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Russia before France


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I figured I would try it for the heck of it. I started a game with begginner rules and no allied experience bonus. After poland fell I invaded Baltic states won. Shortly after Russia declared war and I made a pre-emptive strike. I made some progress but France invaded Low countries and went on to march its armys through Germany. Needless to say, I quit. smile.gif

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Thanks for trying it, Rediroc! I had heard that this was actually a workable (if tricky) strategy in the boardgame "World in Flames"; however SC is different in two big ways:

1) Russia's a much bigger deal than the U.S., so getting Russia in early so that US comes late is not a good deal.

2) No countermix limit (thus France isn't limited by a small number of blue counters).

Here's an alternative I'm curious about: Invade France, but don't take Paris. You get Marseilles income to offset the loss of Paris income, and I think you get a significant delay in USSR declaration of war. Just a few turns could net you thousands of extra MPPs, and then when Russia declares you can kill the hostage in Paris and get your booty.

Weighed against this is the need to keep Paris completely surrounded and any trouble France stirs up in the Med, but I think getting a few extra pre-Barabossa turns makes it worth it.

On the other hand, if this does work, it's the sort of weasily ahistorical strategy no gentleman would utilize.

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Dear god, just spent too many hours trying the original idea of Russia before France.

1.04, Expert + 0.

Invaded Poland, Balkans, Greece, Denmark then Russia.

I won in the end, via a strong drive in the south of Russia (almost lost it all when I accidently triggered the siberian reinforcemnts).

That was one brutal war. I used a vertical 1939 Siegfried line which was bulletproof until the americans started to appear en masse.

Really hard to fight the russians without the extra MPPs for research but it is possible. Wouldn't consider it against a human..

I think Bob Warlock's idea of keeping france in chains would actually work pretty well, but I can already hear people calling this 'gamey'...

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