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Concerning Submarines


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I played as the Axis last game and went for an aggressive move against the U.K. I noticed no matter what her navy was able to pinpoint my subs and take them out no problem. I can see this happening *in part* due to intel and air cover, etc. But it seems it should not be the case they can so easily locate my subs like that, esp. early in the war. It makes a sub campaign almost pointless. Isn't there a random factor in locating subs? How does this work?

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Do you have fog of war on? The game isn't realistic without FOW, especially for the war in the Atlantic.

If you do have FOW, I suspect the Allies can ascertain with higher probabability where your subs are, by correlating how many MPPs lost each turn. Some hexes deny more MPPs to the Allies.

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