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About Scharfrichter

  • Birthday 04/05/1978


  • Location
    Munich, Germany

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  1. Ah sorry about it I still have some orientation probs here. I´ll have a look at your scenario right away, thx for sending it .
  2. I just had another prob with the 1985 scenartio, Italy (being a NATO country, "occupied" by the US) will join the Axis/Warsaw pact once Rome is "liberated", creating a new axis nation. BTW Wachtmeister, WRT to your WW1 scenario, how will you handle the Ottoman Empire which was part of the Central Powers? Will Turkey and the Middle East including Iraq become "German"? It would give them a huge income boost, possibly unbalancing the whole situation. Also, Austria-Hungary/Germany would have to control most of the Balkans and the southern half of Poland which would mean that the central Powers would be in control of the largest part of the map. I´m not moaning, just interested how you adress those questions . I have similar probs with regards to territory control/MPP income balancing...
  3. Weird, my scenario keeps crashing to the desktop :confused: But nice campaign, some good ideas there. I completely forgot to give everyone maximum tech . How long did the balancing/playtesting take?
  4. Hi everyone and greetings from Germany, this is my first post on the forum . I was playing around with the editor today to create a NATO/Warsaw Pact scenario (a bit like Red Storm Rising), unfortunately I encountered some probs: Obivously, the Soviets are considered Allies in the editor so they couldn´t be the Warsaw Pact. Since the Germans are the baddies, I thought I could take them as the Warsaw Pact nation so I put the USSR and all former Warsaw Pact territories on "surrendered to Axis", NATO members "joined the Allies", edited some single terrain hexes (Czechoslovakia, Eastern Prussia) and placed units. Unfortunately, the NATO/Warsaw Pact border is too close to Berlin (which is the "capital" of the "German Warsaw Pact"), and as soon as it is taken the "German Warsaw Pact" surrenders. I couldn´t find a way to set Moscow as the capital of the "German Warsaw Pact", so basically the whole scenario is doomed with Berlin being right at the frontline. Is there any way to change capitals or to include a "government flees to xy" option? Also, I am worried about the economics, the Soviet Union is regarded as "occupied by German Warsaw Pact" so all cities, mines etc are at 5 and with the current NATO settings (all join teh Allies) all countries become British, giving teh UK a huge income boost while the USA remains at the starting 180. There does not seem to be a possibility to "give" starting nations to the USA. Furthermore, with Turkey being in the NATO they are within striking distance of the Soviet/"German Warsaw Pact" Caucasian oilfields, this could unbalance the whole thing. Naval battles will virtually be pointless in this scenario, as the Soviet/"German Warsaw Pact" fleet would have to move through the Denmark/Norway/Scapa Flow gap, the Atlantic being under firm NATO control, and with Turkey being in the NATO the Soviet/"German Warsaw Pact" Black Sea fleet is trapped. Any suggestions? :confused:
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