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To the administrators of this forum

Andre Bolkonsky

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I just ordered a copy of SC, it arrived yesterday, and I think it is an excellent game. I have also suggested the game to several other gamers I know, all of whom have ordered their own copies. So, cheers to the game maker for doing things right.

As a newbie, I was pleased to find a forum to discuss the game. I was looking for strats and insights into gameplay, perhaps some matches versus adult opponnents; however, it seems to be controlled by children. I feel like I'm suddenly in the middle of a pre-pubescent pissing match.

Such things are hard to control, I know; but it is a reflection upon your community. I wish you the best of luck in resolving this issue, but I think you will find you will have a hard time maintaining profitable game dialogues while this continues.

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Andre -- there are 65 pages of forums you should go back and scan over before reaching any conclusions.

The pre-pubescent pissing match is largely the work of a single person who's been working very hard to tick a number of people off.

Make a few entries in a few forums and see how you feel when this character suddenly dubs you a "German Worshiper" or a "Stalin Lover."

Get the picture?

None of us think any of that is called for and I personally don't appreciate being dubbed "Claus Boo Bee" because someone gets bored.

The overwhelming majority of people who come to this site are mature individuals with mature entries in hundreds of posts, presumably you haven't read much --or any-- of those forums.

[ November 16, 2002, 04:09 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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The BTS boards have held up well with a decent signal to noise ratio even though some losers (or loosers... heheh) occasional join in. It doesn't look as good here as the volume of posting just isn't as high yet as that for some of the other games or the general forum, but there have been some great discussions here even lately even with the disruptions.

I do know what you are saying as I stopped posting here for a couple months because of some loudmouths (and because spinning 8-10 CMBO/BB games and 4 or 5 SC pbem games at once doesn't leave much time sometimes). But I've returned and found some interestingthings to talk about. The lame history list thread is morphing into a pretty good discussion now that people are starting to discuss and criticize (in a good way) the counter arguemnts given to the poor thought put into the original post. As well, the Generals thread, while not very utilitarian as a flat list of names is becoming a very good discussion.

So I'd advise sticking with it and not paying attention to some of the sillyer posts as those posters usually gravitate somewhere else or get banned once their vitriol starts to take over (I say as an old man of the boards who had his low member number destroyed in the Great crash).

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Hello Andre,

I guess it's quite easy to see that our forums are pretty busy at times, and it's really not a simple task to catch everything that is going on in time for the few people that we are. Having said that, I am currently reading through the relevant posts, trying to find the right course of action. If what you say is true, "Rambo" will be banned from this forum shortly.


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Okay, I'm back...Just got done golfing, I shot 2-over. Is it okay to post a golf score among friends? Over-par isn't bragging, Tiger Woods would shoot 8-under so "please don't cry" -a song by Asia.

I'm only going to address a few issues today, so no Top-10 list; it will be limited to Top-5 list:


# 1) I run a clean gaming camp. You guys are trying to make me into a demon or something. Why don't we let one of the foul mouths (or is it fowl mouth?) post's show their hearts:

Originally posted by I/O Error

You've got to be f*cking kidding me "rambo".

You're the "crowd favorite" around here because we're all having a BLAST proving you wrong. There's a huge ego trip deal involved. We were practically SHOVING EACH OTHER to be the first to say, "Well no Rambo you're absolutely wrong and have no grasp of history about WWII because of the following intelligent reasons." I mean Holy Christ, everybody from the grogs to the newbie wargamers enjoyed THAT thread.

Why don't you stop the "F-Bombs" & leave "Jesus" out of it? Oh, that's right, you're the preacher & great historian. Sporto, "clean-up your own backyard" -a song by Elvis


# 2) I would like to thank you for copying my style! Imitation is the greatest flattery! I love Top-10 lists! Thanks for "cutting me down, then using my methods (that's C++)". But really, I copy David Lettermen. At least I give credit where credit is due. Out of respect & pride I will avoid the newest & fastest growing posts so you guys can talk about your hereos: top 10 best commanders of ww2


# 3) I would to personally thank my biggest fan & supporter for using my self-delared word OVER-RATED / UNDER-RATED

Originally posted by JerseyJohn

Joe Stillwell in the Pacific, or actually South East Asian Theater, was very underated


# 4) I also appreatiate you guys are bonding together. The weak minded of you need to be part of something so now you can say "WE" in regards to the Forum.


# 5) To all you War Hereos out there. Why do you insist on pounding your G.I. service record at me? (or whatever Army you served in). I don't get it. I wasn't alive during Vietnam, I'm not a draft dodger, & I have nothing against you. Why would I call myself Rambo & have a beef with the U.S. Servicemen & Servicewomen? I sure don't worship German Generals. For that matter I don't glorify violence, I'm more Quaker than anything.


And all the Congregation said "Amen"

RAMBO >>>>>>>>>>>>>> OUT

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"Rambo", I'd like to advise you to tone it down. This forum is about Strategic Command, and not about you. Looks like there were some complaints about your behaviour which we're looking into. I am going to lock up this thread, and continue to watch this forum for off-topic posts.


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