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Turkey Shootout, Game #4 : Zappsweden (Axis) vs Rambo (Allies). RAMBO WON.


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This will be a tough one but sea-lion is my only chance. Since Russia is already at 78% would mean they join very early. If Russia join early I gotta destroy UK to stand a chance against the HUGE MPP bonus Russia have. Tough job ahead...

[ November 28, 2003, 08:08 PM: Message edited by: zappsweden ]

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Decemeber 1940 -

1) Axis trying to find a hole on England's defenses. UK is playing it cool, saving some money, using the Free French Army (3 of them) & one Free French Corp.

2) RAF & Monty are conducting intercepts NorthEast of Manchester.

3) Naval combat at London, RN lost a ship, but did sink German Corp transport & damage Panzer (down to strength-5)

4) Romania joined the Nazi killer's side.

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March 1941 -

1) Italian Corps (two of them) are sunk S.East of Manchester by RAF, Carriers, & RN.

2) German ground units are on the beaches of England, led by Manstein.

3) Luftwaffen (5+) conduct missions from the Coast of France.

4) Monty leds RAF from Northern England.

5) Churchill orders the purchase of 3 new UK-corps to stuff the Island.

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