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July 26, 1942:

Siberians arrive. Russia makes a small counterattack from Voronez towards Kharkov - reducing a german AF from str 13 to 9 with a tank.

Axis forces remove the attackers immediately and conquer Stalingrad too smile.gif . Some russian corps destroyed around Moskov and Vologda in the north.


Allies foolishely destroy the german corps in Paris, occupy it with a str 5 corps and liberate France (5 hexes around Paris still axis...). In the counterattack the corps had no chance to survive and France surrenders again. Brest axis and the allied expeditionary forces out of supply now...

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I decided to surrender although Paris and Low countries liberated...anyway we started new game and I wont make same mistakes again...

Learned some forgotten things about the game -some things have no logic(as Terif noticed "foolishly")- that fall of Paris(retaken by axis) Brest is axis again although completely cut off axis troups and all hexes around are allied-stupid...

I think my main mistakes were:

1.lost a lot of British corps trying helpless amphibia but without any plan and logic.

2.didnt use properly UK and USA air superiority in France

3. made few gaps in russian defence which were too late to close against much better and experienced Terif

4. Spend too much MPP on research-british 3 chits on jets gave me only 1 progress almost from the game beggining, russian chits 3 on jets, 1 on AT and 1 industrial gave me nothing.

5. no partisans in the game-so germans didnt have any supply problems in russia and Yugoslavia-obviously Terif knows where to put axis unit to prevent partisans-which also makes no sense in this historical game(Hubert!!!)

6.spend to much MPP on Britis navy which is very strong and experienced-3carriers with 3*experience, 5 battleships, 2 cruisers-all also very experienced-I should have used this money on more ground units-specially armies-corps sucked when attacking

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NEW GAME AAR-same settings

Game started badly for allied-LC,Poland and Denmark surrendered in turn 2, France fall early in May 1940

-some french units and British corps survived

-germany had very few losses-only 1 tank

-Norway and Sweden converted, also Egypt and Vichy

-majority of Allied fleet in med -destroyed 1 battleship and submarine, also 1 italian corp badly damaged infront Valencia

- GB jets already lvl 1, navy strong although mediteranean carrier damaged

- allied corp landed in Essen(axis Af in Scandinavia trying to conquer free french corp in Bergen)

-romania joined axis

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You did well! I applaud you, much better than I did vs Terif as I lost my nerve by late 1941 early 1942 something like that cause I couldn't take Paris by July-August.

The Allies have a beautiful Navy, which is virtually worthless after Barbarossa is started unless the Axis Navy is reinforced with Super Subs and the Italian Fleet and that's where the two will meet smile.gif and you have to do in the Axis Navy for good or you'll be done in. As far as reinforcing the Brits until then don't bother! As far as everything else is concerned Experience is a Monster for Navys too... I don't care about tech

Russian offensive is Key. Locking down your frontline cities with Monsterous amounts of corps and Tanks on the cities helps. Let those puppies entrench and fall back. Let your tech kick in which it should overflow by this point until you got Jets and bring em up with Zhukov... I'd give way on frontline cities if you feel weak but the key is and always was not letting Gerries become too experienced and that's why sometimes a French HQ and an offensive French Defense is key also! smile.gif

As far as MPPs you're a vampire early on. UK has to grab bits and pieces and not loose much. Chits where you can afford it and that's about it. Buy an extra Carrier, buy 4-5 Fighters by the time Overlord hits and lay back until you got Air Superiority. Thing is the MPP balance never favors you and you'll need American Fighters to complement your Brit ones. A true beach head against Germany in the West is key and Spain-Scandanavia is worthless to try this. Aim on France or Belgium. Depends on how your Fighter Fights are doing. If you can't beat his Air I doubt you'll win the game unless your Land Armies outweight his, in that case, launch way ahead with your ground forces to crush his air and force it to retreat back smile.gif

some old tips and as far as Axis well, hell with a bid of 200 give it up. Not worth it... 125-175 MAX

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Comments to Dalmatians points:

1. yep, a lot of UK corps died at the european coasts that were protected by german air... :D

2. problem was: too much allied air and not enough ground units. So Allies could not advance the first months of the invasion when they killed an axis corps

3. Aggressive russian defence...but Russia can´t afford loosing 1000+ mpps each turn very long, so after 3-4 turns most forces were destroyed and the frontline only consisted out of gaps now :D

4. yep, bad luck with research for Allies - but since there were no airbattles during D-day, this was even an advantage since air was cheap to buy.

5. When axis leaves enough guarding units in its back, then it is not only logical but also realistic and historical accurate that there will appear no partisans (at least not in corps size numbers or doing much damage..). Even in real life they wouldn´t dare to uprise when there are enough enemy soldiers before their door ;)

6. Yes, I wondered why Allies repaired all their damaged ships - must have been over 30 strength points they repaired. Together with all the battles/lost corps after France and the heavy losses during France, this was a main reason why UK had only 2 airfleets and 3 research chits.

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New game:

Allies operated the polish AF again to Kopenhagen, so there was no need to kill the denmark corps. This time the AF got killed in the first attack and Denmark fell in turn 2 - earlier than normal thanks to the operated AF smile.gif (besides, operating costs allies additional 40 mpps ;) ).

Allies defended France aggressively with 2 UK AFs from around London + carrier at the beginning and a french HQ. Therefore they had not enough ground units and only a weak defence line. France surrendered April 28, 1940.

An aggressive/offensive french defence works only against not so experienced opponents - they will often be crushed -, but is usually a disadvantage for Allies against a better axis player: high losses for both sides, but Axis has no problems to replace its losses in contrary to Allies and France will usually fall much earlier than with a defensive strategy.

After France, a lot of UK corps moved to axis coasts again. One landed corps got destroyed in Algeria. Another one in Essen will also not survive very long with a german army and several corps + AFs in the neighbourhood... (Transport near Brussel heavily damaged and retreated) smile.gif

A free french battleship sunk outside Bergen. German air on Sicily has some new ship targets in the Med near Spain smile.gif

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January 41

-brit corp in essen drinking, smoking and having fun eating famous Essen sausages(no sex-German women are so ugly...)

-Allied fleet leaving mediteranea after attacked by german AF

-readiness -USSR 54, USA 46

- Algerian corp(free french) changed clima and moved to Bergen where it was finnaly destroyed by 3AF,HQ,tank and corp...Alahu Ekber!!

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March/April 1941:

- brit corps in Essen had its fun not very long and got killed in the second turn...Essen reconquered :D

- Since Allies are very aggressive and love to attack defenceless transports in the Med, Italy positioned one near Valencia in sighting range of the UK air in Gibraltar. Immediately 4 allied ships attacked the transport like expected. 5 German airfleets and the italian navy took revenge for the lost transport and sunk all 4 ships without own losses :D

- Hungary joined, Spain attacked but continues fighting one turn despite the loss of the capital in the second turn.

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June 1941:

- Spain surrendered some turns ago, Gibraltar was undefended and is axis occupied now

- all minors have joined

- another UK transport bites the dust near Bergen when it was looking for an empty city

- finally German scientists close the gap to UK and reseach jets lv 1.

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November 16, 1941:

The war has begun...

Axis attacks Portugal (surrenders), Greece, Iraq and Russia. All 9 border armies destroyed or cut off. Cruiser, both tanks and all 3 russian AFs killed in the first strike. Germany shows jets 2, LR 3 and anti-tank 1.


Allies started their invasion one turn before Barbarossa and attack with 5 US AFs, 4 UK AFs and 3 carriers. Brest is lost, but Axis forces form a defence line 2 hexes before Bordeaux and Paris.

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December 14, 1941:

2nd turn Barbarossa:

Russia builds a lot of corps directly at the front around Riga, Minsk and Kiev. 5 of them destroyed, several others damaged. Odessa conquered. Iraq and Greece surrender.


Transports along the german and LC coast, axis guards are ready protecting all cities and the port. Defence lines 2 hexes before Bordeaux and Paris are holding. Lots of US armies/corps landed, US tank spotted too.

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Barbarossea started great for Terif:

-all border units destroyed or cut off, both tanks destroyed, all russian air destroyed(German AF Lrange on lvl 3!)

Not much point trying to stop germans or to counterattack when units are in AF range so Russia decides to try to stop axis on Front 242 line Smolensk-mine-Rostov-Leningrad. Since German ground and air units are so strong and experienced it will be very hard.

Russia also decided to try massive corp defense-so no expensive units purchasing.

Allied units are 2 hex from Paris, supported by 12 air units(all lvl 1), 4 HQ, and friendly french women... No way Paris could hold-only question for allied troups is to go south and cut off Spain, north and liberate LC or straight forward on Germany-of course-all this is under big question.

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February 8, 1942:

3rd turn Barbarossa:

German war machine increases speed and takes Riga, Minsk, Kiev and the russian central mine in one strike - killinge half a dozen russian corps in the process. Some of the 9 german AFs repositioning and establishing new airbases inside the newly conquered russian territories smile.gif

Land forces active in Russia: 7 HQs, 11 german armies, 7 tanks and a dozen corps + minor units.

West: 20+ corps/italian armies defending against the invaders... smile.gif


Some allied units land west of Brussel, cut off from the main forces around Brest. They got attacked from all sides immediately. Allies are working along the coast and will probably save the western US army of the landed forces. Except for one tank, all allied units still 3 hexes away from Paris and Bordeaux - killing ~2 axis corps each turn.

[ August 30, 2004, 04:03 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]

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March 22, 1942:

Russia kills a german tank and reconqueres the central mine. German forces retaliate and kill 4 corps and a tank. Slowly advancing towards Leningrad - 2nd russian cruiser destroyed.


Allies conquered a land bridge to their cut off comrades near Brussel - but too late. US army destroyed. A corps still cut off 2 hexes near Brussel in the landing hex. Now 3 allied units in 2 hex distance to Paris.

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April 19, 1942:

Not much kills in the east since most air had been used to kill Timoshenko HQ that moved uncautiously in the open field close to the front near Smolensk and the rest repositioned to new airbases in Russia - closer to the front. Another german tank lost, Leningrad reached, Finland joins Axis.


Allies reach the outskirts of Paris - heavy battles around the french capital.

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May 17, 1942:

Fortunately Russia uses the Leningrad port to load-unload the defending army and reduces its entrenchment to 0 this way - besides spending 25 mpps for it ;) (BTW: ordering new supply via loading-unloading is only useful in out of supply areas - in the home country it is only a waste of mpps ;) ). So Germany has no problems to kill the army and to take Leningrad. Central mine again conquered - main forces approaching Smolensk.


Paris has fallen, France liberated. Axis forces form a new defence line Bordeaux-Swiss-Brussel

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June 14, 1942:

Despite the loss of Leningrad, Russia doesn´t retreat from its defence line west of it near the swamps. So German forces build an encircled area destroying 2 corps, closing the area behind the original front from north (Leningrad) and south (Smolensk), cutting off 4 corps. Another russian corps gets cut off southwest of Smolensk after a counterattack at the central mine failed (this time no russian HQ support after Timoshenko had been killed some turns ago smile.gif ). Russian army, tank and several corps destroyed - german forces pour through the gap near Kharkov...


A german comando raid occupies Scapa Flow. Battles near Brussel. Allied line now very thin since it has to cover the whole area from Brest-Paris-Brussel. Axis forces use the gap near Bordeaux...Patton HQ under attack by german corps forces.

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June 28, 1942:

Some german forces in the rear are killing the encircled russian units slowly but surely. New prisoners (=cut off and encircled units) east of Leningrad. Smolensk under attack - russian frontline in the open field causes heavy losses for them...soon they will run out of corps smile.gif


Allies conquered Brussel for one turn. But the heavy axis resistance obviously took its toll...only a str 2 corps was able to liberate the city. So it gets killed in the german counterattack - LC surrenders again, this time to Italy :D . Allies consolidate their line between Paris and Brest.

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July 12, 1942:

Smolensk and Kharkov conquered - preparing for Moskov and Rostov. Last russian units fleeing to the east.


LC belongs now to Allies. One UK corps killed east of Brussel, another one survives at str 2 in the middle of France. Wild battles all around in France. The northern part of France (3-4 hex rows including Paris and Brest) belong to Allies, the south (Bordeaux - french mine)is defended by Axis.

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