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HQs - I'm tearing my hair out with them!


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I'm getting really confused about how it is determined which units are supported by which HQs.

I've got two games on the go where I've got more than one HQ in the same vicinity, with plenty of units in adjacent hexes, and in both of them when I load up my turn I see that the better HQs have only got one or two units under their control, while the worse ones have got everything else.

The worst one was where I had Manstein with 4 stars commanding no one, while Model with no stars commanded everyone surrounding Manstein. And it is in the middle of a (so-far) unconquered Germany, so supply isn't an issue.

I wouldn't mind quite so much with land forces, but when it's my precious jets that aren't getting the best support possible, it leads to lots of wasted MPPs.

It doesn't make sense to me, but hopefully it can be resolved before SC2 comes out.

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One of those cyclical issues we've been tossing around since the flood. There have been a few threads on it but, really, you've already voiced the main issue.

Last time we had a full blown thread on this I think Hubert gaced us with a smiley. Or was it a frowny?

Hmmmmmmmmm ? I think it was a ;) .

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