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Arngrim vs Exel Pbem AAR


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Exel(Axis) vs Arngrim (Allies)

Rules: No Rome gambit. No bids, just a flipped coin that (unfortunately) gave me the allies.

Ok folks, here it is. My very first HvsH game, and Worse, I’m gonna get pummeled by a Finn!

Turn 1. Axis throws everything against Poland, not preparing for LC nor attacking Denmark. Subs raid.

So, I foolishly concentrate on France and forgets to move Poland altogether *sigh* Ah well, they’re toast anyway.

Sells off entire French Fleet, which is a bit cheesy, but hey, It’s a game and the allies are in serious jeopardy as it is.

Malta air fleet goes home instantly, the rest of the Med. Units hold to ensure a late Italian entry. RN spreads out in subhunting formation, Carriers move for LC gambit. London corps on transport (just in case). Can Army transported.

French Army & corps head for LC. Should have exchanged the southern army in Mag line with the corps, darn. Not cash for a HQ, Air is based in GB. New army purchased instead and placed n/e of Paris. Will be biting my nails until next mail drops in.

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Turn Two:

Since I morosely forget to move my polish heroes, they are wiped out almost to a man, and the last corps de esprit surrenders Poland.

No dow on Denmark, one air used against the poles turn two..

I launch the LC gambit,(actually the duch called out for help, reported paratroopers in the country, and true enough, after marking LC in the war map, there is axis units in there!) and it is rather successful!

Except for two things: 1, idiot that I am, use a carrier in the first strike, instead of the expendable French air, 3pts of damage, damn. 2, I took it with France and not England, since I thought my Gb corps could sail into the harbor after the city was emptied.

My Canadian corps finds a sub, ouch…

The RN med continues to sail for Gibraltar. Algerian corps sails for France since Italian readiness is over 80. If my carriers survive I might be looking at Ireland turn 4 (my turns).

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Turn Three:

German sub sneaks away, But contact is restablished. All is quiet on the eastern front.

Carriers being notoriously paranoid sail for Ireland (screw US). France decides to get a tank entrenched, HQ’s: bah, humbug! Delay, delay, delay. We shall build a wall of Corps for the axis to climb over.

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Turn 4

New German sub encountered RN outside Canada, damaged one escaped.. Dow Ireland and get experience for Ca+ Raf Corps purchased for France. Germany Dow Denmark, reinforced to 5, Italy Dow next turn. Corps for France. All quiet on eastern front. RN med fleet will get clear of med soon.

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Turn 5

Axis use air, fleet and an army vs Denmark, but only hurt them for 2 pts, reinforced. Italy moves an army to the n/w. Allied transports are headed for the port cities in France. Gibraltar evacuated. German armor, air and army attack across the river, driving the army down to 2pts, but reinforced. French air intercepts, 3pts dam, reinforced. Air and carriers train on Ireland, which has been reinforced. 3RN hunt for the missing sub. No luck. Fleet group Med almost out of the med.

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Turn 6

No sub found, where is he hiding? Denmark destroyed, still Allied. Training on Ireland. Marseilles surrounded and attacked, 1pt of damage. New corps south of Paris. British land in French coast cities. Axis attack without air, from river, no dam. British saves cash.

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Fine Thread, it's unfortunate Exel isn't also posting, these things are more interesting when both players are contributing.

Regarding the Allies, take heart, there are many who actually believe they've got the advantage -- the only problem is in the early going a handful of mistakes will kill you. Against the top guns the Allies can't make any serious mistakes. But it's a long game and usually the Axis runs out of steam and then it's advantage Allies, especially if they haven't lost much of the Royal Navy.

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Turn 7

Axis captures Copenhagen.

3 Armies & air destroy F Army W/Brussels

Italian army+corps attack Marseilles.

2RN Battleship+destroyer search S atlantic for sub, but Med fleet moving N along Portugal coast find it, and bring it down to 1.

Carriers+bomber train om (4) Ireland, bring it to 1.

Army+Corps strike G army W/Brussels, give 2, take 3.

Brussels dig in, awaiting assault.

F air up to 10

RAF to London to dig in.

British get a chit in… (jet)

New F corps N Paris

RN SB G army.. eh.. fleet bombards german in clear language.

Can army lands on elbow?(s/w Brussels) to counter breakthrough

S Maginot>French Ardennes to counter break, corps replace.

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Cheers jersey. Thanks for the feedback. Actually the game has moved into turn 21, but I couldn't post my strategies until he discovered certain evacuations on his own now, could ? ;)

Turn 8

No Sub raiding. I’ll catch that sub…

German & Italian Armies(3) + corps move up towards Paris from the South/Italy.

Corps (7)+ newly purchased corps take position s/e+s/w of Paris.

Morosely I manage to misclick maginot unit to NN/e Paris, had to cover it with a corps. Damn!

1 Raf reinforce, money saved for ‘tech. French air(8) suicider against G army+intercept, got destroyed! :eek: Horrifying.

At least Paris should hold three more turns. Considering the war% I need ‘til 41 or so :D

Training on Ireland. STUPID :mad: me forgot to move the subhunters, I'll have to hope for a surprise contact as it flees….

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Turn 9

Germany reveals jet1!

Air+ground destroy army S Brussels.

2 Italian + 1 G army +1 I&1 G corps without HQ support attack the southern Paris defensive perimeter.

No sub found.

Ireland not reinforced, is he on to my training schedule? OTOH, plunder would mean onother ‘tech chit _very_ welcome right now… well, training time.

Ooops, RN B-ship 0* does 2dam, and destroys garrison, the (very)patient Can corps(2)

Land, and takes the city at str 1.

Well, it was time for the carriers to defend Paris anyway.

Meatwall paris soon complete, new corps purchased.

1 more chit into jet.

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Turn 11.

Light Axis attacks in the south.

Brussels surrounded and assaulted by air, 3 armies and a corps, but holds , gotta love entrenchment!

RN shorebombards. Allied counterattacks do light damage, but with carrier assistance a corps s/w BR is destroyed.

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Turn 12.

Germany takes LC, damn!

Light attacks in the south. Italian corps (6) head for Brest. German corps threaten resource hex.

German army in Brussels.

Italian army threatening Paris destroyed by Bomber.

RN carriers are exposed, rash action by me, I’ll probably regret it next turn. :(

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Turn 13

Heavy axis attacks in the North destroy F corps. LW taking damage though. Axis retreat in the south.

Mid+South maginot evacuated to stall Northern axis offensive. 1 corps killed. RAF reinforced. Italians sighted outside Egypt and Malta, soon I can post this AAR.

RN searches for KM finds a sub outside denmark. It feels that now is the time for some Naval battles since LW is strained. Still no ‘tech. *sigh*

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Turn 15.

OMG! :eek:

Germany destroy French army+corps.

Kriegsmarine sink 2! Battleships, one (7) cruiser did 6! Points in a single attack!!!

All maginot+resource taken.

France counter light.

RAF tries desperately to kill a german airfleet, with 2 air, 3 carriers, and even a bomber. 6 attacks in total, but it survives :( . Must be heavily damaged though.

GB _needs_ jet ‘tech, but of course, still no payoff…

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T 17

Axis destroy F corps, Beirut captured. Heavy Axis air attacks vs carrier in London port, losing an airfleet in the process. :D

Italian success, 3 Bshipås damage themselves against the port.

Carriers retreating to resupply.

Finally! Jet 1.

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Paris surrounded, 6 attacks bloody themselves against entrenched tank.Tank survives at 8. Marseilles attacked, survives.

USSR declares WAR!

Russian flood pours over the border. Warsaw falls undefended, Königsberg under siege, Bs Marat damages Sharnhorst, RN on the way.

Zhukov takes command of the army. Finland declares war.

This game is effectively over.

However, we play with a houserule that states that there will be no surrender until a Capital has been taken.

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It's been a fun game, and I've been lucky. However in retrospect I wonder if Exel hade been better off used an Italian and an extra German HQ.

I tried to hurt his army every turn to force him to purchase new units to keep the offensive up, and apparently it succeded.

Thanks for a fun game Exel!

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Didn't prepare an AAR, but some comments:

I was afraid that he might launch attack on LC, but I decided to press for Poland with all I've got, finish it off fast and then turn west. However I wasn't fast enough and I couldn't counter the LC attack in time. I had immense trouble getting through his newly formed line in LC and every step forward was darkened by setbacks. With a stroke of luck Arngrim was able to destroy a few valuable units, and though costly his air campaign may have been, it kept Luftwaffe busy and drained my MPPs. I was hard pressed to keep the initiative on my side in the west, and my MPP production simply wasn't enough to cover all the expenses - depriving me of my LC plunder sure didn't help.

My inability to take France in time shocked me, and soon I came to realize that even if I succeeded, I would no longer have time to recover and prepare for the onslaught in the east.

Now France has finally fallen, but only a turn after Soviet DOW. I'm preparing for the last stand - this aint over yet.

The success of Kriegsmarine has been almost the only dim light for me in this game. It's been a humbling experience.

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