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Arngrim vs Exel Pbem AAR


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Despite losses suffered, the Germans cause major casualties to both the Brits and the Soviets. Italy withdraws in the Balkans in the face of Soviet pressure. Balbo's Elite Army Group Iraq achieves another lightning victory of the Soviets, regardless of the loss of one army.

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Sofia taken, Malta recaptured. The allies now dominate the seas as well. Time for the showdown in Berlin.

British High Command recieves intriguing suggestion of new way to use carriers from German HC. Tests postponed until carriers return to port. :D

[ May 02, 2004, 09:13 AM: Message edited by: Arngrim ]

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German HC wires a message to Sir Arngrim: "Shove those carriers into your ass, please."

They wreak havoc on an unprecedented scale, and the troops on the ground are most fed up of getting the RN bomb deliveries on their heads.

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Counter-offensive of Berlin provides some heavy casualties to the occupying Communists, but final breakthrough is not achieved. Troops withdraw from Cologne and Praque to form a strong pocket of resistance in central Germany. Münich is retaken from the French with Italian support. Allied troops storm Italy from France, and Soviets are driving Italians out of Balkans. Iraqi campaign still continues with Balbo's troops repelling yet another Soviet army.

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Germans withdraw southwards and unite front with Italians. Stalemate in northwest Italy. Hungary is finally subject of Soviet invasion. Soviets in Iraq suffer heavily but total victory is not achieved. Allies threaten southern Italy with amphibious invasion.

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Tirana taken, rumanian city emptied, but yet unocupied. The sweep from north to south begins. numerous german corps and armies destroyed, not much left of G army. Carriers sail with new destinaion: Rome.

Date: 30/8 1942.

Germany Surrenders.

But I guess the Finn (Exel) will play until Rome has fallen. A very stubborn opponent, and with a good defensive strategy.

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German army suffers a catastrophic defeat at in the last defensive line north of Münich, and the High Command sees no other choice but to accept unconditional surrender.

Italian corps take control of Münich, and some fierce fighting takes place near Torino. Balbo's army crush a Soviet army in Iraq, but the Red Army rushes armor to the scene. Italy still controls all of its own main land, Greece, Egypt and Syria.

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Another catastrophy takes form in northern Italy. Soviets enter Venice, Brits enter Torino, and part of the Italian army is pocketed in the Alps, without hope of breaking through. Iraq is lost, and the defenders withdraw to Syria, but face encirclement as Americans land south of their positions. Sicily is evacuated after brief fighting with American invaders. Soviet landing craft spotted on the east coast of Italy.

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BREAKING NEWS - After the capitulation of Sicily and the encircled troops in the north, spontaneous demonstrations in Rome develop into a revolution. The crowds, acknowledging the defeat their government doesn't, march into the parliament and overthrow the regime. Remaining troops all across Italy and Middle East surrender to nearest Allied units - British or American if possible. POW colums surrendering to the Brits in the north sing "we aint gonna fight no more..." with smiles on their faces as they march into custody. WW2 in Europe is over.

I'm quite pleased with my performance in the end. Even after the disastrous start I could fight on for over a year after the Soviet DOW, which quite frankly in summer 1941 I did not believe would be possible.

Good game, hope for a rematch soon!

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Finally the opressed people of Italy rise agains Mussolini. War trials are being prepared, so is a rematch. Same rules, but allies may surrender if London, Leningrad and a few others are taken. Don't know if we're doing an AAr this time though.

Good game!

Thanks Exel, it's been fun, _and_ the entire war was fought on hexagons! :D

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