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Panzer39's Plan-Z Scenario AAR: JerseyJohn vs. Panzer


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This AAR is based on what should be one of the final test runs of my version of the scenario currently being played in the PBEM tournament. John and myself are using house rules that he came up with. They include:

1) Amphibious Landings = Only during May, June, July, August & Sept; except for Mediterranean and Baltic, where they can be carried out year round.

2) Barbarossa can only be launched from May thru August.

3) Axis units within Russian Borders cannot attack or launch airstrikes during the first winter in Russia; the winter being defined as all of December - January - February.

My scenario is similar to his, except I have allowed Admiral Doenitz to get his way over Admiral Raeder. Germany starts off with large U-boat fleet with a modest Surface fleet in August 1941. In addition to their regular minors, Yugoslavia, Denmark and Sweden start off as Axis while Ireland, Iraq, Greece and the Low Countries start off as Allied. Since the game starts in 1941 SC time the Axis has little time to conquer Spain and Vichy before USSR war readiness forces Barbarossa.

[ July 06, 2003, 04:00 PM: Message edited by: Panzer39 ]

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August 13th 1942


Doenitz was nervous. As quoted in the Berlin times "At sea I am wolf, full of courage, but on land I am a coward". Luckily for him, all matters concerning the Army were in the hands of his trusted Field Marshal Von Manstein. The once Grand Admiral now Fuehrer had ousted many of the Nazi leeches after Hitler stroked out when Poland ceded to his demands thus robbing him of his war.

In any case the time had finally arrived for action. Fuehrer Doenitz sent the order to the German Army to advance into the Polish frontier. He did not want this war; however, he knew the Soviets were preparing to invade and all of his generals agreed that a preemptive strike was the only hope Germany had of survival. It was such a shame that the only way into Russia was through Poland. Nevertheless, action had to be taken. What he did not count on was a declaration of war from both England and France. They had made every attempt to appease his processors lust for land and did nothing to prevent Yugoslavia from going Fascist. Although caught by surprise, he was prepared. His beloved Wolf Packs were already deployed in the Atlantic along with milk cow tenders who hopefully would keep them in supply until France could be dealt with. In the first week alone they managed to damage the UK's shipping lanes. Perhaps England could be reasoned with once France and her Allies in the Low Countries fell. If not they could be dealt with in turn.

August 14


German tanks and armies crushed the Polish resistance like insects. Air support from the combined might of Army and Naval aviation flown off of the carrier Graf Zeppelin softened up the targets for the army to destroy. Warsaw fell but Poland did not surrender.


IL Duce was worried. That Admiral would be Fuehrer was going to lead his country to destruction. What did a Navy man know about land warfare? How he missed that misguided Austrian. At least he would have never done something as stupid as to attempt an invasion of Russia. However the USSR was not his concern at the moment. Instead, he planed to grab whatever land he could and make peace with the allies before Germany could be swallowed up by her enemies. The time spent since Hitler's death has been productive. Italy was far more ready for war than it would have been three years ago. Now if only he could get control of Greece before the Germans claimed it with the blood of Italian soldiers. The job would be easier if half of his air force had not been assigned to "protect" German air space from the French. Instead his forces pushed into Greece from Albania with moderate success.

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From his deathbed former Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain hears of the Tragic events unfolding on the Continent. Physicians had privately counseled a year before that his death was imminent. Living on borrowed time, the former Prime Minister attributes an early withdrawl from politics and several desperate operations with having extended his life.

He dons a suit for the last time and, using hidden reserves of stamina, he sits patiently behind a doctors desk before the newsreel camera and reporters.

[Newsman] "Mr Chamberlain. Have you any comments on the resignation of Lord Baldwin and his prompt replacement by Mr. Churchill?"

[Chamberlain] "Sorry, gentlemen, I haven't been actively involved in the national administration for over a year and have not remained abreast of events.

"If I may, as my stregnth is giving out, I should like to make a single statement and be allowed immediately to resume my nap.

"Several years ago we negotiated in good faith with this fellows predecessor. I believe, had that fellow lived we would have discussed these affairs further after the first Polish crisis. But as you know, Chancellor Hitler went to his reward from some sort of stroke, or so they say. I am convinced he was basically a man of peace, like myself, though inclined to a bit of sabre rattling to get attention."

[laughter from newsmen writing on pads.]

"Had the Chancellor lived longer I am quite certain we would indeed have achieved, as I said upon return from the Munich Conference, Peace in Our Time.

"And now, gentlemen, if you'll excuse me, I'm afraid I must call an end to this conference. God Speed to you all and farewell. Farewell."

--- *

"Former Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain Dies in Sleep! --- Puts War Blame on Doenitz! -- Churchill Announces War Measures -- Read All About it!"



I'll cut down on the image postings in thise AAR and avoid large pictures.


[ July 08, 2003, 10:24 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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The War

There is little to report concerning troop and naval movements that isn’t classified information.

The pitiful remnants of Poland’s Army dig in and prepare for the worst. Those units that can move clear of the invaders do. Reports from the East report Soviet activity along that border and the Government, having fled to Brest-Litovsk near the Russian Frontier, has issued orders not to fire on the Soviets if they cross the border.

With half their troops lost, the Greeks withdraw south toward Athens.

At Sea a half-strength unit of German U-boats is sunk by Naval Aircraft near Brest.

Belgium, despite its stance with the Allies, has lost it’s new fortresses to German parachute tactics while Holland has already been overrun. French troops move to assist them but the Ardennes sector -- believed to be impassable to modern armies -- has already been occupied by the Germans.


Newly appointed Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, meets with his intelligence and Military advisers.

[Churchill] “Well, gentlemen, let us open with Mr. Hart. But first, allow me to say first that I openly stated in the press and in public my disagreement with the appeasement views you’ve expressed in the past.

"Regarding the Sudetenland I feel there can be no question and, as to the Danzig Corridor, ceded before my own administration, I have similar feelings. I understand your opinion on this, that to the German these were quite reasonable demands. You've said in private that, militarily the Poles had not the faintest hope of holding out against Germany and I understand that was also some part of your stand.

"Well, we’ve all known that part was true, though they appear to be falling apart a bit more quickly than we’d anticipated. In any case, that is all past and done with and, having cleared the air on all that I cede the floor.”

[Liddell Hart] “Thank you. Indeed, the Poles have proven less able than we’d suspected. It must be remembered that German weaponry and offensive tactics have been developed on a higher level than we’d imagined. Among other things we’ve got reports of long range rockets having been launched and even a blurred photo or two; nasty looking items I must say. On the tactical side, their coordination of mechanized infantry, tanks and attack aircraft – but let me cede the floor on this to General Fuller, who is universally recognized as the expert on this sort of warfare.”

[Major General Fuller, ret] “Yes, well, their breakthrough and exploitation tactics are obviously very well developed. The Poles, however, possess only light armor of their own and virtually no anti-tank weaponry, so it is difficult to assess their results in terms of our own defensive capabilities. It has been noted, however, that they use dive bombers in a very lethal manner assisting their ground units; the army halts and observes for the attack aircraft which destroy potential strong points.”

[Churchill] “And what of France, how will these tactics and weapons affect their chances against our Allies across the Channel?”

[Hart] “I shouldn’t be overly concerned, sir, the Maginot Line is proof against any sort of attack and I doubt their rockets will prove very effective against it. Leaving us with the Belgian Frontier, already well covered by French forces and the whole of the Belgian Army has been able to concentrate in Brussels. I believe we’ll soon see a return to trench warfare and with it a long and bloody struggle. I advise convincing our French friends that the best place for our fellows is a separate Theater. Perhaps striking in the Mediterranean. Italy, yes, we ought to knock out Italy while the French hold the Germans along their frontier.”

[Fuller] “To some extent I agree, but I’m not so confident in the French ability to hold the line. Brussels will fall quite soon, and after Germany transfers it’s armor and aircraft from the East I fear they’ll breakthrough quickly and beat the French all the way back to Paris long before we can either reinforce Greece or strike independently at Italy. The only choice, therefore, is to reinforce the French heavily and increase our air strength with all due haste. With a little luck we’ll catch them in time and will be able to use their own tactics against them in retaking the Low Countries.”

[Churchill, laughing while raising a snifter of cognac to his lips] “The same Low Countries we have not lost!”

[Fuller] “Not yet.”

[ July 07, 2003, 01:07 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Doenitz was a furious Fuehrer. His army had just wrapped up its campaign in Poland when that idiot Hess stole a plane and flew to Moscow. The first communication to come from Stalin in over a year was to thank him for honoring the pact that was made with Hitler. Already Soviet troops were moving into "their" part of Poland. At a conference with his Field Marshals it was decided to make France the first priority while leaving a large force along their new border with the USSR. Hopefully France would fall quickly as to allow an attack on Russia in the Spring. Perhaps that fool Hess had bought Germany some more time to prepare, in any case he was out of Doenitz's hair and hopefully would enjoy his new accommodations in Siberia.

Later in the week the German force under Model managed to destroy a French army south of Brussels. Support troops immediately flooded into the gap created, encircling the city. The way to Paris was not undefended as hoped, but with reinforcements arriving by train from Poland, the Blitz would continue.

In the Atlantic, the Kriegsmarine was sinking 25 MPP's of shipping per week. They had lost a flotilla but losses were to be expected. If the ships at sea could make it to safe French Ports they could be reinforce and let their full fury loose on the Atlantic.


Mussolini was a happy man. His forces in Greece had destroyed another army and were pushing through the mountainous invasion route like they were going through open terrain. Soon the riches of Greece would be shipped back to Italy. Sadly the same could not be said for his divisions in the Alps, they had not moved a mile since the war began but nothing could be won for Italy in France. Egypt on the other hand was a promising target.

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Sept. 1941 opens with the surrender of Poland after a desperate and disorganized defense.

Greece is reduced to the Athens Garrison Corps and the Belgian Army, separated from it’s French and British Allies, is bottled up in Brussels and, though still a full strength corps, it is clearly doomed.

The French have suffered their first serious losses and the DeGaulle Armored Group attempting to plug the gap, makes a disorganized and ineffective assault against the German 1st Corps, leaving it weakened along the Belgian Frontier.

Winston Churchill and Chief of Staff Lt. General Alan Brooke, examine the overall situation in the War Room. They make an odd coupling: Brooke, looking tired and cantankerous, Churchill sipping at a snifter and, though deeply discouraged, looking the picture of optimism.

[Churchill] “Oh come now, get over it, you can’t remain angry at me the entire war – and don’t think that would get you out of here in any case. Face it, lesser lights go off to fight these things and the greater ones remain behind to keep gifted amateurs, such as myself, from mucking the affair beyond redemption.”

[brooke] “And just where did you ever get the notion you were a gifted amateur?”

[Churchill, after sipping his brandy] “That’s the spirit. A fine mess on that big map, wouldn’t you agree?”

[brooke] “Poland is gone, Greece is finished – so much for that Two Front nonsense Gamelin was preaching.”

[Churchill] “Yes, I tried reaching him by telephone but he doesn’t have one.”

[brooke] “Poor time for a bad joke, Winston.”

[Churchill] “Not joking old boy, it seems the Commander in Chief of the French Army is holed up in a chateau making himself incommunicado. Oh, he receives and sends couriers and carrier pigeons, that sort of thing. He simply doesn’t like telephones.”

[brooke, shakes his head incredulously.] “Anyway, Bilotte is supposed to be handling the actual field army. He’s a good sensible chap.”

[Churchill] “Bilotte has been hospitalized. From what I understand, Gamelin has assumed personal command of the First French Army Group, also incommunicado. I suppose he does it all through some sort of quija board or crystal ball. It must be fascinating to watch.”

[brooke] “I must insist the B. E. F. remain intact and under it’s own command.”

[Churchill] “I’ve already insisted and the matter is settled. Anyway, we’ve really nothing to worry about. Liddell Hart is convinced the French will hold. They’ll be bloodied, he says, but in the end they will hold. So says our friend Basil.”

[brooke] “Yes, I suppose he uses the same quija board as Gamelin.”

[Churchill] “Whereas our other friend, the retired General Fuller, is convinced the clever young Germans have been studying his works on armored warfare and have perfected the requisite techniques. He’s convinced they will be celebrating Christmas in Paris.”

[brooke] “Made quite a few enemies, that Fuller, coming out and saying the General Staff consisted of a lot of imbecilic bureaucrats.”

[Churchill] “And being correct in his appraisal.”

[brooke] “Well, that was several years ago. Anyway it wasn’t right for a man of his rank, a major general, turning on his brother officers like that and retiring.”

[Churchill, after another sip.] “As for his prediction.”

[brooke] “Damn it all, you know damn well the man is never wrong, confound him!”

[Churchill, sighs and finishes his brandy] “Yes, I was afraid you’d confirm my worst worries and you have. The only bright side is the fleet has been chasing their U-boats down everywhere between here and Canada putting them under.”

[brooke] “Fine news. Enjoy it, Winston, for I venture we won’t be having more of that for quite some time.”

Major General J. F. C. Fuller, the "Father of Modern Warfare" and also a spokesman for the extreme right .


-- * -- A brief Article on the General -- * --

Major General J.F.C. Fuller

[ Background ] [ BUF ] [ Union Movement ] [ Archive ] [ People ]

Blackshirts in the Military - Major General J.F.C. Fuller.

John Frederick Charles Fuller was born in Chichester in 1878. He was commissioned into the British army in 1899 and saw service during the Boar War in South Africa. During the First World War he was a staff officer in France and in 1916 he became chief staff of the British Tank Corps, and it was he who planned the Cambrai offensive which took place in 1917 which involves 381 tanks.

After the war Fuller wrote many books, two of the most popular being “Tanks in the Great War” (1920) and “Memoirs of an Unconventional Soldier” (1936).

His advocacy of armoured tank warfare, to be used in lightning concentrated thrusts, was considered too extreme for the military establishment in Britain, but was taken up avidly by the younger German Generals, particularly those like Guderian in the new Panzer arm of the German army. These tactics became known as “Blitzkrieg” when unleashed upon the West in 1940.

It was in 1934 that Fuller joined Oswald Mosley’s British Union and during this period he wrote frequently for both the main fascist newspaper of the day “Action” and likewise for the magazine “Fascist Quarterly”. He visited, as a reporter, both Ethiopia and Spain during the conflicts in these countries. He was also a prolific writer for the more mainstream journals of the day in both Britain and the United States of America. He lectured in army staff colleges and was saved from internment during the war by Churchill’s intervention. In 1948 he wrote one of the first books covering the period, called “The Second World War 1939-1945”. Still regarded as a seminal work on the subject.

Keith Thompson

[ July 07, 2003, 08:55 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Goering stormed (rather wobbled) into Doenitz's office furious over the losses the Luftwaffe were incurring supporting the army. RAF strength had been grossly underestimated and the Italian air allotted was barely on par with the French. In any case the Luftwaffe had been preparing for a war with the Soviets, who supposedly were still flying around in bi-planes. Appealing to the Air Marshals ego, Doenitz explained that the capture of the low countries would not have been possible without Luftwaffe support and a large portion of the Plunder earned would be spent on plane production.

Other than Goering, everyone else was pleased with the progress of the ground war. Von Rundstedt's army Group had taken Brussels and moved into France. There they encountered and destroyed a French armor group creating a gap in the French line. However, Rommel's Panzers had not arrived from Poland in time to exploit the situation and a drive into the interior of France was unfortunately postponed.

Discouraging news was reported to Doenitz from his Grand Admiral, Raeder. Three more U-boat flotilla's had been lost and commerce disruption of allied shipping was down. The Grand Admiral did not miss his chance to remind Doenitz that his naval armament plan would have allowed Germany the ability to take on Allied capital ships instead of hiding from them.


The lack of Allied air power in the Med was very promising. The French air fleet in Greece was no longer present and judging by reports from Berlin, England had moved their Air Fleet away form Malta. Under clear skies and with help from their own air force, Italian troops destroyed another Greek Army and encircled their capital. Soon the Regina Marina would be poised to take control of the Med.

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The War

Under cover of bleak October skies, Germanys submariners scatter across the Atlantic and are relentless tracked down by combined units of the British and French Navies.


A U-boat Squadron is located off the Portuguese coast and sunk one hundred miles north of Lisbon by combined British and French efforts.

A second U-boat Squadron is located near Hudson Bay Canada and also sunk, this time by British Cruisers.

Farther south, a third U-boat Squadron is tracked down and sunk near United States coastal waters 150 nautical miles SE of Montauk Point.

On the continent, the French Army finally achieves its intended starting line along the Belgian border with all units brought up to full strength.

Courageously holding Athens against hopeless odds. Bitter at the removal of French air support and the British evacuation of Cunningham’s HQ and auxiliary staff, the Greeks nonetheless vow to defend their homeland to the last.

Though officially conquered, the Yugoslavs prove to be a thorn in the Axis side as partisan units assemble in the mountains, ambushing Italian patrols while hampering Axis lines of communication.

--- * ---

Prime Minister Churchill meets at RAF HQ with Air Marshals Tedder and “Bomber” Harris.

[Tedder, placing a sheaf of papers he has just finished reading from, on a large map of France spread across an oversized table.]

“And that’s the situation; we bloodied their noses a bit. I’m sure they weren’t expecting to go against so many of our chaps and I’m sure the new French machines must have come as an unwelcome surprise. But I’m also afraid our own nose was also bloodied a bit in the process.”

[Churchill, the ever-present snifter of cognac in his right hand.]

“Yes, a splendid contribution. I dare say they’d have broken through had it not been for the air interdictions. Our fellow in Madrid says his Italian counterpart stopped him in the street and asked if it was wise of us to pull our aircraft out of Malta.”

[Harris, sneering.]

“Diplomats -- ought to shoot the lot of them!”


“Of course we knew they’d find out about it, but we hoped it would take a while longer.”


“A bloody nose -- how bloody?”


“Not a hemorrhage, but bad enough.”

[Churchill, with a chuckle.]

“If it’s any consolation, I'm told Reichsmarshal Goering was quite upset over his own losses and had a bit of a tantrum with their new Fuhrer.


“Yes, it is a consolation. Hopefully he’ll become upset enough to pop his ticker and join his old buddy, Adolf, in hell.”


“I suppose we’ll be giving priority to replacing fighter losses. A mistake. Give me two thousand heavy bombers and I’ll have this war over in two weeks!”


“Give you two thousand heavy bombers and their wreckage will be strewn all over the continent from Ypres to Berlin!”




“Gentlemen, please, we mustn’t fight in the War Room.”*

[Harris] “Give me just fifteen hundred –“

[Churchill, with a wave of his left hand.]

“I couldn’t give you even a fraction of that number. No, I’m afraid, for the time being at least, the bomber wing will have to remain in the rear seat.”


“Watching for U-boats and the like.”


“And a splendid job of it your fellows have done.”


“That’s work for the Navy.”


“We are not sailors, airmen or soldiers, gentlemen. We are Englishmen, and we must each do our utmost if we wish to continue holding that distinction.”

--- *

German specialists examine some of De Gaulles wrecked tanks.


The Chateau HQ of Marshal Gamelin, CinC, French Army.

[Marshal Bilotte, CinC Army Group West, using a cane to stand erect.]

“While I was hospitalized, DeGaulles armored reserves were committed to action, deployed in a defensive line after suffering losses, and subsequently destroyed by later German attacks. I thought we’d agreed not to commit them unless the front was breached and the Boche were moving against our lines of communication.”


“They were moved forward out of both strategic and tactical necessity. They fought well, Francois, but, as you know, those smelly mechanical contraptions are both unreliable and a waste of precious resources. In this case it was a waste of both men and material.”


“And reserves, what are we to do now for reserves. Why hasn’t the British Expeditionary Force been placed under my command?” Surely they are not to left running about on their own authority!


“Do not excite yourself needlessly, Francois. If there is anything more useless than one of those steel monstrosities it is a squad of British Infantry. – You are yet looking a bit unwell, my dear fellow. Perhaps you’ve left the infirmary a bit too early? Ones dedication to duty is admirable, but one’s dedication to good health, especially those placed in high command, is of even greater importance.”

[bilotte, twitching with unvoiced aggravation, gathers nods for an aide to gather his papers and, with a sharp click of his heels, bows slightly with a salute and begins moving toward the door, leaning heavily upon his cane.]

“If you’ll excuse me sir, I must return to the front at once. As for my health, it is impossible for me to express how much I now regret that hospital stay.”

[Gamelin, returning the salute and missing the point entirely.]

“Ah, such devotion to duty is heartening, my lad. Yes, by all means, off to your troops! Deep entrenchments and élan! Vive le France!”

--- *

Winston Churchill speaking before Parliament.**

“And so it is, that with the utmost faith in our French Allies we proceed to not only hold the line but give the Hun his own violence, measure for bloody measure!”

[scattered cries of ‘Here-here!]

“Continued good news from the Atlantic, a doubling in the number of German U-boat sinking with a corresponding decrease reflected in our own merchant shipping losses –“

[Loud applause. He smiles, having chose his moment, and waits till it falls to silence before continuing.]

“And, after some preparation, we shall turn this war back upon the rabid Hun and that – greedy Italian.

[Laughter and applause.]

“For we are no longer a nation of carpenters, cobblers and plumbers, nor are we a nation of soldiers, sailors and airmen. No, we are one and all Englishmen and, by the Grace of God, we shall triumph as our forefathers have triumphed again and again and again in our just cause!”

[He leaves the rostrum amid a standing ovation.]

-- Notes --

* “No fighting in the War Room!” borrowed from the Stanley Kubrick movie, Dr Strangelove.

** A largely fictitious speech except for the phrase, “That Greedy Italian”, taken from a newsreel. He said it playfully and it drew scattered laughter.

[ July 09, 2003, 02:54 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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From his forward command post in Brussels, Field Marshal Rundstedt was shocked by the reports coming in from the front. The old guard general was rarely surprised, but the success of his much younger counterpart was astonishing. Rommel, having just arrived from Poland with half of his army group, immediately launched an offensive against the French. The plan approved by O.K.W had called for an attack all across the front. Instead, the young Field Marshal had exploited a gap in the French lines that was forced open by the Luftwaffe. His Panzer Divisions poured through the Ardennes into undefended French territory. The industrial heart of France was captured and nearly the entirety of the French Army was encircled in their entrenched positions by well planned troop movements. By the end of the operation, German troops were moving into the suburbs of Paris. The Fuehrer would undoubtedly be most impressed.


The news of the rapid advances in France could not have come at a better time. Doentiz was glad that he had not listened to his advisors and trusted his instincts in promoting Rommel. He wish he could say the same about keeping Raeder around. The Grand Admiral was a surface fleet man and obviously did not know how to conduct U-boat Operations. Just a few weeks into the war, the Kriegsmarine had lost about half of its U-boat strength. While he would like to replace his former superior, the need no longer really existed for most of the striking power of the Kreigsmarine now laid with the surface fleet. Perhaps the U-boat arm could be replaced once France fell.


It was a call for a celebration. Greece had fallen to axis troops and most importantly it was an Italian army that occupied the capital. The rebels in Yugoslavia picked a most inopportune time to start an uprising. The full might of the New Roman Empire could be brought against them!

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The War

Greece is crushed, the Germans break through in France and yet another German U-boat squadron is detected heading for the Atlantic!

Along the Belgian border the Luftwaffe saturates a section of the line till it is too weak to hold its ground, and after being finished off by a ground attack the rest of the German army pours through the gap. The French are too weak to have reserves, so the offensive is decisive. German spearheads attack Paris and the Maginot Line is abandoned except for the northernmost point allowing its former defenders to launce ineffective counterattacks in Northern France. Together with the Italian Front corps the French Army rallies around Paris, but has little hope of holding out.

--- * ---



In a quiet garden Generalisimo Franco has a quiet conversation with retired French Marshal Petain. An octogenarian, the Hero of Verdun shakes his head and mutters, “What is happening in my country today, it is the result of twenty years of socialists running the government.”

Franco nods and sighs.

"Now they have asked me to return to Paris and have already asked my advice."

"What did you say?"

"What could I say, I advised them to ask for reasonable terms while we still hold the capital. I don't think they will listen. This is a stupid war from the start, my friend. I told them we should not have tied ourselves to Poland. That was foolish and now we are paying. Anyway, what can one do with a government full of socialists?"

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Army Group Rommel Forward Command post:

Rommel was becoming impatient, his drive into Paris had been halted at the city limits due to lack of air support. Goering, who thought the Luftwaffe could carry on conducting bombing operations in the Low Countries without him, had gone on an art hunting expedition.


Since he was some where detained, the orders for the Luftwaffe to re-base closer to the front were delayed.

With the way into Paris blocked until the Luftwaffe was in position, Rommel again stretched his operational orders by sending probing units North along the channel coast. When no enemy resistance was spotted, a northern Pincer was set into motion which would hopefully block any attempt to retreat by the French Armies in and around Paris.

In the mean time word came in from Von Rundstedt's Army group that they had successfully destroyed what was left of the French Army along the LC/French Border.

Italian/French Border:

The Glorious armies of Italy had frightened the French into retreating. Under Balbo's command, three Italian corps fanned out into the southern French country side. One entered triumphantly into Marseilles while another unknowingly completed the encirclement of Paris started by Rommel's Army Group. Benito was a very happy man.


All reports from the front were very encouraging, except those coming in from his Admirals. This week another U-boat Flotilla had been engaged and sunk off the coast of Norway.

[ July 13, 2003, 03:26 PM: Message edited by: Panzer39 ]

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  • 2 weeks later...

The British Prime Minister sat grim faced staring at the War Room’s Wall map, watching without emotion while a pair of young WACs moved, removed and added flags among the various locations to update the changing situations.

He’d already read the reports and thought about them now as he followed the map –


French XXI Corps surrendered in Flanders, French 4th Army broken and destroyed east of Paris, Maginot Line overrun except for the 3rd Army, near Luxembourg. He’d urged the French to pull them out and throw them into the battle but they refused, with some justification, saying they were already hopelessly cut off behind the German lines and would quickly us up their supplies in the field, in the fortifications, at least, they were well enough provisioned to hold out for months. And they’d serve as an obstacle, forcing German troops and supplies to move around the area, rather than through it. He sipped his cognac and thought it was a hell of a small job for an entire army that was so badly needed elsewhere.

Meanwhile the two WACs kept moving flags, Yugoslav Partisans wiped out near the Italian border and a new group taking their place farther south in the Mountains. Another sip of cognac and the hint of a smile, thinking, ‘Good show, harass them, keep them looking back over their shoulders, let your sacrifice mean something. A swastika removed from the Norwegian coast near Bergen and he thought, ‘Fine job by the Royal Navy handling the U-boats. Confirmation from wreckage that U-boat Flotilla 24 will not menace the Atlantic shipping lanes. True, they put some torpedoes into Thunderer, the navy’s newest battleship, but she was already being repairaired.

A pair of Italian flags in Southern France, Marseilles and Toulon evacuated and captured by the Italians. Italian subs manacing vital convoys, their aircraft and warships bombing and shelling the Malta Garrison, composed mostly of French Foreign Legion units from North Africa.

He sighed and remembered 1936 and his urgings to the King that relations be stabilized with Italy. Unheeded advice that the Ethiopian conquest should be quietly forgotten with Mussolini brought into the fold instead of being pushed further toward Berlin.

Another sip and his eyes slowly closed.

The voice of a young WAC, “Mr Prime Minister?” but he didn’t answer, his head slumped forward slowly while his thoughts drifted to a time in South Africa, he was little more than a boy in a youthful adventure gone wrong and his young life was soon to end before a Boer firing Squad ...

The young WAC spoke in a hushed voice, “He’s dozed off, the old boy's been sitting here the whole night hoping for some good news out of France.”

"Bloody fine chance of that happening."

He felt the snifter being lifted slowly out of his hand. One of the WACs joked quietly, “My word, he really is sleeping!”

"Told you -- and no wonder the way he consumes that stuff all the day and night!"

The WACs went quietly to the door and he heard the light switch being turned off.

His thoughts drifted back to that far away place and the adventurous lad he'd been all that time back.

A Boer firing squad, but they never did shoot him and now he thought about how he'd survived that bloody, already forgotten war. It seemed all wars were bloody. A sigh as he shifted his weight and he was young again looking forward to a full life as he began snoring softly.


[ July 23, 2003, 07:17 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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It was a time for a celebration yet the Fuehrer was not in the mood to celebrate. Paris had fallen and the entire French army had surrendered. While this was welcome news the value of the French territory given over had diminished greatly because of the severe losses the Kriegsmarine had sustained. What good was a base of operations if there was nothing left to operate out of it?

A meeting would have to be called in order to decide how to proceed with the war. The English had not agreed to peace as Doenitz had hoped and the USSR, Germany's greatest threat, was clearly organizing for war. Doenitz needed more time to deal with the English but time was one thing Germany did not have on its side.



Mussolini was furious. Not only had the Germans denied him any riches from France, no, now they had declared the area concurred by the Italian Army a new country. This would not stand. For now he would play their game for now but not for long. If Vichy was a independent nation it could be attacked like any other. If it angered that arrogant Admiral than so be it, Germany needed Italy more than Italy needed Germany.

[ July 23, 2003, 07:26 PM: Message edited by: Panzer39 ]

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The War

Dark days descend upon the once proud nation of France.

German troops march triumphantly through the streets of Paris. . . .


. . . while Frenchmen lining the boulevards, many of them veterans of the First World War, watch tearfully.


Marshal Petain returns from a diplomatic mission to Spain and announces the peace terms. Next day he arrives in Vichy and takes office as president of the New French Empire.


In an act of defiance, the B. E. F. establishes defenses along the outskirts of Brest even as German demands for a cessation of hostilities are rejected.

In a radio address, Winston Churchill proclaims, "The Battle for France has ended. The Battle of Britain has begun."

[ July 24, 2003, 03:43 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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A meeting of the leaders of the Reich's armed forces was called to discuss the future of the conflict against the UK. Unlike his predecessor, Doenitz was not a policy maker but instead a policy implementer. He would hear from his chiefs of staff and make his decision based on their arguments. All were in clear agreement that the English troops still in France had to be driven off but every thing else was up for debate.


His former superior, Grand Admiral Raeder urged that Germany should concentrate her forces to the south and secure the Med so that the USSR could be threatened on two fronts when the inevitable hostilities began. Since this would not require the full force of the army, an invasion of Norway could also be carried out in order to provide air and naval bases for future operations against the UK.

Army Chief of Staff Eric Von Manstein was appalled by this idea because it would in his opinion spread the army out to thin and allow the USSR a chance to strike. Instead he suggested that all forces in France be immediately transferred to the Russian border in preparation for an attack.

Goering who arrived late, and to some appeared drunk, voiced his opinion that the British could be bombed into submission. After her cities were in flame, the Luftwaffe could take control of the Channel which would in turn allow the army to land troops in England. While the amphibious invasion was certainly out of the question, there was much debate about a purely air war with the UK.

Himmler, who had come uninvited, threw his support behind Raeder. Having being appointed chief of the paranormal office of German intelligence (Doenitz created the department in order to be rid of him) Himmler felt that German power could be increased if the eye of Odin or The Arc of the Covenant could be found. To him Egypt and Norway were good places to start. Everyone found this was amusing except for Raeder since it considerably undermined his argument.

The meeting was called to a close and after all of his guests had left with nothing resolved, Doenitz realized the future of Germany now was entirely up to his next decision.

The Med:

The French corps in Malta was giving Italy more resistance than the entire French army that faced the Germans. The full force of the Regina Marina had been brought to bare on the tiny island as well as constant bombing runs from land based aircraft in Sicily.

[ July 24, 2003, 10:53 PM: Message edited by: Panzer39 ]

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Originally posted by Panzer39:


...Goering who arrived late , and to some appeared drunk , voiced his opinion that the British could be bombed into submission... ...Himmler, who had come uninvited , threw his support behind Raeder. Having being appointed chief of the paranormal office of German intelligence ( Doenitz created the department in order to be rid of him ) Himmler felt that German power could be increased if the eye of Odin or The Arc of the Covenant could be found. To him Egypt and Norway were good places to start. Everyone found this was amusing except for Raeder since it considerably undermined his argument .


The French corps in Malta was giving Italy more resistance than the entire French army that faced the Germans.


That was so very funny, thank you Panzer39!!!!

You and JerseyJohn are doing a splendid AAR here, can't await the next episode!


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Thanks and glad you're enjoying it; Panzer39 comes up with a lot of great stuff, both humorous and straight, that I really enjoy.


“This is Edward R. Murrow speaking to you from London.


“The British Empire today received it’s first serious blow in this most devastating of all wars. It was more like something from a science fiction novel than an actual weapon. The German military machine this morning hit the London docks with Rockets. Yes, unmanned, deadly rockets that rained from the sky with neither warning nor any means of defense. No word as to either civilian casualties or damage to the harbor.


“Across the Channel, infantry of the British Expeditionary Force continue to fortify the Brest region. A Times of London photograph in today’s edition shows entrenched Tommies looking more like something out of the last war than this one. Speculation in some quarters claims a second British army will soon land elsewhere in France, perhaps at the city of Bordeaux. An amphibious operation in the face of cold winter conditions and choppy seas; unlikely but one can never say never it seems. Should this rumor prove to be correct it would mean the long, hard battle to liberate occupied France may begin sooner than anyone dared hope.


“Word from the Mediterranean states unequivocally that the Anglo/French Malta garrison is still holding it’s own against continued attacks by Italian aircraft and warships. There has been no further word relating to rumors of a powerful British fleet heading a relief force for the beleaguered defenders.


“Elsewhere in the Mediterranean, the British have launched an offensive into Libya. Troops under the command of Sir Archibald Wavell have fought what is described as an indecisive victory against Italian forces east of Tobruck.


“This is Edward R. Murrow signing off from London. Good Night, and Good Luck!”


Meanwhile, at Blechly Park, confused British, French and Polish code breakers, still attempting to crack the sophisticated German code and typewriter-like German coding machine, are puzzled by messages being transmitted from occupied France.

“What do you make of all this, an invasion?”

“Perhaps, but what’s the connection and where is it headed?”

“Maybe it’s a trick, their idea of a joke?”

“Heinrich Himmler has never been noted for his sense of humor.”

“Yeah, except for that phony new title him and his butchers are working under -- !”

“Sure, some top secret department using mysticism as a cover.”

“Which brings us right back to the messages we’ve been intercepting. Let’s hear them again and maybe this time we’ll make some sense of it.”

“The Nile flows with us –“

“Right, some sort of covert activity in Egypt. Probably that weasel Faruck.”

“Valhalla beckons from snowy mountains to chilled fjords –“

“An invasion of Norway.”

“Crosses of the Knights slain of old on precious stone adrift –“

“That would be the Eyeteys hitting Malta.”

“Yes, all too easy so far. Here’s the part that doesn’t make sense. A Wobbly Fat Man clad in white carries a gold scepter of inlaid jewels pretends to be our friend, but only till his next flight of magic powder and illusory juices . . .”

“A flying fat man –“

“Clad in white –“

“What’s the gold scepter with jewels bit?”

“Some sort of – perhaps some sort of antennae.”

“Carries a gold scepter of inlaid jewels pretends to be our friend.”

“But only till his next flight of magic powder and illusory juices.”

“Obviously some sort of new weapon . . ..”

“Like those rockets?”

“I’m afraid so, only much worse I’d imagine.”

“And the component parts come from Norway and East Africa and –“

“No, that doesn’t fit, there’s no way to put Malta into that.”

“Unless that’s where they’ll be using it!”

“Okay, that’s a lead. Now what about Wobbly Fat Man clad in White carrying a gold jeweled scepter pretending to be a friend part?”

“Goering – it fits, and his next flight would be the Luftwaffe!”

They all laughed. It was good to loosen up a bit.

“All right now, back to business. The Wobbly Fat Man. . .?”

“Some sort of big, unstable element.”


"From the Congo, being smuggled into Europe through Egypt right under our very noses!"

“Norwegian – heavy water?”

“By God, the bastards are really building one!”

“And Himmler is heading the project!”

"And they'll demonstrate it by --"

"Yes, by dropping the damn thing on Malta -- guess the Eyeteis have really had enough of it!"

"Better call Winnie right away with this."

[ July 25, 2003, 03:18 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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The decision had been made, all that was left was to implement it. Intelligence reported a large spike in Russian activity along the border. Doentiz only hoped that his operation could be carried out before the red horde acted first.


The Regina Marina had been recalled from their bombarding operations around Malta in order to replenish their supplies. Besides an assault carried out by the defenders of Tobruk, an eerie calm engulfed Europe.

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The War

German rockets continue to assail London but thankfully the whole of their second wave fell short and splashed harmlessly off shore.

To the surprise and disappointment of nearly every Englishman the B. E. F. is evacuated from Brest and off loaded at Manchester. The maneuver went unhindered by enemy action and was carried out a day after an attack by Italian troops was repulsed. Casualties are said to have been light on both sides and the action, reportedly, did not figure in the evacuation decision. No British troops were left behind, not even the severely wounded. Also evacuated were several hundred French infantrymen and over a thousand civilians who felt their lives would be at risk if found by the Axis. Citizens of the port city expressed relief that their homes would not become the scene of what promised to be a major confrontation.

The photograph below was taken of British wounded making their way up a hill in Britain en-route to ambulances.


"For NewsReels of the World, this is Scot Tipton speaking with Sgt Reginald Jaunty about his recent experiences in France."

[sgt Jaunty] "Are we doing it now?"

[interviewer] “That’s right, Sergeant, just tell us in your own words –“


[sgt Jaunty] “Right-o mate. Well, the first ones that came on us last week were only a bunch of unfortunate Danish blokes. I think they was only told to go occupy the city which they must’ve figured was undefended ‘cause they came walking right into it – I mean, the poor buggers were mowed down along the road and they pulled back but was hit by a lot of our aircraft for a few days, really plastered. They had me go out with some of the boys to see what was going on an’ it wasn’t pretty. We couldn’t even take any prisoners on account of what was left of them took off at the sight of our patrols. Well, I mean to say we did bag a few of them, they left some badly wounded behind who we took back with us, poor buggers. We left’em in Brest when we boarded ship. Their own will be takin’ care of ‘em now.

“Then it was quiet for a day or two and we dug in a little more. We had the most beautiful trenches dug and next we sees more uniforms comin’ up on us only there wasn’t no surprise this time. No sir, these buggers was in good order and just as grim faced as you can imagine.”

[interviewer] “Germans?”

[sgt Jaunty] “Oh no sir, the Jerries are probably still inland countin’ all them unfortunate Froggies they bagged.

"These were Eyeteyes probably up from Bordeaux. From what we heard they aint supposed to be very good soldiers but these boys done all right. I mean, they wasn’t about to drive us out of town but they came at us good and hard.”

[interviewer] “And I understand you played no small role in repelling their assault.”

[sgt Jaunty] “Oh no, didn’t do no more, nor no less, than any of the other boys. It just happened we came into a few Eyeteyes who weren’t quick enough getting back when their mates decided they’d had enough an' took a run for it. One of ‘em happened to be a colonel and somebody had to get the credit so this time it happened to be me and my mates.”

[interviewer] “A colonel!”

[sgt Jaunty] “A full colonel and he wasn’t any too happy.”

[interviewer] “Well, being captured in battle –“

[sgt Jaunty] “Oh no sir, that aint what I mean, he wasn't mad at us at all. It was the Jerries he wasn’t none too happy with. Said it wasn’t fair that IL Duces Lads went marchin' through Toulon and Marseilles and Bordeaux and now they wasn’t getting any of them in the treaty those Jerries signed."

[interviewer] "A quarrel among burglars!"

[Laughter off camera.]

[sgt Jaunty] "Now that you put it that way, it sort've fits, that's what I'd call it alright!

"Maybe Jerry’ll let'em keep Brest but I doubt it. Anyway, that colonel, he didn’t say much about the Jerries that I can repeat for the camera.”

[interviewer] “He obiously spoke English and did you have any problem understanding him?”

[sgt Jaunty] “Oh no sir, it was a mighty fine kind of English at that. Said he graduated from Oxford!”

[interviewer] “Perhaps he’ll strike up some old acquaintances during his stay in this country.”

[sgt Jaunty] “Shouldn't think so, sir, seems he was sent back in that last minute exchange of officer prisoners before we left. Now that he's goin home I hope he’s got better things to say about us than he was saying about the Jerries; can’t see how it could be much worse.”

[interviewer] “I see you aren’t wearing the medal they –“

[sgt Jaunty] “Oh no sir, that’s only for dress uniform – General Ironside himself gave it to me; bit of a rush affair as we was all heading for the transports but it was a damn fine day for me and my mates who was also decorated. One of the boys, Sgt Ian MacGreggor over there, one of those bashful bloaks who didn’t want to go on camera, wasn’t any too shy with the general. He looks him square in the eye and says, ‘Sir, it seems an awful shame to hand these fine trenches we dug over to the Eyeteyes!’ -- "

(laughter off camera, Sgt Jaunty smiles and laughs as well, nodding to the others)

"-- and the General himself starts laughing and he says, ’That’s exactly what I told my own superiors. Guess we’ve both got to obey orders, eh my boy!’ As a rule I aint an enthusiast of officers, if you know what I mean, but that general, I see him as an exception.”


The British break off action in Libya and withdraw to reorganize and receive supplies.



Elsewhere, Ambassador Vjacseszlav Molotov arrives in Berlin to discuss changes in the Russo-German Protocol Agreement.

The Meeting.


Molotov “You say you desire peace with the Soviet Government yet you are seen to be moving men and material east.”

Ribbentrop “Allow me to explain.”

Molotov “There are four basic directions, North-South-East and West. The whole world has seen what your troops did when they moved West and now those same troops are moving East. End of explanation.”

Ribbentrop “It is not what you suppose.”

Molotov “Very well, I will tell the boss he has nothing to worry about. He is more trusting than I, perhaps he will choose to take your word on this.”

Ribbentrop “Yes, thank you.”

Molotov, smirking and shaking his head “Yes, we often tell Comrade Stalin that he is too trusting and naïve.

“Well, now that your country's aggressive troop movements have been revealed it is on to the next order of business.

“As you probably know, the Soviet Union does not, and has never, possessed a warm water port. We wish to amend this geographical injustice.”

Ribbentrop “But, when we are once again at peace the Reich will be only too happy to ship and receive the Soviet Union’s overseas commerce.”

Molotov “That is very touching but we had something rather more permanent in mind. The Soviet Union agrees to recognize Germany’s conquest of Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg and France. If, in exchange, Germany agrees to recognize the Soviet Union’s conquest of it’s rightful territory of Finland and the acquisition of Norway, thus achieving our goal of a reliable warm water port; several of them, to be more precise.”

Ribbentrop, visibly shaken “But Finland is our only source of nickel and -- This is most irregular. Norway is – a vital link to our -- Finland and Norway are both vital mineral sources for the Reich, our iron ore, we would –“

Molotov “I do not see where that should be a problem. When the Soviet Union is once again at peace, after conquering the Finns and Norwegians, we will be only too happy to supply the Reich with all it’s mineral needs, as we are presently doing in the case of it’s oil, wheat and other sundry items.”

[ July 26, 2003, 02:34 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Berlin: Spring time of Doenitz

Having found none of the plans put forth to him completely satisfactory, Doenitz decided to implament a little bit of each.

Before daybreak, on a slightly chilly April morning, two major offensives were launched. The first was carried out by Goering over the English Channel. The Air Marshal described the scene to Doentiz as there having being so many Luftwaffe planes in the air that they blocked out the sun. Of course, it being before dawn when they took off, Doenitz was skeptical but at least his air chief was happy with the funding put into his program. In a coordinated action, rockets were once again fired at London, several of them striking the docks and causing 20% destruction. As for the Luftwaffe, they first knocked out the UK's early warning system, whose operators undoubtedly did not believe the number of contacts they were picking up to be accurate. The remainder of the air fleets proceeded to bomb the RAF runways while their planes lay in hanger. The mission was a complete success and having destroyed three of the enemy airfleets and damaging at least the same amount, the German Planes returned home with minimal losses.


Having received field reports from Rommel that Italian troops were massing on their border with Vichy, Doenitz decided to beat them to the punch rather than arguing with Mussolini to stop whatever he was planning. On the same morning that Goering was tearing up the English country side, German units crossed into Vichy territory unopposed. They reached Marseilles in record time and quickly captured the city from the dedicated by short lived defense. A French cruiser in port was asked to surrender but when the captain refused, German artillery from the shore opened fire.


The German's stole his conquered land in order to give it back to France, only to steal it again!? That want to be Dictator must have a cracked head thought Mussolini. However, the Vichy French had not surrendered as quickly as thier mother country and instead had moved their capital to Algiers. This could be a glorious opportunity for Italy if the French hold outs in Africa could be forced to surrender to him. Perhaps he could turn Germany's rules of conquest against them. The Regina Marina and Italian air force were redirected from bombing Malta and instead turned their might against Algeria. The city was only spared because Italian troops were slow to make their way to the landing beaches.


The recent visit from the Russian ambassador was most disturbing. With the Soviet Union's intentions made clear, there would be no preventing the war any longer. Von Manstein moved his HQ to Prussia and the German army prepared itself for what would be its greatest challenge. The season was the right time to strike, but first air power and tanks would have to be transported back from their recent successful operations in France.

Before Molotov bordered a plane back for Russia, Ribbentrop gave him a promise that German expansion was over (the Vichy operation had just started) and that the armies in Poland were there on military maneuvers. Out of curiosity he asked what had befallen Hess and to his puzzlement was told that the once deputy Fuehrer was touring the vast expanses of Russia along the Siberian railroad.

[ July 26, 2003, 01:36 PM: Message edited by: Panzer39 ]

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Worldwide Hero and legend, Charles Lindburgh speaks amid thunderous applause before an America First rally at Comiskey Park.


“Germany and Italy have the largest, most technologically advanced air fleets on earth. I’ve made many trips to those countries and have seen the very planes they are currently using to bring Britain to its knees. We’ve all seen the newsreels and heard the reports. Why, those English and French flyers never stood a chance. And neither will our brave airmen if we get involved in the current European War. And that’s exactly what it is, A European War that does not, and should not, involve the United States of America!”



Emboldened by the numbing string of Axis successes, British fascists stage an open meeting in the British Capital and demand that the Churchill Government come to terms with the German and Italian Governments, suggesting an alliance in which Germany would control most of the Continent with Italy ruling the Mediterranean and Great Britain retaining it’s traditional position as Master of the Seas, spanning the world with it’s Global Empire.

Taken aback by the lack of legislation for controlling such activities, Winston Churchill immediately enacts emergency measures, incarcerating the fascist leaders as enemy sympathizers while both Houses of Parliament hurriedly pass legislative measures banning all foreign based political organizations from conducting activities either within Britain itself or in Territories of the Crown. Going further, it urges Common Wealth members to adapt similar measures for the duration of the conflict.

Prime Minister Churchill intervenes personally to remove retired General Fuller from the list of those arrested. He notes that Fuller did not personally attend the extreme right wing rally and it would be both illegal and unethical to arrest him for past activities which included running for Parliament as a representative of the Fascist Party (true!).


Former Boston bootlegger and United States Ambassador to Great Britain, Joseph Kennedy, meets with a pair of British military experts at his Diplomatic Residence.


[JK, pouring himself a stiff drink] “Help yourselves gentlemen, I always keep the place well stocked. Always did back home regardless of what ridiculous policies some of my misguided countrymen happened to force upon the rest of us.”

His guests, retired General Fuller and retired (disabling wounds) Capt. Liddell Hart, laugh heartily while refilling their empty glasses. The three men are seated around a large table in a den facing the flower garden.

[JK] “Well now, I’ve heard you fellows both in a certain degree of, shall we say, disfavor with the current administration.”

[GF] “I dare say, with all due respect, Mr. Ambassador, that your remark is just a lot of hearsay rot! Basil and myself have already discussed affairs with the prime minister on several occasions and, as my commission is about to be reactivated I am not at liberty to discuss these matters any further.”

[LH] “Really, Mr. Ambassador, I can’t see why you’d asked us over if your intention was only to berate us for our stand on recent events.”


[JK] “That is not my intention at all Mr. Hart. And as for the reactivation of your commission, general –“

[Kennedy draws a thin sheaf of papers from a desk drawer and places them on the table directly in front of General Fuller]

[JK] “—Politically unreliable, sympathetic to the enemy, a blatant anti-Semite, brilliant military theorist and extremely capable leader but unfit for active command duties. Application Denied. That’s the long and the short of it, eh General, though your long winded military administration needed five pages to say it properly.”

[GF, Outraged but unsettled] “This document is marked Highly Secret and stamped with yesterdays date! Assuming it’s real, which I am highly skeptical of, how did you get hold of such a sensitive document?”

[JK] “It’s the genuine article, rest assured of that. As to my methods, suffice it to say that over they years I’ve acquired various ways of, shall we say, augmenting the incomes of key but under-appreciated clerical types.”

[LH] “Yes, yes, the general and myself expected something of this sort, but cut to the chase, man, what is it you want of us?”

[JK] “And the renowned Captain Basil Liddell Hart, lately the butt of every political cartoonist for his insistence that the Germans would batter themselves senseless against the Maginot Line and Belgium’s highly vaunted new fortifications. Rumor has it that the Belgians contracted German fortification builders to design and construct their main fortress at Eben Emael. Well, with allies like that who needs enemies!”

[LH] “Yes, you’ve had your little laugh, now suppose you come to the point.”

[GF] “Oh, Basil, do calm down, after surviving the sort of things we’ve gone through there’s little point in allowing some American gangster to cause either of us to drop dead in his sitting room of an anxiety stroke. Here, let me refill your glass. Excellent scotch, I dare say, but then, that has always been this fellow’s professional calling, right old boy?”

[JK] “Thank you general, and mighty proud of it I might add. – Sorry if I’ve ruffled some feathers here but I wanted to clear the air right from the start. Now that we’ve all come to know one another –“

[LH] “Does this mean he’s coming to the point, or do you suppose he’s gathered some dirt on members of our families? Possibly he’s trying for some sort of, what these Yanks refer to as, extortion money.”

[All three men laugh. Ambassador Kennedy passes out Cuban cigars and lights them for his guests before lighting his own.]

[JK] “No gentlemen, nothing of the sort. Aside from which, that was never one of my activities. No, what I’d like you do is help me draft, and sign your names to, a document I’m planning to send Franklin Rosenfeld –“

[General Fuller rears back in laughter while Liddell Hart shifts his weight and looks at the floor, visibly uncomfortable with the introduction of racism.]

[JK] “-- That is to say, my beloved President – a document advising him that it would be most unwise for the United States of America to extend war aid to the British Government and further advising that the United States act as mediator in establishing peace negotiations between Great Britain and the Axis Powers. I myself will volunteer to serve as chairman of said committee. Gentlemen, it is time this foolish war came to an end. If Germany cares to turn east and destroy those commie bastards let them, meanwhile there are better things for the civilized Western nations to be occupied with.”

[GF] “Why the duce didn’t you come out with that in the first place? Of course I’ll assist in drafting such a document and will sign it with pleasure!”

[LH] “Likewise. Better to do it now than wait till we’re dealing through a flag of truce with some Hun general sitting in Whitehall Street. – Incidentally, I take it you are unaware that Germany and the Soviet Union are currently close as Siamese twins.”

[JK] “Oh I’m aware of it alright, but a certain sympathetic clerk in the Reich tells me that’s about to change. I mean, unless Doenitz cares to do nothing while those commie sons of bitches stroll through Helsinki and Oslo.”

[LH] “Yes, finally attaining their warm water port.”

[GF, Raising his glass for a toast] “Damn bad luck our own chaps don’t possess your personal Intelligence network. Here’s to a peaceful and prosperous future.”

[The three men clink glasses and drink to it.]

[LH] “I’m afraid the crown can no longer afford the sort of contacts our American friend here maintains.”

[JK, laughing affably] “I’m quite sure you’re correct, Captain Hart.”


Washington D. C., The White House.


[FDR] “Gentlemen, you’ve all read this document from our ambassador to the Court of King James, now I’d like to hear what you think of it. Feel free to speak your minds.”

[Chief of the Army, Gen George Marshall] “Militarily, Mr. President, I’m afraid they’ve make a convincing argument for Great Britain’s withdrawal from the war. The R. A. F. has just suffered a devastating defeat, France, Poland, Belgium and Holland have all fallen like nine-pins. –“

[FDR, shaking his head] “You did leave out Luxembourg, General.” [The assemblage of military men laugh uneasily for a moment.]

[Marshall] “—Mr. President, I’m afraid I’d have to agree with their basic point. As to the Political point, being a military man I’d like to hold back on voicing an opinion.”

[FDR] “As a military man you’ve got that right, as an American you’ve got that right, but, General Marshall, as my personal confidant I’m afraid your political opinion is also required.”

[Marshall] “Very well. I’ve seen their type innumerable times, we all have. The fascists of the world won’t be satisfied with Poland or Holland or Belgium or France or anything else. They’ll always want more. Yesterday they agreed to peace with France, let them keep part of the country under their own control, and today they’re stealing it back again. How in hell can anyone trust a bunch like that?”

[FDR, smiling, lifts his cigarette holder to his lips and nods to the next general, “Hap” Arnold, Commander of the Army Air Force.]

[Arnold] “General Marshall said it for me. As for the Brits, they’ve had a humiliating defeat but I’m sure they’ll get back on their feet, even if they'll need some help from our factories to do it.”

[FDR] “Thank you General Arnold. Let’s hear what the Navy has to say.”

[Admiral Ernest King, Chief of Staff of the U. S. Navy.] “Well, we’ve got those scraps of paper from that sheenie bootlegger and his English Nazi lackeys. I say the best use we can make of Joe Kennedy is to give him some hit money and ask him to get his Italian and Jewish crime buddies to dispose of Charles Lindburgh for us. Afterwards I’d advise making that gangster bastard our ambassador to Outer Mongolia. But what the hell does an old swabby know about these things?”

[The group breaks out laughing. FDR smiles and nods his head appreciatively.]

[King] “I'm not a politician but It’s obvious, even to me, that Kennedy is already looking to run for president in ‘44 and that’s all his so called peace commission is about.”

[FDR] “Very astute, Admiral. That is precisely what I was thinking.”

[King] “As far as the Navy goes, the limeys are stng enough to hold the Atlantic and we’ve got our own worries in the Pacific. I can’t put full fleets in both oceans and I don’t think we need the burden of having to fight both Germany and Japan simultaneously. Our main concern at the moment is the Japanese. They’ve been licking their chops lately with an eye on those French, Dutch and British colonies sitting practically undefended in their neighborhood. Sooner or later they'll make a move for them. Meantime, Kimmel in Hawaii keeps telling me he needs more ships in that big ocean, especially aircraft carriers. That about does it for me."

[FDR] “Admiral Leahy --”

[Chief of Staff, Admiral William Leahy.] “We can’t sit back and do nothing in the Atlantic and it’s a fair bet that before long we’ll be fighting the Japanese in the Pacific. Mr. President, we’ve not no alternative other than to prepare for a Two Ocean, Global War. It's entirely possible we'll be fighting Soviet Russia along with Germany, Italy and the Japanese. We've got to give Britain whatever it takes to keep them in the war against Germany. Additionally, we must move to full war time industrialization mobilization at once.”

[FDR] “Thank you, gentlemen. I’ll be conferring with the Secretary of War shortly on these issues and afterwards we will decide upon a specific course of action.”

[ July 28, 2003, 01:27 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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German forces arrived in mass from France. The Soviets obviously did not believe it was a training maneuver and mobilized as well.

The Alps:

Storm clouds circled over Doenitz's mountain retreat. He had just given the order to begin operation Hitler. He thought the name fitting since it was his predecessors actions that brought Germany into this dire position.

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Another May Day Parade passes in review before the Kremlin under the watchful gaze of Secretary Stalin and the Soviet Inner Circle.


A sense of calm and contentment has settled upon Soviet Russia. The purges have ended and political arrests have decreased steadily. Throughout the country Germany is referred to as Russia's friend and political ally and it's victories over the decadent West are heralded as though they were Soviet Triumphs.


But even as the annual parade draws to a close Molotov boards an aircraft for Berlin to present Stalin's quite reasonable territorial demands for the return of Finland and Scandinavian warmwater ports along the North Sea. Additionally, he is told to find out why Germany is suddenly shifting it's military forces East. With Summer approaching, it would seem more reasonable that they'd be preparing for an invasion of Britain.

A meeting is held with Ribbentrop in which vague answers are given and the Scandinavian agenda met with cold silence. When the same issues are broached at a formal dinner with Doenitz and his advisers, the Nazi leadership avoids direct answers. When pressed about the Finnish and Norwegian invasions, Doenitz nods and says he'll send a mission to Moscow for further discussion.

Shortly after arriving at Moscow, Moscow reports to Stalin and a late night meeting of top Soviets is called to discuss the situation.


When Stalin suggests waiting to see what the German mission has to say, Marshal Voroshilov can take no more. Jumping to his feet, he puntuates his main points with a hard slamming of his fist against the heavy oak table.

"The German mission to Moscow this summer? Comrade sectretary, I can assure you the mission Doenitz has in mind will be led by tanks and bombers! We have reports of a further buildup along our borders -- over two million of them that we know of and probably twice that number in total. They are preparing to invade us!"


An eerie silence pervades the room as the other members, stunned, look on as the general, realizing his outburst, wipes his face with a handkerchief while an attendant rushes to right his chair from the floor.

Stalin nods, lighing his pipe with a wry smirk.

"Voroshilov, it is not good to become so emotional about these things. Perhaps you are right. Perhaps this Admiral is not the honorable man his predecessor was. . . . Very well, Marshal, contact the Front Commanders and give the order to prepare.

"We shall also begin mobilization, but it will be done quietly. I want no provocations on our part. If a war is inevitable I wish it to be of their doing.

"Meanwhile we must look to our relations with the Japanese. Molotov, we must take them up on that offer of a non-aggression pact. Yes, we must be very friendly with our neighbors. Including Finland. Meanwhile, who knows, perhaps that pickpocket Ribbentrop and a few Germans will yet show up to discuss the provisions we've proposed."


"Around the Nation, Around the Globe, this is NewsReels on the World to bring you the Story!

"Japanese Ambassador Namura arrived in Washington today to discuss America's reaction to the movement of Japanese troops into the Kindom of Siam. Also to be discussed are the rumors of demands to the French Governor in Saigon by the Imperial Court demanding Japanese annexation of Indo-China.


"These meetings take place only days after announcements from both Moscow and Tokyo on the signing of a Ten Year Non-aggression pact between the two nations.

"Elsewhere, word from London that British and Free French cruiser squadrons have sunk a large number of U-boats south of Bergen. The U-boat squadron is said to have been the largest single concentration of submarines since the outbreak of hostilities.

"In further War developments, word from North Africa says the Vichy French Army has been virtually annihlated and a large Axis force, rumored to consist of Bulgarian troops, has already occupied Tunis and is even now moving upon a battered, lightly defended Algiers.

"Of more immediate concern, it was learned today that German and Italian agents have been operating in several South American nations in an underhaned attempt to spred the Axis into the Americas. It is said these nations were asked specifically to join the Axis if the United States was to be drawn into the European conflict.

"When asked, Secretary of State Cordell Hull declined to comment upon this story.

"Though there is no official word yet from Washington, unnamed sources say Brazil, Venezuila and Argentina are three of the nations that have been contacted. If this is true, it will be the most serious international incident of it's kind since the Zimmermann Telegram!"

[ July 27, 2003, 11:14 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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June 1942

The war to prevent Soviet aggression saw more action unfolded in the first week of June than in the entire war thus far.


Army Group Manstein was given the go ahead to cross into Soviet territory. Like in France, the main goal of the initial thrust was to encircle the enemy troops rather than engage them out right. At first, German troops crossing the Soviet border met heavy resistance. However gaps were forced open which led to the encirclement of three Russian Armies. Shore bombardments were than called in and were provided by the Kriegsmarine on a bewildered Soviet army just south of Riga.


Field Marshal Model launched his part of the operation with the full force of the Luftwaffe at his disposal. Instead of simply encircling the enemy, his forces were able to destroy two whole armies while encircling another. By the end of the week his forces were on the march toward Kiev


Rommel was not pleased with his part in the operation. The geography of the terrain his forces had to cross to reach their targets was not suitable to achieve the rapid movement needed for encirclements. Two armies under his command along with their foreign allies plowed straight into the Soviet Armies ahead of them, making little progress. However after noticing a gap created by Army group Model, Rommel was able to launch an attack with his Panzer arm that nearly cut off the city of Odessa from supply.


A Romanian force under German leadership beat the Italians in a race to capture the new capital of Vichy France. Meeting no resistance they entered the city in a victory paid for in Italian blood. Vichy surrendered to Germany three days later.


For several weeks Himmler had been in contact with Field Marshal List and persuaded him that his department gave him the authority to draft operational orders. Having convinced List that they had been approved by Doenitz himself at the Chief of Staff meeting, an invasion of Norway had been planned to coincide with the start of action in Russia.

Admiral Reader had been brought into the plan at the last minute and even though he knew the operation had not been cleared by Doenitz, the benefits for the Reich and the Kriegsmarine far out weighed the consequences. Germany had lost far to many U-boats, with a base in Norway perhaps they could do some damage on Allied shipping. He agreed to provide naval support as well as a corps of German marines. While the German army was tearing through the Soviet defences, the armies of Sweden crossed into Norway and after a week's worth of fighting German marines captured the city of Oslo from the shocked Norwegian defenders.


Although half his beloved Luftwaffe had been forced into service in Russia, Goering had convinced Doenitz that an air war could still be won over the skies of England. Once again Rockets were launched at London with a Bomber attack following in their wake. The port, their primary target for this operation suffered 90% loss of productivity. While fighter escort was provided, no RAF unit was dispatched to intervene.


All appeared to be going well. The Soviets, as expected had deployed their forces in an offensive posture. This had made their encirclement easier. While some adjustments would have to be made to bolster the slow progress made by Rommel, German success looked promising.

While the surrender of Vichy had been expected, the surrender of Norway had come at a complete surprise to the Fuehrer. Although Doenitz knew he would have to take action against Himmler he was impressed. Not only had Norway been captured, but archeological teams were already digging up artifacts that Himmler claimed would win the war.



Mussolini was red with anger. The Germans would not rob him again from a conquest. Now that they were busy freezing in Russia, his plans for the MED could be accomplished without their help and thievery.

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Germany Launches Operation Hitler, the Invasion of the Soviet Union

The map below shows the intended Axis offensives as indicated under the original designation of Barbarossa. By either name it is the largest invasion in the history of man.


German panzers quickly encircle Russian units caught at the borders.


Three Soviet armies are crushed at the border, one is permanently cut off and two others fight their way through encircling German lines in an attempt to reach Riga.

As soviet units disolve before the onslaught prisoners are gathered up by the Germans, individually at first, and then by the tens of thousands.



With mobilization in it's early stages when the treacherous attack was launched, surviving Soviet formations are ordered to fall back to Minsk and Kiev with Odessa certain to fall quickly.

-- * --

Meanwhile, Norway is simultaneously invaded and surrenders after hard fighting around Oslo.

In the Middle East, British and Iraqi troops move into Syria after Vichy France surrenders unconditionally, leaving Algeria, Tunisia and Southern France in Axis hands.

A broken man, Marshal Petain makes his way to Zurich, Switzerland, where he is immediately admitted for medical treatment. "I had their word, and they betrayed me. . .." he mutters before lapsing into an exhausted sleep.

Across the Atlantic, Charles Linburgh and other anti-war leaders are booed for the first time as newsreel footage is shown of Japanes autrocities against French civilians in Indochina. Word is received of an American gunboat sunk by the Japanese while sailing in coastal Chinese waters. Meanwhile, Secretary of State Cordell Hull announces officially that German agents in South America have been actively seeking allies against the United States.

[ July 30, 2003, 04:01 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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