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Axis Intelligence & AI

Edwin P.

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It would be reasonable to assume that the Axis AI should have a % chance to know if there are no UK troops in Cairo or a conquered Iraq and less than 2 land units in the UK as their agents in such countries would inform them of such a situation. This would help the AI to take advantage of the human tendency to move these forces elsewhere.

If you want to keep things even for the AI and non-AI player you could even have a intelligence report button that says:

"Our agents in Cairo report that all allied troops have withdrawn from the city".

"Our agents in London have not encountered any troops in pubs outside of London."

"Our contacts in Iraq report that all allied troops have withdrawn from the country."

[ September 21, 2003, 10:41 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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I doubt you'll see another patch for SC.

The AI does need alot of work, I can hold off the AI from taking all the way up to the joining of USSR in the war, I even kept it from taking the LC!

At the hardest setting without the +2 experience, with it I have no tried yet.

The AI has one major flaw, it does not finish off targets MANY times, this is the key to wining vs. the AI, you go for the kill, it does not end result, it spends more MPP than you = victory every time.

Play in the PBEM or ZAP leagues, good whoopings over there, hehe.

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I agree, I also doubt there will be another patch.

Hopefully my ideas will have some influence on improving future versions of the game (SC2?)

As for the AI, why not try the D-Day Scenario as the Axis and see if you can hold off the AI.

PS: If another patch is issued and it can only include one relatively simple change (as compared to improving the AI) an option to have the FOW OFF for AI and ON for Human Players would be at the top of my list if such a change would make for a stronger game vs the AI.

It would also be nice to see the German subs in the North Atlantic doing something other than heading towards the Scapa Flow in every game and the Italian submarine never attempting to sink any merchant ships. ;) And, of course the UK Navy in the Med should occassionaly race towards the Atlantic. :D and the French corps in Beruit should head towards Cairo after Italy enters the war. :rolleyes: Of course, these are not game altering changes but they may be simple to implement.

And of course if you really have time on your hands add another the allied invasion routine to the mix As suggested by Night;

Strategy 2:

1. UK builds Air fleet in north of England

2. US Builds HQ unit

3. UK has HQ unit

4. Troops move into invade. Battleships attack Brest. UK air fleets move to south shore of UK to support invasion.

5. Invasion followed by landing of HQs after Brest is taken

6. Diversionary landing of 1 corps in Denmark to cut link from Nordic Coutries to Berlin.

[ September 22, 2003, 07:05 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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I consider the AI in this game horrendous.

It does not complete simple task's like Using HQ's when launching amphip. Invasions.

95% of the games I play as the Axis, the Allies will land in France on D-day, but not bring an HQ on the first turn, or even the second and third! and most of the time it is an HQ from 1 country, and not both the UK and US.

This makes it so ridiculously easy to defeat the armies that have zero supply that they might as well have not landed. All it does is give my unit's Exp.

It seems the AI is fixed on taking Brest on the first turn using Air/Navel/Landings to concentrate and capture the port. However, I am able to hold the city with ease and if I do, they don't bring over HQs within reasonable time.

Anyone who know's anything about SC knows you basicly need HQs when attacking enemy terrority more then anything. Plain and Simple, no armies can make it without Supply, and HQ = Supply.

The AI does not grasp this, and it ruins my games time and time again.

Also, the AI focus' more on taking cities and objectives more then destroying field armies. For example, given the chance to surround over extended German units in Russia, the Allied AI never takes it. Meanwhile, any chance I get, I surround and destroy whole massive groups of enemies, making victory impossible.

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