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AAR : 1939 Lend-Lease : Rambo (Axis) Zapp (Allies)


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Okay, it's Z-League once again with a new scenario: "Lend-Lease" modification. Read the rules from Zapp's thread for specifics. The bid is a little different, Axis only gives MMP's to Russia.

After checking out the new scenario, it looks like UK is going to get +30, until USA enters & regains their oil well/mine. USA/USSR get tech help.

I end up with the Axis, bid of 1701. Zapp may have his scenario & his mod, but I'm a Legend & have my own plans.

Turn #1 --- Poland gets hit hard, units moved to the West, & Denmark. No surpirses.

[ September 01, 2003, 04:20 PM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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December 1939 --- Axis forces destory another French Army & cut-off UK-corps positioned "in the Elbow". Yes, my Nazi-Youth-Corp was destroyed, but that's what they are for. UK-Battleship Resolution which was pinging my troops in the LC was attacked by 3-Luftwaffe-Fighters & reduced to strength-2. I have a feeling they'll be leaving the immediate area.






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March 1940 --- German subs are dead, but honored post-mortem, they sunk Canadian-Corp which was used for spotting. Subs also scored a hit on UK-cruiser & the UK-Carrier-Couragous is no strength-8. On the land, the French are on the run, shouldn't be long. Canadians also lost an Army in France, so their land forces are no more. Zapp must have sold French fleet & spent all his money for Free Forces in UK. I wouldn't be surprised if the French Navy is in the Med.Front waiting for an ambush.

German HQ's in action: Bock, Model, Rundstedt.

[ September 01, 2003, 12:51 PM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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Summer 1940 --- German carrier attack Gibralter, Italian ships w/ Luftwaffe-Fighter from Algeria destroy RoyalNavy ship. German ground forces advance on Zapp's homeland of Sweden. Italians take Suez, Alexandria next.

French Army does a commando raid & destorys Luftwaffe-fighter in LC-Brussels. The French Army has been dealt a deathblow. German scientists upgrades Jets+11. Allies still have Brest & Bergen.










Suez Canal

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June 1941 --- USA 62% Russia 56%. Yugoslavia gets head-cracked in 1-turn, I like it.

Axis subs have turned the "1939 Lend-Lease" into the "1941 Lend-Loss" smile.gif

Strange: Romania & Bulgaria have not joined. Spain is neutral too. What's with that?

[ September 01, 2003, 04:34 PM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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