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PT II of Archibald (Allies)vs JerseyJohn (Axis)Ryder Cup PBEM Game.


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Feb 1942

The Russians continue hanging tough in the Baltic where massive air and panzer attacks achieve minimal breakthroughs. Despite these disappointments, however, the road to Leningrad, as well as Minsk, Smolensk and Moscow seems to be opening by inches. The Wehrmacht looks forward to a robust Spring Offensive to decide the issue.

Iraq continues to hold out and is an inspiration to all the Axis powers, including Germany, who find themselves victims of British and American bullying.

The time is at hand when we, the underdog nations of Europe, shall claim our rightful place in the World.

[ September 09, 2003, 08:15 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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8 Mar 42


Rashid Ali and the Golden Square continue to put up fanatical resistance against the allied intervention in Iraq. Another attack by a combined British - Free French force on the western suburbs of Iraq came close to success, but was unable to take the city. Iraqi propaganda has dubbed it "The Mother of All Battles".


In the Soviet Union, powerful fascist attacks along the Baltic coast have been stubbornly resisted and the line straightened to the east. Once again, the Leningrad garrison attacks Finns advancing from the north with no damage to itself.

[ September 09, 2003, 09:23 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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March 1942

The Iraqis continue to hold out and have inspired their allies to greater efforts.

The German Winter Offensive ends with a tremendous breakthrough in the Baltic. The line of Soviet corps strung between Minsk and Leningrad has been breached with a considerable loss of Russian troops, a corps well dug in among dense woods has been bypassed and cut off to be destroyed when it is out of supplies.

Probing actions near Kiev have been unsuccessful in finding a Soviet weakpoint south of the Pripyet Marshes.


[ September 09, 2003, 09:39 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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5 Apr 42


Baghdad has fallen. the first troops into the city were the 2nd Battalion Black Watch, who took the bell from Baghdad Railway Station to complement the one they removed from the same location in March 1917.

Victory in Iraq is a huge boost for the Allied cause:

- A direct land connection now exists to the USSR, allowing British military support to be sent there.

- The Iraqi oilfields will add 64 MPP per turn to the British economy once they are fully operational.

- With a direct connection to Moscow, British possessions in the Middle East will now increase in value from 5 MPP up to their maximum. This has important military and economic implications.


In the Soviet Union, the desperate battle against the Fascists continues. A secondary defence line in the north has been formed running from Minsk to Smolensk, then north to Leningrad. Once again, the Leningrad garrison attacks the Finns to the north, causing them heavy damage.

Nine L4 luftflotten are now active against the USSR, but there has been encouraging news for the Allies on the research front...

[ September 17, 2003, 06:51 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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29 April 1942

As the weather clears Italy launches an invasion of Greece.

Encouraged by Britain's opportunistic conquest of Iraq, Greece had brought two large armies up to the Albanian border and was clearly planning to invade Axis territory upon the arrival of Britiah reinforcements.


In heavy mountain fighting, Axis forces in well coordinated actions, destroyed one Greek Army and reduced another to 30% effectivness while surrounding it in northern Thessalonika.


The invading forces were ably assisted by the Italian Air Force, which, though obselescent by German, British and American standards, was able to quickly gain control of the sky against the even more obsolete Greek biplanes.

On the Russian Front, the offensive moves farther east, destroying one Soviet corps and decimating another. German forces have swept to within fifty miles of Lake Ladoga and are poised to attack Soviet Russia's second most important city.


German combat engineers begin bridging the western approaches to Leningrad.


Germany has all but replaced it's propeller driven aircraft with faster, more powerful jet fighters and tactical bombers.

Aerial recon reports several new Soviet formations to the south, including at least two tank corps. The Wehrmacht is preparing for what promises to be the most vicious fighting of the war.

[ September 10, 2003, 04:56 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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3 May 42


Under Italian leadership, a brutal attack has been launched on Greece. British Empire forces are hurrying to their new ally's aid.


In the Soviet Union, the planned withdrawal north of Minsk and Smolensk continues with little interruption from the Fascists. Soviet infantry is now at L1, which will make our main defence line all the tougher when the aggressor reaches it.

[ September 17, 2003, 06:52 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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17 May 42 War Headlines.


Minsk bombed and weakened by attacks.

Second Greek Army destroyed, Italian armor in place north of Athens !!

In the war's most intensive fighting to date, Army Group North and Army Group Finland have now linked through the capture of Leningrad.

The battle was begun by a flanking offensive to the south and southeast of the city in which two Soviet corps, one of which was decimated to 30% in earlier fighting, were destroyed, clearing the way for the main attack. Which opened with an horrific display of air attack upon the already weakened city.


Sorties by Luftflottes I, II, III, IV, VI & VII paved the way for direct attacks by German land forces. Taking part in the mammoth campaign were Panzer Groups Manteuffel and Guderian, 1st, 2nd, 10th and 14th Armies, XXIII and XXV army corps and the Finnish Isthmus Army. Surrender of the levelled city was accepted by Field Marshal von Rundstedt, CinC AG Finland.


To the Southwest, Luftflottes V, VIII and XI sortied against the secondary target of Minsk, which was then assaulted by Panzer Group von Kleist and 5th and 9th Armies. The tenacious defenders held the city while suffering over 60% casualties.


Stateing that the time has at last arrived for decisive action in the Belorussian region, the Fuhrer has appointed recently promoted Fieldmarshal Erich von Manstein commander of Army Group Center with orders to take possession of Minsk and Smolensk to open this year's Summer Offensive.


In the Balkans, the Army Group of Marshal Italo Balbo destroys the last Greek defenses in Thessalonika and Macedonia and proceeds south with advanced positions reaching the outskirts of Athens. Air recon reports the British Gibraltar corps digging in SW of the Greek Capital; the appearance of British units is expected to have little effect on the successful conclulsion of the campaign.


[ September 10, 2003, 05:14 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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31 May 42


The sacrifice of the Greek armies on the Metaxas Line has bought time for a British expeditionary force to land in Athens to aid in it's defence. The Gibraltar corps is now in position north west of Athens. This has halved the frontage available to the Italians for attacking the Greek capital.

It is hoped that Yugoslav resistance fighters will be encouraged to rise against their occupiers by the continued resistance in Greece.


In the USSR, the hero city of Leningrad has fallen after fighting to the last defender and the last cartridge. Similar attacks were launched against Minsk, but were successfully repulsed.

Spoiling attacks have been launched against the German 4th Army west of Kiev and the German 5th Army north of Minsk. Both have been reduced to about 60% with little loss to the Soviet attackers.

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June 1940


Fieldmarshall Fedor von Bock is transferred from Lithuania to command the Axis troops west of Kiev, newly designated Army Group South.

A fierce attack by land, sea and air in Greece, has reduced the British Gibraltar corps to 10% it's normal size.


The Luftwaffe's Fieldmarshal Kesselring has been sent to the Mediteranean to assess the need for German air support in the region.

A quiet period of regrouping and reinforcement for the Russian Front.

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21 Jun 42


French North Africa and Syria are liberated. The Free French have taken Damascus with the support of the RAF, While the Americans have landed and taken Algiers. Both fell after token resistance, although the French fleet in Mers-El-Kebir refused to capitaulate and has been all but destroyed. Thousands of French colonial troops are now flocking to the allied cause.

Off the western coast of Greece, the Royal Navy intercepted Caio Diuilio and knocked her down to 40% It will be interesting to see whether the Regia Marina fights it out or runs for port.


In the USSR, the front is quiet while the Fascists move their air forward for another expensive assault. The Soviet Union is more than ready for them.

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Late June 1942


(L) The Americans, along with their bloody British minions, came like thieves in the night, indescriminately killing the French civilians of Algeria and Syria. ® Adolf Hitler welcomes Marshal Henri Petain into the Axis alliance.

The aged president of the French shook his head, "This is how the Americans repay France, but striking it down in league with the very country we helped them to break free of. This is terrible day not only for all Frenchmen, but also for civilized people the world over."


The Fuhrer speaks to the world:

"I say this to all people everywhere who cherish their rights and feedom and liberty, three things we Gerrmans cherish above all else.

"Since the start of this war we have been saying truthfully that the German people are not engaged in a battle of conquest, but in a struggle for their very survival!

"During the Summer of 1939 it was discovered that closed door meetings had been taking place between an Invisible World Government of Bankers, Loansharks, Thieves and Murders centered in Washington D. C.. At it's head sits the mighty industrialist Roosevelt with his assistants, the warmonger Churchill and the murderer Stalin standing close by.

"Together, these three villains manipulated the French and Poles to serve their own dishonorable purposes, instigating those people into aggressive acts against the Third Reich.

"But their plan backfired when the Reich proved too strong to be defeated in a Two Front War. They then expanded their evil schemes, luring Denmark, Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Norway and Sweden into their treacherous web of deceived innocents.

"The Reich, thanks to it's superior Aryan Blood, successfully fought off each of these aggressor states, while it's noble Italian, Hungarian, Romanian and Bulgarian Allies subdued the Arch Monster Yugosavia and it's vampire-like Greek accomplice.

"Seeing the Axis responding so successfully to all his schemes, the Satanic Roosevelt, in sheer desparation, has now brought his own people into this war of his own covert creation. Yes, the bastardized product of neo-Aryan blood himself, Roosevelt hopes the United States, using the millions of misplaced Aryan stock it was handed as a gift, will triumph over it's German brothers.

"His true intentions are to divide Europe and then the rest of the Planet between himself and his evil creatures in Britain and Russia.

"Let those nations beware, still deceived by a temporary neutrality, such as our friends in Portugal, Spain and Turkey, that this Three Headed Hydra will not rest till it has bloated itself on the blood of the world's innocents.

"Yes, it is an unfortunate fact that the world, while containg many good people such as you and me, also contains many bad ones, like Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin."

In Other Actions:

Off the Adriatic coast the Italian Battlefleet, aided by land based air sorties, has counter attacked and sunk the British Battleships Rodney and Warspite with several smaller vessels also being lost on each side. Returning to Berlin, Fieldmarshall Kesselring recommended the transfer of German Luftflottes to assist Italy in it's newly expanded struggle against the British and Americans.


On the Balkan Front the reinforced Gibraltar corps is attacked by land and holds out, despite suffering greivous casualties.

In Russia, massive air stikes followed by ground attacks have resulted in the capture of Minsk. The wrecked city was occupied by Panzer Group Hoth.

Satisfied with the opening phase of Army Group Center's Summer Offensive, Fieldmarshal von Manstein immediately begins working on his next objective while Fieldmarshal von Bock's neighboring Army Group South continues building for it's own long awaited drive on Kiev and Odessa.

Meanwhile, impatient to move on Moscow and the Urals, Fieldmarshals von Kleist and von Rundstedt, commanders of Army Group North and Army Group Kourland, are advised by Chief of Staff FM von Brauchtisch that Russia is too huge to be swallowed in a single gulp.

To which the outspoken Rundtstedt is said to have responded, "That's rubbish and you know it. If our friend the corporal hadn't wasted so much time last year interfereing with my Scandinavian Campaign, if he'd have alloted the air support I wanted instead of letting it sit idle in France, we'd be having this discussion seated in the Kremlin. As it is we'll be lucky to resume the attack up here by next winter!"

[ September 11, 2003, 10:55 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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5 Jul 42


Vengeance for Rodney and Warspite

In a fierce aerial battle off the coast of Greece, HMS Glorious and HMS Courageous have sunk Caio Diuilio and damaged Andrea Doria. Off Apulia, the USN has put paid to the Vichy task force headed by Richelieu. Only two Axis surface units now remain in the Mediterranean.

In North Africa the Americans and the British Empire are closing in on Tripoli from both east and west.

A luftflotte has arrived in Greece, presumably with an HQ in support. This will be some relief for our gallant Russian allies.


In the Soviet Union, Minsk has been evacuated after a hard fought and successful delaying action. Local spoiling attacks have been launched on Finnish and German corps for little loss to ourselves.

As the Fascist advance slows, the Soviet defence grows stronger.

[ September 12, 2003, 01:34 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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Early July 1942

The doomed Gibraltar Corps is destroyed in a fresh offensive in Greece. Axis forces, led by an Italian armored group, drove through the countryside and have now got Athens totally surrounded. With fresh air support the city, and Greece as well is expected to fall by month's end.

One captured British infantryman shook his head and said, "We just stepped off the transport, moved into line, became surrounded, and now we're prisoners of war. I guess that's how it goes sometimes, eh?"


In Russia, Army Group Center continues expanding the Minsk breakthrough, destroying two Soviet corps in the attack.

Army Group South redeployes farther east, closing with the Soviet defensive positions between Odessa and Kiev.

Meanwhile, Army Group Kourland (von Kleist) continues reorganizing as neighboring Army Group North (von Rundstedt) receives reinforcements. OKH has sent word through FM Keitel that the two forces are to prepare for what is likely to develop into the war's deciding action. To which von Rundstedt offered an unimpressed shrug, "Well, it's about time, isn't it?"

[ September 12, 2003, 12:29 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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19 Jul 42


The Anglo- American push towards Tripoli continues. The Italian 10th Army north east of Tripoli takes 80% casualties. With little hope of relief, the Italian overseas empire appears doomed.

USS Alabama appears off Marseilles and destroys the crippled Jean Bart, so finishing off the Vichy fleet.

In the Soviet Union, the line is successfully straightened east of Minsk. Spoiling attacks are launched on the Bulgarian 4th Army and the Rumanian 3rd Army west of Odessa. They are knocked down to 40% and 60% respectively. A similar attack in the north reduces a Finnish corps by 50%.


Comrade Stalin makes a rare radio appearance to assure the Soviet peoples that the USSR is accumulating massive reserves as the Fascist onslaught slows. The time for revenge draws nigh...

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Mid-July 1942



Fighting to the last, Greek infantry, often women and youths barely more than children, at last surrender the ancient city in capitulation to Italian and other Axis forces, bringing the campaign to a successful conclusion.

Regia Aeraitica recon flights fail to locate the British carriers and Marshal Balbo concludes they are no longer near the Aegean Sea.


Instead they have sailed to the Gulf of Bizerte, where they are used in raids against trapped Italian troops near Tripoli.

In Russia, Army Group Center continues it's drive from Minsk but reports slow progress in costly fighting which resulted in the loss of two depleted Soviet corps.

Army Group South conducts a tactical withdrawal from the inferior positions it had moved into.

By order of the Fuhrer, all Waffen SS panzer and panzer grenedier divisions are organized in an independent unit, Group Dietrich, which sees it's first action west and then south of Minsk.


Enjoying the sunshine during a lull in the action, Sepp Dietrich reads a newspaper and tells a Swiss humanitarian worker that the Pripyet region is " . . .a haven for Soviet deserters, illegal partisans and similar scum of every description." Indeed, one of his assignments is to clean out this haven of Bolsheivism using any means deemed necessary.

"Yes, as my men advanced there were hangings and shootings by the special security troops that followed them. Tens of thousands of executions, and yes, I knew about these things -- they were carried out by my order!

"You and others of your organization are welcome to carry on your humanitarian activities in the rear areas, but I shouldn't want any of your workers coming to harm, so I must advise that you wait till my men have finished clearing the region.

"And, by the way, don't be deceived by the sight of women and children in these Bolsheivik villages. That, my humanitarian friend, can be a fatal mistake. Remember the old adage, from the nits come the lice. Think of us as, fumigation experts."

(The above was inserted in the spirit of historical realism and not as a reflection of my personal philosophy.)

[ September 12, 2003, 01:50 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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2 Aug 42


North east of Tripoli, the Italian 10th Army has been destroyed. Tripoli itself has been badly battered, and is now surrounded by the Americans in the west and British Empire forces in the east.


In the Soviet Union the ruthless Fascist advance is slowing to a crawl. The line between Smolensk and Minsk, which appears to be the Fascist main axis, is still holding. Another spoiling attack has badly damaged a Finnish corps on the static northern front north west of Vologda.


Greece falls... Heroic four month struggle... George II and government... Submarine... Egypt.. etc... etc...


[ September 12, 2003, 02:56 AM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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Mid-August 1942

A joint meeting is convened in Milan with Fieldmarshal Halder representing Germany and Marshal Badoglio for Italy as well as several other members of OKH and Commando Supremo.


Topics discussed include possible future landings in the Mediteranean by the enemy, and joint offensive operations to be conducted by the two nations.

On the Eastern Front, Generaloberst Walter Model embarks upon a tour of the four army groups to assess the needs and strategic goals of each. The general is then to return to Berlin with his fact finding report and recommendations for the Autumn offensives. Fieldmarshal Brauchtisch and the General Staff are said to be undecided upon the next step to be pursued against the USSR.


Italian frogmen operating outside Athens have successfully photographed the fabled British Rescue Submarine that has been used repeatedly to whisk defeated governments, with their gold reserves, into British exile.

The strange underwater craft was reported by the frogman who came closest and actually peered inside.

"It's a huge and goofy looking thing. I got up to a porthole -- yes, it has portholes, which is also kind of goofy for a submarine! I looked inside and there were four long-haired civilians wearing colorful clothes and some little guy so I snapped a photo.


"That's when they saw me and waved and I waved back and they said I should move clear because they were leaving. They started singing something like, 'All we are saying is give peace a chance...' and that's it, no other words to their boring song.

"Then they started the engine and I moved away and snapped another photo so nobody will think the spaghetti has dripped out of my ears.

"They left, inside their yellow submarine they were singing 'We all Live in a Yellow Submarine . . .'

"So who knows, maybe the Danish, Norwegian, Swedish and Greek Kings are all living inside that thing. It wouldn't surprise me at all."


[ September 12, 2003, 05:55 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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16 Aug 42


Tripoli has fallen. Two Italian armies are now streaming into captivity.



The recent lull is being used by the Soviet Union to accumulate massive reserves to counter the next Fascist attack.

The British Government have released the first pictures of the Kriegsmarine's attempted counter to the highly advanced submarine designs in service with the Royal Navy. Submarine experts assess it to be a design of Dr Ferdinand Porsche. It is reckoned to be less advanced than current British submarines, as it only has one periscope where British submarines have loads and loads.


For reasons known only to the Kriegsmarine, these craft are crewed exclusively by bourgeois-looking young men from Dusseldorf who sing interminable songs about the Fuhrer's autobahn system to a minimalist electronic backing.


[ September 12, 2003, 06:21 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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Shocked !! Shocked !!!

That's what the Fuhrer is at the apparent inteligence leak that has revealed Germany's advanced submarine designs to the British, including the need for multiple periscopes!


Meanwhile, in Russia, Fieldmarshal von Rundstedt gets his wish. Army Group North begins an offensive aimed at the Soviet city of Vologda. The Soviet front is reported to be under the command of General Yeremenko.

Army Group Center meanwhile begins making progress on it's advance to Smolensk. The Fuhrer, displeased at the lack of progress over the summer, flies out to confer with Fieldmarshal von Manstein and returns to Berlin satisfied with the situation.


[ September 12, 2003, 06:47 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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30 Aug 42


Limited Fascist attacks make slight headway towards Smolensk and north of Vologda. Little ground is given but the line still holds. A counter attack is launched on the German corps which has penetrated to the north western suburbs of Smolensk, and it is knocked down to less than half strengh.


in the Mediterranean, the Allies are preparing their next move...

[ September 17, 2003, 06:55 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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September 1942

After a massive Luftwaffe bombing and an attack northeast of the city, Fieldmarshal von Kleist's Army Group Kourland takes Smolensk!


Lead elements of Army Groups North and Kourland are now 150 kilometers from Moscow at points west and northwest.


Army Groups Center and South prepare for drives into the Ukraine.


[ September 13, 2003, 06:00 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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