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Allied Thoughts/Harebrained Schemes


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To clarify #2, if the Axis player opts against Sea Lion and focuses on Iraq, Spain, the Med, the Nordic countries, etc. is it possible that England could take over the U.S. and seize a huge advantage (booty plus MPPs under one roof)?

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i believe ANY hare-brained scheme that works, is admirable. for example....

us was still using v-2's and blowing up "testing" rockets at an alarming pace. in 1960 (or 61) kennedy said by the end of the decade we were GOING TO THE MOON!

what an insane idea.....it worked wonderfully however, but people think because it worked, it was easy. that it wasnt a DICEY deal. it was, as the 3 astronauts who burned up on the launchpad can attest.

if it looks good, try it, and see which way the chips fly. they may name a special "MANEUVER" after you! or not..... :D

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Ok, stupid idea #3.

(3) Has anybody ever explored an early (maybe turns 5-10) Allied invasion (even with just corps) of Konigsberg? This would be costly, but would this force Germany to use air fleets here instead of elsewhere and expend MPPs to operate units east (which might increase Russia's readiness??)? Or is this just foolish (because, e.g., the Axis would opt for Sealion or would easily crush all transports/fleet)?

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The main challenge to your Norway and Konigsberg ideas is Germany's control of the Baltic. Unless the Axis player is extremely lax, the Allies would only be able to attack Norway by landing in western Norway and moving over land to attack Oslo. Without HQ support, it will be extremely difficult for the Allies to take Norway. The main impact to the Axis would come from losing Norwegian plunder and being forced to deal with the Allied forces in Norway ... which it can afford to postpone if necessary.

In order to land a corps in or near Konigsberg, an Allied transport would have to avoid running into or being seen by the German navy. Very risky and highly unlikely.

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Thank you for the thoughtful reply, Oak. Please allow me to inquire deeper into this silly idea. What if you dedicate your Allied fleet to temporary control of the Baltic and invade with more than a single corps?

It would be very costly, but, if the Axis opts against Sealion, is there any merit (Axis expending MPPs moving units west then east, increasing Russian readiness, delaying Axis operations elsewhere, etc.)?

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I don't see much benefit to the Allies in such a move. Germany can quickly and easily move its air into position to wipe out (or at least severly damage) the British fleet in the Baltic. Also, the Axis will be able to operate troops into any cities you might threaten before you can land any troops. Even if you could land a corp or army in a German city, it would mean only 5 additional MPP for you. That is simply not worth the cost.

So, trying to take out the German fleet or land troops in eastern Germany would almost certainly be a suicide mission that yields little benefit to the Allies. You are better off using those troops and ships to delay the fall of France or to harass the Axis in western Europe after the fall of France.

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I tried something like this in a game against the AI. I was the Allies and it was sometime in 1942. The Axis were occupied in Russia and so I decided to take Norway and Sweden, which I did without too much trouble. On a whim I had a go at invading Germany from Sweden, aiming to land a couple of armies and a HQ just north of Berlin. The Baltic was safe as I had previously destroyed the German battlecruisers by the old tactic of sacrificing the French fleet in an orgy of naval battles before the French surrender.

I landed the armies and corps only to have them chewed up and spat out by a couple of panzer groups which were hanging around the Berlin area and which due to FOW I had not been aware of.

I learned my lesson, I should have operated air fleets to the southern tip of Sweden so as to give me some recce ability over central Germany.

In the scenario outlined by nemo I agree with Oak, the cost is simply not worth it to the Allied side in the early stages of the war when MPPs are at a premium.

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Playing against the AI, the Allies have a realistic chance of taking Norway and then Sweden ... then using that as a base to attack Denmark, Finland and northern Germany.

BUT, against human opponents I've never seen that as a feasible strategy. The best thing is for the Allies to ensure that the Atlantic and North Sea is their domain and controlled by them, while letting the Axis have the Baltic (and sometimes the Med).

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