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SC sucks, tech issues are killing the game


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So why not make the 'chance' less in Technology and more SureFire. That way it's not luck but rather planning and strategy that acquires it? You can edit this SC2 so a moot point. You will have the ability to do all what you guys want
Liam, I agree. I was suggesting a historical option on tech to take chance out of it. Both players would know the strengths and weaknesses of the other player and then know how to deal with it. There would be no chance as it is now. Also, I dont think the new editor will have this feature (I could be wrong).

Also I liked the historial option because it would be based on what we know historcially happened. Germans and Russians produce great tanks. US and Brits have great bombers. The German air gets great, but not until its too late. Or will it be too late if you command Germany? If General Liam or General Rambo is in charge will Germany get its Jets in time to defeat the allies?

I just thought it would be fun to have an option for a historical setting on Tech. To take the luck out but also just for the fun of it.

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Good one Curry. A Random Tech option (ON/OFF) would be nice.

Also, the problem with RANDOM tech might not be that some country get a big tech lead itself but rather that the EFFECT of being superior in some techs (long-range, jets and Anti-Tank Weapons) are too deciding.

Those techs could be toned down so that they do not decide the game too much.

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