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AAR - IKE99 (Axis) vs Edwin P. (Allied)

Edwin P.

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To liven things up on this forum, here is a new AAR.

The War began with a quick overrunning of Poland, followed by a grinding down of the French Defenders and the ensuring quick conquest of Denmark and Norway.

Then the Axis executed a new strategy, they held off on attacking other countries to build up an overwhelming army to fight Russia, lead by the best German and Italian Generals.

Meanwhile, the Axis bombarded the Port of Gibraltar and sent the Italian Fleet forth into the Altantic, while the Allied fleet retreated from attacking Brest in the face of newly spotted German Submarine forces (which sunk 1 allied ship and damaged another), which were secretly built in Southern France.


The War with Russia began with an overwhelming attack that decimated the Russian front lines. The Russian Forces pulled back to create a new line and threw in newly created corps to hold the line which was subsequently assaulted by the Germans on the 2nd turn of the invasion. The Russian line held, barely in some places with a corps reduced to 3. With the arrival of new weapons all Russian units along the line were reinforced (to AntiTank Level 1) in prepartion to receive the second wave of German attacks.

Stalin rewarded his engineers and scientists in Anti-Tank Research (who received all 3 Tech Chits that Russia had available) with new fur coats, and a promise of long life if they continue to improve Russian Anti-Tank weapons.

Meanwhile in the West an Allied Bomber in Southern England spotted an Italian Sub south of Brest and began operations against it, while the Allied Fleets ..............

While a British Corps from Egypt made an exploratory move towards Bari and found it guarded by an Italian Corps, dashing hopes for a quick conquest of an Italian city.


[ February 14, 2006, 09:14 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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And the Battle continues. German forces pound themselves against the Russia line supported by two air units. But fail to break through, Once more reducing German Corps to Strength 3. The Russians reinforce their units with newer weapons and achieve Anti-Tank Level 2 all along the front.

Stalin congratulates his scientists and engineers, while reminding them that failure to achieve similar breakthoughs in the future will shorten their lives.

Two Italian Warships find the Allied Transport and Attack. The transport retreats to......

(In this game the Russia forces were unsually lucky and achieved Anti Tank Level 1 on Turn 2 after the German DOW, followed by Anti-Tank Level 2 on Turn 2).

In the West all is quiet as American war readiness reaches 86%.


The War continues in April 1942. Continued German Attacks on the Russian line are repulsed while the Soviet Forces destroy another a Finish Army Group. It appears that the Germans have 3 Level 1 Air Units assigned to the Eastern Front.

All is quiet on the Western Front, as the USA readies for war and the Brits purchase another tech chit in Long Range.


All is quiet. Germany reinforces its damaged air units as does the Russians who use the lull to purchase a HQ unit. UK air units destroy an Italian Corps outside of Brest without taking any damage. UK attacks Iraq.

The US has entered the war.

A great battle looms on land, air and sea.

So far tech advances look like: Russia - AntiTank 2, Germany - Jets 1, UK - Jets 3


With Overwelming air power the Germans break the Russian line only to encouter a second line of Russian units that destroy the advancing German Army.

In the West the UK takes Brest, but expose their navy to Axis naval attack.

[ February 15, 2006, 09:34 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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the cookie cutter, not sure what you mean?
Well I'm not sure and one of these veteran players can correct me if I'm wrong but I think it's this....

After France falls, the axis take malta, they go from there and knock out Vichy in Africa and mainland Vich France at same time. At some point during this they have gotten Norway usually and go over and grab Sweden too. After all this they can go into Spain and Portugal. Meanwhile Britian is alone and the US and USSR stay neutral during all this. After all is said and done by the time the US and USSR enter the game germany is economicly stronger than the allies and more advanced in tech. Axis victory 90% of the time.

I think thats about it because my first few games all my opponents were doing the same things, the things described above. :D

It's plain, it's boring, It's too A-historical, I don't like it, for me it's no fun to do this. Thats why I made my 39' scenario, take away the gambits and give Germany a decent chance at winning without going all outa control using cookie cutter.

When I play the default 39' scenario I do the best I can and when I see I can't get victory I fight for the draw. I frustrate the hell out of my opponents by denying them victory because they all expected to get it when they see I never used cookie cutter. If i get the draw thats my personal victory :D

-I think I described the cookie cutter correctly, right guys?

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You got it Ike99.

Also in this game I believe Ike was trying to see how big an army he could build up by not attacking other countries, thus delaying the entry of Russia and the USA into the war.

Aside from that the biggest mistake; in my view, that Ike made was in engaging in several air battles over France where he lost 5 air units (and I believe a Rommel HQ unit) and the Allies none.

Also, I did not see him use his initial naval advantage in the Med or Atlantic to damage UK merchant shipping. Rather he sought out naval battles in range of UK based air fleets, which lead to the sinking of several Axis Fleets. All in all, if he had not lost 5 air fleets (and Rommel)in France he would have been approaching Moscow by now, and Russia would have been on the ropes.

This was compounded by the fact that I got unusually lucky and secured Level 3 Jets for the UK rather quickly in addition to Level 2 Anti-Armor for the Russian Army (in just 2 turns, after I invested all 3 tech chits in Anti-Armor)


Meanwhile in June 28,1942

A fierce battle occured off the coast of France, Axis units attacked a Soviet Cruiser and left it severly damaged with just 1 Str point left. The ensuing attack by Russian, UK and American naval forces sunk 3 Axis naval units, and allowed the USA to land two armies in France through the port of Brest.

Meanwhile in Russia, strong Axis Air attacks destroyed Russian corps and Axis units attacked all along the line, and an Axis invasion force is approaching Cairo.

Current Game Losses:

Allied: 27 Land, 0 Air, 5 Naval

Axis: 8 Land, 8 Air, 11 Naval

Current Game Air Strengths (from Report Screen):

----- UK 5, USA 1, Italy 1, Germany 5.

Current Game Naval Strengths (from Report Screen):

----- UK 9, USA 2, USSR 2 (one at Str 1), Italy 2

[ February 16, 2006, 06:49 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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They did well, after the initial engagement two of my three air units were reduced to Str 3 after being intercepted by your highly experienced Air Fleets which were veterns of fighting the Polish, Belgium and French armies, and my carrier was reduced to Strength 7.

I came very close to losing the carrier and perhaps another air fleet, but the counter attack never came and I was able to withdraw my forces to safety. My guess is that you choose to reinforce or withdraw your damaged air units instead of counter attacking.

That was the safer option as you did not know two of my air fleets were reduced to 3. If you had moved a corps adjacent to my Carrier sitting on the coast you would have seen how badly damaged it was.

[ February 16, 2006, 09:35 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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Ike is good just need to keep air next to france or a HQ instead of a line. Also needs to stop wasting the navy in non objective attempts like getting cruisers out of baltic and around top ok UK

Also just wondering about the game file I sent you, did you recieve it because hotmail said it was delayed. Also edwin i would like to play you if thats ok?

I was wondering about bids, one other guy im playing has agreed with me that we have a bid to help allies out. i was thinking Russia starting with 2000mmp and that no jet tech is to be done so russian planes can actually fight in russia as a useful unit. expert thoghts?

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Dozer, I would welcome a game.

As for Ike99's Naval strategy - from my view - he built up a strong naval force in the Atlantic with the German and Italian Fleets (GOOD Move) but he engaged my fleet while they were under the protection of the Royal Air Force (MISTAKE) and sent his forces into battle a few at a time (MISTAKE 2).

As for Bids, I prefer a simple player enforced limit that the Axis can only attack 1 neutral country (any 1) after taking Denmark, Low countries, Norway and France until Germany is at war with Russia. After that all limits are off.

[ February 16, 2006, 09:56 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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A UK Bomber moved to Brest spots all German units in France, including a lone sub in the southern port. As a result, naval units are moved to a position just outside its spotting range.


The Battle Continues, while the Allied Air Forces attack Paris the Axis rush to build a defensive line and more American reinforcements and a HQ unit - Eisenhower (Earlier I cashed in two US tech chits so I could purchase Eisenhower). - lands at Brest to supply the advancing American armies. An advancing Free French Army is reduced to five upon attacking Corps entrenched in Paris.

The German sub moves out of port towards Brest and is surprised by an Allied ship in the Bay of Biscay and surrounded; but not sunk, by allied reinforcements rushed to the scene as it evades attacks by diving.

Meanwhile the Italian navy once again batters the port of Gibraltar to zero and send sends forth a cruiser, that encounters an American battlefleet waiting on the coast of Portugual. The lines in Russia are static with the last Finnish unit being destroyed by 2 Armies, 1 Corps and 3 air units, and their capital unguarded. Axis units continue to launch attacks all along the front. USSR MPPs are being drained in an effort to repair damage. With one more air unit on Eastern front Germans would be advancing. Now, they reduce defending Russian units to 3 or less but lack the strength for the final killing attack.

Tip - Once I saw Ike99 attacking the port of Gibralatar again, I rushed naval units south and positioned them where they would force a surprise encounter with any Italian Fleet that rushed into the Atlantic and towards France, and locate them before they could damage any American transports heading toward France.

Tactical Note: Personally, I find it best to use Naval units in groups. Sending one unit out alone is likely to result in its loss. I would have sent the Axis sub to the Southeast and the Italian Naval Units to the Northeast where they could safely group up in the middle of the Atlantic - as no one guards the middle of the Atlantic.

Tactical Note: I tend to use the UK Bomber to spot the location of enemy forces, before deciding on a plan of attack.

Tactical Note: Bergan was occupied by the Allies upon the conquest of Norway and then quickly evacuated by the allies. The Axis never advanced to reclaim this port from allied control. An oversight? or strategy?

[ February 17, 2006, 12:00 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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The War Continues, The Axis adopts a defensive position and does not attack this turn.

While the Russians purchase another rocket unit; their second, as breaking the strong German line will be too expensive if done by Air units.

The UK sends forth the Corps they recently sent back to Bergan, after mentioning on this post that Bergan was unoccupied. A German corps is spotted advancing towards Bergan.

Meanwhile in France a series of air battles take place over the line mine and the defending corps is destroyed.

The USA recruits Patton and repairs its Battle Fleets.


The War Goes on, the German army is immense, but on defensive. Russia attacks all along the line, suffering losses against the entrenched German units.

Russia purchases another Rocket unit and reveals that it has reached Rockets Level 2. Meanwhile, the UK achieves Long Range Level 3.

Axis research efforts appear to be either ineffective or grossly underfunded.


The war continues with Russian rocket attacks against a static German line. An Italian Air Unit Level 0 attacks and is downed by an intercepting UK Based Jet Level 3.

German defending units are fully entrenched.

Patton and his accompanying corps arrive in France.

Russia purchases another rocket unit.


[ February 18, 2006, 12:19 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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