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As for cutting the ocean hexes in half, why not increase the movement point cost for deep sea hexes so that they would represent wider distances. You would have 2 type of ocean hexes: Ocean and Deep Ocean.
this is a good one. perhaps you could also have a "coastal" hex for all who get irate at battleships firing 50 miles! coastal would be passed through twice. as fast


Global SC
since no one really has an idea what is in the works, why limit yourself to such a small area. a smaller map in the corner could be clicked on and screen changes to new area. no scrolling.

the very name of the game, "european theater" begs for a new approach and a new area in sc2. this may or may not include new rules, etc., but with iceland, and the azores, and whatever, it is no longer ETO. SC atlantic? sc afrika?

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Historically, the Germans even had people ashore in the more northerly areas of Canada, probably as observers, possibly (and most likely)monitoring weather patterns. They had meteorological ships near Greenland till 1944 and one of them was captured with it's ULTRA ciphers in tact, so there was plenty of activity out there. Also up till 1944 German milk cow subs traversed the region replenishing U-boats.

German warships breaking out into the North Atlantic through the Denmark Straights were ordered to proceed to the Bay of Biscay and avoid surface combat if possible. The fear was damage that would reduce the vessel's speed and lead to it's sinking before completing it's long voyage.

In the North Atlantic, the Allied search plane radius areas were Nova Scotia, Greenland, Iceland and Northern Ireland. A German occupation of Iceland would have been valuable not only as a supply link and to afford protection to wolfpacks, but also very important in a breaking of the Allied air spotting links. It would also have forced the convoys into a more southerly and channelled route as the North would have become too perilous.

Supplying a base there would have been difficult for the Germans but they would probably have done it with very oversized subs designed specifically for the purpose.


I'd be completely in favor of a well organized and functional global SC 2; but I'd need to see it to have faith in the idea. I have a feeling the AI would do things like send all it's units to North America as I've seen the A&A AI do as the Allies.

-- I only played the Hasbro A&A a couple of times and decided it wasn't much good. For one thing the Russians and Brits jumping in and out of the Baltic without holding Scandinavia is ludicrous, how is Germany supposed to build a navy. That's the sort of travesty Global games end up with, that and having aircraft that move two squares to raid things 1,000 or more miles away!

[ May 19, 2003, 07:38 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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why limit yourself to such a small area. a smaller map in the corner could be clicked on and screen changes to new area. no scrolling.
Hey, I like Civilization too! ;)

Here is one possible reason. Mr H has spent two (2) years (?) developing the systems that give us SC. Assuming there are no other constraints, map expansion is simply a matter of how many more hexes can be added to the existing map. All of the other game systems will work in the larger area. There will have to be some AI modifications for North Africa and maybe in the Arctic. But thats relatively easy.

If you go to a "global map" and "strategic map" like you describe, you have only changed the interface (ie the way you see the entire map). It could be done in such as matter that as each strategic map is loaded it goes into current memeory while the other strategic maps are stored on a hard drive ... but as each maps load, there will be some hesitation (like when we start a new scenario). But now, and this is the important part, you have just changed the way the logic works. Because instead of having a "map" (like a chessboard), you now have multiple "maps" (think 3D chess, like on star trek). All this new logic has to be added, older stuff modified to work with these new variables, etc. Then you have to playtest it, etc.

Hence, the short answer... its alot easier to work with the methods in place instead of starting over.

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Map Expansion isn't a bad idea!

You don't have to go nuts. Though a fex hexes in North America/Africa/Russia/& the Atlantic you could probably get away with doubling the size of the current map and it wouldn't hurt one bit especially the way people buy units these days. Just make a few secondary units like Destroyers... Divebombers... artillery..antiaircraft...cheaper Corps for policing cities. Mechanized Inf-motorized inf... make the scale of the game more detailed and it would hurt it? I'm not sure if you stuck to the good same ole forumala the game has now. How could it hurt? Lengthen a game? Well you could shorten games this way also by making breakthoughs more possible with Armored units and faster infantry type units.. that in the right terrain were faster than armor, plus you have more hexes to flank and manuever. A greater difficulty for the US to bring down all it's arms to bare in there turns. Accuracy and History As well as make the US wealthier and Russia more of a challenge...Without a bidding system and true Atlantic War if we want one.

[ May 19, 2003, 07:33 PM: Message edited by: Liam ]

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I'm gonna bite on one of the comments you stated, since I have seen you ask for it a few times.

Artillery. If I understand you correctly, you want a new unit that is just Artillery? I don't understand how we should have one at this scale.

Then again, maybe you are asking for a Division level game... in that case the Russians would get Artillery Divisions, but to my knowledge, no one else would.

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