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Specifically for Hubert

Les the Sarge 9-1b

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I could not find any other way of specifically drawing attention to the matter through private message.

Even so, I don't know that it bothers me that I do this openly.

I don't mind my ideas being attacked. I have a great love of debate.

I DO take offense though when I am specifically insulted.

I would like to say that I was not pleased with Kuniworth's direct attack on me personally in a current post.

He has blemmished the forum with his behaviour towards me.

I am not always right, but it unacceptable to out of hand insult me when my opinion differs from another's.

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Sorry Sarge but you need to grow up a bit and let such slings and arrows roll off your skin without the need to add threads such as this. His remark was inappropriate and you responded in the thread which should be sufficient. Adding threads like this are not constructive. Hopefully this thread and the offensive thread will be quickly locked.

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Wagner, the comment was specifically directed at Hubert (hence the name of the thread).

No, after being in the military it is highly unlikely that a mere insult will "offend" me.

It is not a matter of me needing to "grow up" though, after all, I was not the one that posted the insult.

I am merely insisting that fellow posters adopt a mature stance in their discourse, or expect that other forum members will ask the appropriate authorities to take appropriate actions.

And this way, I have behaved entirely "grown up"

I am unconcerned if this thread is "locked" I only meant it as a way of letting Hubert know of my feelings. As such I have no long term plans to employ this thread.

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