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Arngrim vs Exel Pbem AAR


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With the last-minute aid from Finland and Romania, Germany prepares to make the last stand around Berlin and Prague. Though with the entrance of Royal Navy into the Baltic Sea in force secured Sweden for good and foiled my plans of last reprisal attack, I will make Sir Arngrim fight for his victory.

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Alas! Finally i'm knighted! :D

Being a Swedish commander we use Bernadotte's tactics from leipzig: Use the Russians as cannonfodder. Since Sweden likes nothing better than russian blood (historically) we use one enemy to thrash another. Russia is advancing steadily. Our brother nation Denmark is liberated by the Russians, who also advance into Romania, now with HQ support, and take Königsberg. The red army uses the wellknown tactic from WWI, over the top and at them. Decorated warheroes even get weapons. GB airstrikes the German garrison in France. It shall soon be liberated.

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While the Germans build their (hopefully) impregnable defensive line in the east, Italy strives with great success to create a new Roman Empire in the south. Vichy is soon dealt with, and the defenders of Athens surrender before the overwhelming invasion force. Sir Arngrims human-wave tactics with the Soviets seems to work, causing him the loss of two armies.

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The Russians die in droves smile.gif:D :cool: , but Vichy is now in the fight, and promises to hold on. British prime minister promises aid to the French (again). USA is appaled, and promises to enter the war as soon as Moscow is threatened. Russian wave continues to whittle down the germans. the Italien "empire" will be crushed from the north as soon as berlin has fallen. GB continues its airwar against the german garrison in France. New resorces from the minors line the british coffers.

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Vichy forces fight harder than expected, but they will fall soon nevertheless. Heroic resistance in Germany causes heavy losses to the Soviet once again, while own casualties remain minimal. If you hoped for a quick ending, you will be disappointed.

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The rope around Finland and Romania tightens, and though it is only a matter of time when they will drop dead, they are just as prepared to make a last, courageous and stubborn stand against their oppressors. The heroic defence of Königsberg by the Finnish volunteer corps was only foretaste of things to come. Germany's fate may be decided as well, but for now they show no sign of collapsing - Russia may outproduce us in time, but we will nevertheless make them fight like hell for their gains.

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Romania has fallen, but alas, Hungary and Bulgaria have joined the struggle against communism!

The German economical situation isn't a too great one, but so far the Soviets have made no progress in their advance towards Berlin nor Prague, and the Red Army has suffered great losses with minimal sacrifices from the Wehrmacht side.

Though with garrisons in western France the Allies seem incapable of invading with any significant force in the west. I'll just hope it will stay that way in the future as well.

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Great fight from a slow start, these are the games we learn the most from.


Fine energetic start -- I've got to do some of that myself as the Allies, but I can't bring myself to hit LC early in the game; probably I should. Rannug is the best master at that tactic I've had the priveledge of playing.

Enjoying it, hope the two of you do more of them.

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Jersey: thanks for the feedback.

for the AAR: allies are low on MPP:s so they slowly kill a german every second turn, and raid the med. the russiand steadily advance and since brilliance are no longer neccesary, the steadily pound away. Finland surrenders.

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Vichy goes down, but not for the Italians as planned - the creation of the New Roman Empire may step aside in favor of the defence of the Third Reich. The Soviets have advanced to the gates of Berlin and Prague, and reinforcements are desperately needed. Italy prepares to issue the final blow to the resisting Yugoslavia, while hastily organising defence in Hungary, Bulgaria and Greece for the oncoming red onslaught. Luftwaffe struggles for its survival against the numerically superior Red Army Air Force - western Allies have achieved air superiority above France, and their air raids are seriously hampering the garrison defences there.

Jersey John: There will certainly be a revanche - I couldn't live without one after such a humiliating defeat.

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Iraq and Yugoslavia make stubborn resistance in the face of overwhelming Italian attacks, but so does Germany and Bulgaria in the face of Soviet onslaught. The situation in Germany is worsening though, but the combined Axis forces still outpower the Red Army. The UK is weak on land, and can't pose a serious threat to the French garrison for now. Their naval and air superiority however forced the evacuation of Benelux, and Essen falls unguarded to a British raid invasion. USA joins the war, so the odds in the west are expected to turn in the Allied favor.

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Arngrim, Exel

Looking forward to the eventual rematch, rivalries are always interesting. ;)

Exel I can say for a fact that in this Forum great victories and great defeats are quickly forgotten. But I agree, it's always good to even the score. :cool:

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The defenders of Belgrade and Bagdad refuse to accept their defeat. Northern Home Front takes a new shape while the Soviets advance along the coast, but it firmly holds. Southern Home Front in Czechoslovakia remains still, while counterattack destroys a Soviet army. A Soviet corps is also destroyed in the north. Own losses are limited to the Paris garrison that gave up on the pressure of heavy air bombardment by the RAF and RN. A British battleship that was severely hammered by Italian subs near Gibraltar (in Italian control) withdraws back to the Atlantic. Italy retakes Malta.

[ April 30, 2004, 05:08 PM: Message edited by: Exel ]

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We have specific surrender rules:

- Axis player may not surrender before either Germany or Italy surrenders and the remaining major has Allied troops on its soil.

- Allied player may not surrender before USSR surrenders.

The latter could be refined for the next game to be less strict, so that the surrender of UK would also give the right to surrender if Axis also controlled Leningrad, Stalingrad and Moscow.

Anyway, back to the AAR.

Yugoslavia surrenders and Bulgarian corps occupy the capitol. The Soviets and Brits join fronts north of Hamburg, counter-offensive against the Brits provides little results both in Essen and in France. A fleet battle ensues at Gibraltar - Italian battleship capsizes and British marine invasion fleet suffers moderate casualties in a sub raid.

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The russians stand their ground in the east, while their airfleets pound berlin, wich is threatened by armor. linkup in the North with the british soon complete. gaining ground in the balkans. relief corps Iraq arrives. sub in gib. heavily damaged by american fleet. Gibraltar retaken. steady advance in the west.

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Italian war success is varied. In the Balkans they establish a firm defence and the Soviet advance comes to a halt at the gates of Belgrade. In Iraq the Italian troops quickly maneuver to counter the Soviet relief corps, destroying one of the two units. In France however, the Italians fair poorly against the advancing Brits, suffering heavy casualties. British corps retake Gibraltar and Allied fleets prepare to re-enter Mediterranean.

Soviets are building up an overwhelming force on the German front, but the line holds.

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Russian Front: Not much happening, slowly whittling down the Axis Mpp's on the frm frontline. Allies have entered the med. a stray sub was sunk. fighting in the west is very mobile, with few units and a lot of ground.

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While the eastern front holds firm despite heavy casualties, holding in the west proves a much harder task, thanks to the Allied air supremacy. Italy fights off another Soviet Iraq expeditionary corps and maintains its positions in the Balkans, but suffers a decisive defeat in France. With Allied air cover moving into reach of the German main forces, the war might soon well come to an abrupt end.

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Hamburg is evacuated after intensive bombing, and a breach in the eastern front is closed. Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe pound a Soviet Armor near Berlin, but fail to knock it out. American GIs are finally thrown into battle in the west, where they battle with German corps. Italians switch to defence and evacuates Vichy when American invasion becomes imminent. Desperate naval battle in the Med continues, and an American battleship is sunk while Italian battleships suffer heavy damage. In Iraq the Italians destroy yet another Soviet army, but more keep pouring in.

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