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Carl --

Will do -- I'll send you what I have so far, but it's mostly just the map with piece placement in it's early stages. Research and other things need to be decided upon but you might enjoy looking at this early version. I'll label it v.1

Thanks again, I'm very pleased that you and other people find the idea interesting -- at first I thought it would be considered boring or too far fetched!

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Excellent Question.

I couldn't turn it into a seperate country so I left-clicked the hexes that would have been affected and when they were all ringed in gold I struck the lower updat bare and they were all German. Unfortunately there's no capital as such, though I'm sure it would be Kiev. The units are German. Historically this isn't too bad as I believe it would really have been a German puppet state as opposed to Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, which -- having greater access to the Atlantic Trade routes, would probably have had more individuality.

But, naturally, I'd have preferred making the Ukraine a seperate nation as well.

All the major powers have unassigned research chits that should be set before ending the first turn or they're just wasted. An odd point considering her other deficiencies is Italy's pre-war research into Jet engines, though she never made any herself! I believe Germany (L2), England (L1)and Italy (L1) would have been the only three countries researching that field and have given them levels in parenthesis.

Glad you put your e-mail up now and not earlier as I've just revised it to v 1.01.

In v 1.00 I tested as the Axis and found the Soviets were able to destroy most of the Axis armies in the East by the first winter, so I augmented them a bit and in the revision gave Germany a solid line of corps in the West.

England and France have been made slightly stronger to enable them to conduct early offensives.

As pre-WW I Germany extended well west of the Rhine, and in this situation it would be Germany with a defensive posture and not France, the Maginot Line has become the Sigfried Line and is occupied by three German Corps. At first this seems like an outrage, but I'm convinced it isn't. With all this stregnthening the Axis should still have a very hard time holding it's own!

Hope you enjoy it. I'm very pleasantly surprised by the results -- untill a few days ago I'd pretty much forgotten about the project, had little faith in it and had no intention of working on it in the forseeable future!

I've already thanked Carl vM privately for creating this forum and now I'm thanking him publicly.

[ November 29, 2002, 02:06 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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I just had another prob with the 1985 scenartio, Italy (being a NATO country, "occupied" by the US) will join the Axis/Warsaw pact once Rome is "liberated", creating a new axis nation.

BTW Wachtmeister, WRT to your WW1 scenario, how will you handle the Ottoman Empire which was part of the Central Powers? Will Turkey and the Middle East including Iraq become "German"? It would give them a huge income boost, possibly unbalancing the whole situation. Also, Austria-Hungary/Germany would have to control most of the Balkans and the southern half of Poland which would mean that the central Powers would be in control of the largest part of the map. I´m not moaning, just interested how you adress those questions smile.gif . I have similar probs with regards to territory control/MPP income balancing...

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For your information, the scenerio you mention which assumes that Germany is not defeated in WWI, is the creation of Jersey John. I'm just playtesting and providing what I hope is constructive input.

Responding to your question, Turkey is assumed to be neutral, I can't speak for Jersey John, but my guess is that his assumption is that The WWI era Ottoman Empire(aka "The Sickman of Europe")is assumed to been broken up, and Turkey itself subjected a sucessful take-over by Kemal Attaturk, as occured historically. Therefore, Iraq is independent, Syria is French, and Palistine is British, same as the original game.

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BTW Wachtmeister, WRT to your WW1 scenario, how will you handle the Ottoman Empire which was part of the Central Powers? Will Turkey and the Middle East including Iraq become "German"? It would give them a huge income boost, possibly unbalancing the whole situation. Also, Austria-Hungary/Germany would have to control most of the Balkans and the southern half of Poland which would mean that the central Powers would be in control of the largest part of the map.


Don't mind at all that you've gotten the identities confused -- Wachtmeister and Carl von Mannerheim have been rendering great assistance with the formation of this scenario.

Wachtmeister answered your question very accurately. The Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman Empires fell exactly as they did historically, as much from internal incohession as from defeat and, above all, war weariness.

The premis is that instead of attempting to win in the West after winning in the East, Kaiser Wilhelm made the sensible decision and accepted Britain and France's very generous peace offer. They were willing to accept Germany's new territories in the east -- which were vast! -- and restore the East and West African colonies they'd taken from her (though Japan would keep the Carolines, etc., in the Pacific) on condition that Germany withdraw from Northern France and Belgium. A no brainer, which shows what old Willie had between his ears!

The war begins in Sept 39. The Allies move first. The idea is to have Germany on the ropes for a year or two, possibly losing the Eastern Ukraine and Donitz Basin, then, having built panzer units and luftflottes, she counter attacks in the East while holding in the West, where Britain and France should be attacking both Germany and Italy (in the revisions I've put Italy in the Axis and made her stronger).

Unlike the other '39 scenarios, Germany is actually the underdog. Early versions had the Soviets rolling over what appeared to be strong German Units in the Ukraine and the revisions have been attempts at adjusting play balance.

I believe the newest version succedes in this, but it needs some testing.

Glad you're interested. If you have an E-mail enveleope I'll send you the newest version. If not, and you'd like to have a copy must E-Mail me through my envelope.

Good luck on your scenario and I'd like to try it if you want some play testing.

Between 1918 and 1939, as per the second posting on previous page, politcal events proceded very much as they did historically. War ravaged Europe was wracked by a wave Bolsheivik movements and counter movements on the extreme right.

In Germany the Kaiser's government was unable to cope with the internal political chaos and gradually ceded much of it's power to the right wing extremists Nazis under Adolf Hitler. Hitler would have had tremendous appeal as a puppet of the aristocracy due to his common origins and war hero record; as was the case historically. Fulfilling their mandate, the Nazis destroy all left-wing opposition in Germany, but in the process the Kaiser becomes a figurehead with Hitler in exactly the same role Mussolini filled in Italy.

I start the Balkans off as neutrals. Yugoslavia was obviously the next target, in reaction to which England and France sign an alliance with Soviet Russia more or less giving Stalin carte blanche to begin WW II in the Ukraine, which is exactly what he does.

So far the scenario has gone through several changes and I have just finished another one.

[ December 01, 2002, 05:09 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Originally posted by JerseyJohn:


Don't mind at all that you've gotten the identities confused -- Wachtmeister and Carl von Mannerheim have been rendering great assistance with the formation of this scenario.

Ah sorry about it :D I still have some orientation probs here. I´ll have a look at your scenario right away, thx for sending it smile.gif .
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My pleasure, hope you enjoy it and I'm looking forward to your feedback. The scenario itself still needs work.

The Axis didn't have enough MPP so I had to go back to page 1 of this forum and alter the hypothetical history to include Sweden.

They're infiltrated by Stalin's agents who flood the economy with counterfit currency, commit industrial sabotage and organize strikes in an effort to topple the government. More agents are sent to preach revolution and distribute arms and it finally develops into a north-south civil war. Sweden quietly joins the Axis.

Soviet officers command the southern rebels (an HQ, 2 Soviet corps and 1 Soviet army) while German advisers (1 HQ) help the Swedish army and air force in the north. I set it up that way to make sure the conflict lasted long enough to tie down Sweden's units, but the AI launched a quick offensive that went almost to Stockholm!

I had to transport a German Corps to shore up the defenses and the German navy had to shell the Soviet flank.

That's the sort of thing I was hoping for; an element of unpredictability.

Poor Sweden, they haven't bothered anyone in hundreds of years and now the ghost of Charles XII is out there on his ghostly charger, screaming "attack -- attack!" and watching over his shoulder for Peter with a surprise column of Russkies.


[ December 02, 2002, 09:44 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Very nice portrait of Napoleon.

For those who like to know such aesthetic things, and I am always one of those, this is a re-presentation of a Baroque painting done by Jacques-Louis David, entitled: "Napoleon Crossing the Saint-Bernard."

Based on an actual historical event -- Napoleon leading his French army across the Alps into Italy in 1800.

Truth be told, he actually crossed over riding a donkey, which is no shame at'all, since Jesus the carpenter & radical rabble-rouser did the very same (... and not over the Alps, at least not literally , no, rather, into Jerusalem I mean to say) some 18 centuries prior. smile.gif

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That painting is also one of my favorites; didn't know the details about the donkey, thanks Immers for enlightening me and at the same time providing a chuckle. Agreed that donkeys and mules are much underated beasts, especially in hollywood were they show prime horseflesh hauling freight!

Agreed with General Billote on the facial aspects and suspect it was the young Nappi's own opinion of himself!

For all his vanity Napoleon must have had some objectivity because his later portraits usually show him looking pained or slightly annoyed; pretty accurate for a middle-aged man of his day with numerous health problems.

left click for a wide view depiction of the Battle of the Pyramids

For real poetic license, or it's engraving equivalent, the Battle of the Pyramids takes the prize for most historical inaccuracies. An yet, it is a stirring view, a great example of early 19th century propaganda even if the pryamids weren't really visable from the field of battle!

[ January 18, 2003, 12:21 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Maybe someone has already done it, but i've created my '39 campaign, this time with Germany leaving Poland alone and trying an earlier push in France through Low Countries; every german unit(except a pair of corps on the eastern fronts) is on benelux border, ready to attack; i modified the initial techs levels, and the random entries of usa, urrs and italy to reflect the effect of the unexpected change of direction made by the german's general staff. Right now i'm thinking of an "unholy alliance" between urrs and germany (i know it's a gamey what if, but is this really bad?) early in the war..

By the way, to post here the file, i have to put it on my site and write here the link? Or what else have I to do? :confused:


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Is the idea that you aren't attacking Poland till you've conquered France? If so, how does Germany benefit from it and how, in the east, do two corps hold off the Polish army -- or is Poland set as having already been conquered by Germany?

[ December 05, 2002, 08:42 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Ive begun testing on my newest campaign entitled:

1938: The Gathering Storm

Yes, i know i use that name a bit too often, but oh well.

Im using the added year in version 1.06 to my advantage.

In this version, war erupts along the Czech-German border. France, Britain, and Poland ally themselves to help Czechoslovakia. Meanwhile, the Spanish Civil War Rages. Can the Allies stop this Gathering Storm that threatens all of Europe? Or will Europe "Sink into a new dark age. Made even more sinister by the peverted science of the Enemy"

Also, the assumes that the Poles gave up the Danzig corridor.


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As originally posted by General Billote:

Good info Immers- Thanks....It amuses me how so many pictures of him look like pictures of Holy Saints. The cherubic face...He almost looks like a mini-Joan of Arc in that one. Beautiful and ridiculous at the same time.

I don't believe I've ever heard it described quite so appropriately.

"Beautiful and ridiculous at the same time... " sure, that's it exactly. Awe full.

At the risk of alienating who would be less aesthetically inclined... I will add this:

You truly have to see these sorts of paintings and objet d'art up close and personal.

To this day, I am yet in thrall to the Winged Victory -- Nike of Samothrace.

I was fortunate enough to experience the awful mystery (... within a foot, given the restraining ropes at The Louvre... although, I did reach out and... almost ... touch... something interfered at the most dangerous moment and... physically, held me back, at the very last... ) and now we might imagine how powerful these ancient icons could -- and can be, not merely as mythical reference points, but... as a kind of inspiration to all those who would suppose that John Keats (... paraphrasing from fitful memory) was rhymingly right:

Truth and Beauty is all there is in this World, and all Yee need to know... smile.gif

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1945: Cry Havoc

By CvM

This campaign depicts the final battle for the Reich itself the Allies are poised to cross the Rhine in the West and the Soviets are ready to launch their final Offensive. Some German Units are cut off at the onset of the campaign, it is very hard to save some of them. They should be 'written off' from the start. The Germans have jet aircraft of course, but their Air fleets area at very low strength. A few subs still prowl the Atlantic, but nothing to cause the Allies a major concern. The Goal for the German player is to survive past May 8, 1945. Or better described as follows:

German Victory Conditions:

Minor Victory- Berlin falls after May 8 (Falls to the Russians)

Major Victory- Berlin falls after June, 1945 and to the Western Allies

Minor Defeat- Berlin falls to the Allies before May 8.

Major Defeat- Berlin falls to the Soviets before May 8.

Make sure to use the Rhine, Danube, and Oder rivers in the defense of the Faderland. They can be very helpful.

Good luck and remember your final order: "Cry Havoc until the End!"

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