in detail, in order to get your armies, Luftwaffe and HQ's as experienced as possible. Then all out on Britain :D

Once Britain is toast, the med is yours. There are even bonuses to this that can be achived no other way. Free French surrenders as well, and the minor nations can no longer be reinforced (only British MPP can reinforce the minors) (ps..I haven't had the time to play with the new patch in case some of this have changed....what can I say....sue me:cool:)

I am sure there are ways to accomplish the same by going all out on the Med, but I personally favor the way of knocking Britain out. This way, USA can be kept at bay as well, as the Americans will probably fear an invasion by now and buy all land units, leaving you with the total initiative, leaving you with your back free in the allout war against USSR.

If the war ain't won yet, then you sure as hell have comed a long way to achive Sieg für der Drittes Reich! :D

Anyway, if you don't like this approach, then as stated, there's probably a zillion other ways to accomplish your Grand Italian Empire. Keep it up smile.gif


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In one of the early games I played, Italy was quickly catching up with Germany in both research and production. I allowed Italy to get a healthy share of the French spoils and also the majority of Greece. By the end of 1944, I was taking my Italian battleships and subs up to the Eng. Chan. to attack the Royal Navy. So I guess the real key is don't shaft Italy by letting the Germans grab all of the production centers.

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Thanks for all the helpful replies. Thanks also for the comments about Malta; they reassure me that I'm not crazy. BTW, Norse, in my first game, I did "solve" the Med problem with Sea Lion. But even against the AI, Sea Lion was not easy, and it would be very difficult against a human. The Royal Navy is daunting.

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Originally posted by Grotius:

Thanks for all the helpful replies. Thanks also for the comments about Malta; they reassure me that I'm not crazy. BTW, Norse, in my first game, I did "solve" the Med problem with Sea Lion. But even against the AI, Sea Lion was not easy, and it would be very difficult against a human. The Royal Navy is daunting.

Indeed smile.gif

Try to get a huge Luftwaffe, then you can try to bring your airfleets down on the Royal Navy, and clear the seas for you this way. Cheers!

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