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June 23rd. Russo-German Border:

The Bells of war once again sound over the Russian Soil, 27 years after the Germans last attacked Russia, they’re at it again. The Germans are calling it ‘Operation Barbarossa’

In the war room inside the Kremlin; a shocked Stalin sits staring at the floor from his chair. A distraught Molotov enters the room.

”Sir, with your permission?”

The Tyrant nods. Molotov walks over to a radio in one corner of the room. He picks up the microphone and says, “People of the Soviet Union, I am speaking to you from the Kremlin and on the direct consent of Comrade Stalin, our glorious leader. This morning, the German Fascists, without a declaration of war, and without any provocation, attacked our beautiful homeland. Many of our troops have died gloriously defending our Motherland. We will triumph in the face of this Fascist onslaught, we, the glorious Soviet peoples, will rid our beloved country of this invader!”

He switched off the radio and walked out.

”This is the end, truly the end.” Muttered Stalin.


In the first 7 days of invasion the soviet border defense troops, made up of the 2nd, 3rd, 10th, and 6th armies, are all surrounded. By July 1st, the 2nd, 3rd, and 10th armies are all destroyed, with the Soviet fourth army now surrounded. The 6th army however manages to keep a small salient open. The axis minor armies maintain a static front along the Romanian border, looking to form an anchor on which Army Group south can surround Odessa.


Army Group North, Commanded by Kesselring aims to ‘liberate’ the Baltic States, secure Riga, and head towards Leningrad.

Army Group Centre, Commanded by Manstein, contains most of the German Panzer groups. They are tasked with the capture of Minsk, Smolensk, and ultimately; Moscow.

Army Group South, under Runstedt, is charged with taking Odessa, Sevastopol, and Kiev. They are then to either advance to the Volga, or set up defenses on the Don River.

Stalin orders the 5th and 6th armies to stay put. The 5th army complies but the Commissar of the 6th armies betrays the Motherland and retreats to Odessa. There he is shot by NKVD troops. Massive conscription begins, the local Commissars round up every able-bodied young man and women they can muster. The Germans keep pressing forward. Will the largest country in the world be conquered?

However the fighting is not only confined to Russia. On July 13th the BEF finally arrives in Alexandria, now, they must wait for the arrival of their leader. Some guy named ‘Montgomery’

In an emergency meeting of the war cabinet Churchill asks, “What of are objectives, which we set down, at the beginning of the year, have we accomplished?!”

”Sir, I can mobilize XX corps, we would be ready to raid Brest by late August.” Says General Allen.

”Don’t you think that’s rushing it a bit?” Interjects Morten.

”Gentlemen,” Begins Churchill, “The situation in Russia, is bleak, and getting bleaker every day. The German Whermact has destroyed a large portion of the Soviet Field armies. I am faced now, with one of the hardest decisions in my life. You all know, that I have, for the last 30 years, spoken out against Communism. It is the most evil and primitive form of government. Now, in order to defeat an even greater foe, I must ally to, and aid just the government to which I have tried to bring an end to since 1917. We will—“

Just then his secretary marches into the room, “Sir, we’ve received a communiqué from Mr. Stalin.”

”Let me ‘ave it,” replies Churchill, “Your honorable Prime Minister, I am speaking to you today as an ally. As you know, we have been driven back on all fronts. The Soviet people are brave, but cannot face this challenge alone. You must form a second front in France, in order to move forces away from our border. Regards, Stalin”

”That man’s crazy!” replies Allen.

”Mary,” Winston calls back his secretary, “I will dictate to you a response to our friend.”

With that Mary sat down in front of the typewriter. Winston began, “Mr. Stalin. We recognize the courage of your people. However we cannot comply on your request as to the formation of a second front. Sign it Winston S. Churchill.”

”Yes, sir.”

Seven days later Churchill is again awakened in the night. “This is becoming a common theme.” Grows the Prime Minister.

”Sir, its Finland, they too have declared war on the Soviet Union.”

”I had feared this would happen, we shall do nothing at the moment, the Finns are good people. They are simply trying to regain their lost territories.”

”Joe isn’t going to be happy.”

”Let the man deal with it.”

By July 20th the 100,000 men defending Odessa were cut off. The ring began to close around them. Army Group center has nearly surrounded Minsk. Kiev is in a similar predicament. Army group North halts along the Dvina River, regrouping for the attack on Riga. Mussolini sends the ‘New Roman Legion to Northern Romania, looking to add some of southern Russia to his empire.

The Reds launch a minor offensive North or lake Lodoga, looking to hold back Mannerheim and his men. Meanwhile the Isthmus army advances to the Northern suburbs of Leningrad.

By August 3rd, Riga is cut off, Minsk is nearly surrounded, and Kiev is almost cut off. The German High Seas fleet makes contact with the Red Fleet outside Riga. The Germans Send List to Finland. He waits for the arrival of the 4th army, with will help the Finns advance on Leningrad.

In England, preparations for Operation Vintage, the raid on Brest, are in high gear. The XX corps readies for the word ‘go!’

August 10th is a rough day for the Germans in Army Group North. Partisans cut the German XXX panzer group off north of Riga, but then disappear in the direction of Leningrad. The Red fleet withdraws toward Leningrad as well.

Meanwhile in Moscow, The Stavka is frantic trying to find a way to stop the German onslaught.

”Sir, We must recall the Soviet far east army.” States Zhukov.

”We cant, the Japanese might hit us in the rear.” Replies Stalin.

”Actually sir,” begins Molotov, “We have reason to believe the Japanese are attacking elsewhere.”

”No, not yet. I want conclusive evidence before we expose Siberia.”

”In the meantime sir, I suggest we move the Red Guard tank armies to the east of Moscow. We need to prepare our reserves.” Says Zhukov.

”Ok, do it, has that capitalist bastard Churchill responded to my message yet?”

Meanwhile, in London.

”What! The Germans have over Forty Divisions in France! The Battle would be over without them having to move one division from Russia! Tell Stalin that we fought alone, for a year. Unsure that even if you did enter this war, it would be on our side. There will be no main second front in France in 1941.


By August 17th, but Minsk and Kiev are also surrounded. The Russian fleet is blockaded in Leningrad.

”Zhukov, I want you to take personal command on the defense of Moscow.” Says Stalin.

”Yes sir.” Replies Zhukov.

”Sir!” Molotov runs into the room. “We decoded their signals. The Japanese are going to Attack Hawaii!”

”Begin moving our forces in Eastern Russia to Moscow!”

On August 24th, XX corps, under the cover of the RAF, hits Brest, they engage in Heavy House to house fighting. The battle rages through the week.

Off Brest, The Royal Navy is ambushed by 2 U-boat flotillas. They sink 1 of the RN’s BB’s.

By September 7th, the 4 besieged cities in Russia somehow still stand; all are cut off, but remain fighting.

Meanwhile, in America, a strange series of events is taking place. For the past few weeks, they have been receiving all kinds of messages as to what the Japanese plane to do. On the early morning, of September 7, President Roosevelt is interrupted in his garden. He reads the Western Union telegram handed to him:


The paper fluttered to the ground.

The next morning he stands before Congress:


"Yesterday, Sept. 7, 1941 - a date which will live in infamy - the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan. The United States was at peace with that nation and, at the solicitation of Japan, was still in conversation with the government and its emperor looking toward the maintenance of peace in the Pacific. Indeed, one hour after Japanese air squadrons had commenced bombing in Oahu, the Japanese ambassador to the United States and his colleagues delivered to the Secretary of State a formal reply to a recent American message. While this reply stated that it seemed useless to continue the existing diplomatic negotiations, it contained no threat or hint of war or armed attack. It will be recorded that the distance of Hawaii from Japan makes it obvious that the attack was deliberately planned many days or even weeks ago. During the intervening time, the Japanese government has deliberately sought to deceive the United States by false statements and expressions of hope for continued peace. The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian Islands has caused severe damage to American naval and military forces. Very many American lives have been lost. In addition, American ships have been reported torpedoed on the high seas between San Francisco and Honolulu. Yesterday, the Japanese government also launched an attack against Malaya. Last night, Japanese forces attacked Hong Kong. Last night, Japanese forces attacked Guam. Last night, Japanese forces attacked the Philippine Islands. Last night, the Japanese attacked Wake Island. This morning, the Japanese attacked Midway Island. Japan has, therefore, undertaken a surprise offensive extending throughout the Pacific area. The facts of yesterday speak for themselves. The people of the United States have already formed their opinions and well understand the implications to the very life and safety of our nation. As commander in chief of the Army and Navy, I have directed that all measures be taken for our defense. Always will we remember the character of the onslaught against us. No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might, will win through to absolute victory. I believe I interpret the will of the Congress and of the people when I assert that we will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost, but will make very certain that this form of treachery shall never endanger us again. Hostilities exist. There is no blinking at the fact that that our people, our territory and our interests are in grave danger. With confidence in our armed forces - with the unbounding determination of our people - we will gain the inevitable triumph - so help us God. I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, Sept. 7, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese empire."

Three days later, in Berlin:


"Als Folge der weiteren Verlängerung von Präsident Roosevelts Politik, die angestrebte uneingeschränkte Weltherrschaft und -diktatur ist, haben die USA zusammen mit England nicht vom Verwenden irgendwelcher Mittel, die Rechte der deutschen, italienischen und japanischen Nationen zur Grundlage ihres natürlichen Bestehens zu diskutieren gezögert. Die Regierungen des USA und des Englands haben folglich, nicht nur jetzt aber auch während aller Zeit, jedes gerade Verständnis widerstanden, das bedeutet wird, um einen ungefähr besseren neuen Auftrag in der Welt zu holen. Seit dem Anfang des Krieges ist der amerikanische Präsident, Roosevelt, von einer Reihe der schlechtesten Verbrechen gegen internationales Gesetz schuldig gewesen; ungültige Ergreifung der Schiffe und anderer Eigenschaft der deutschen und italienischen Angehöriger wurden mit der Drohung zu und dem Plündern von, denen verbunden, die ihre Freiheit beraubt wurden, durch interniert werden. Roosevelts ständig steigende Angriffe gingen schließlich bis jetzt, daß er die amerikanische Marine bestellte, Schiffe unter den deutschen und italienischen Markierungsfahnen überall in Angriff zu nehmen, und sie-diese innen grobe Verletzung des internationalen Gesetzes zu sinken. Amerikanische Minister rühmten sich des Zerstörens der deutschen Unterseeboote in kriminellem auf diese Weise. Deutsche und italienische Handelsschiffe wurden von den American Kreuzern in Angriff genommen, gefangengenommen und von ihren imprisoned Mannschaften. Ohne Versuch an einer amtlichen Ablehnung ist jetzt Amerika Präsident Roosevelts im Plan aufgedeckt worden, durch den, spätestens 1943, Deutschland und Italien in Europa mit militärischen Mitteln angegriffen werden sollten. Auf diese Art die aufrichtigen Bemühungen von Deutschland und von Italien, eine Verlängerung des Krieges zu verhindern und Relationen mit dem USA beizubehalten. trotz der unbearable provocations, die an für Jahre vom Präsidenten Roosevelt getragen worden sind, sind frustriert worden. Deutschland und Italien sind schließlich, angesichts dieses und in der Loyalität zur Dreiertat gezwungen worden, auf dem Kampf gegen das USA und das England mit Japan für die Verteidigung und folglich für die Wartung der Freiheit und der Unabhängigkeit ihrer Nationen und Reiche gemeinsam und nebeneinander zu tragen. Die drei Energien haben folglich die folgende Vereinbarung abgeschlossen, die in Berlin heute unterzeichnet wurde: "in ihrer unshakable Ermittlung, zum der Arme, bis der gemeinsame Krieg gegen das USA und das England eine erfolgreiche Zusammenfassung erreicht, der deutschen, italienischen und japanischen Regierungen nicht niederzulegen sind über die folgenden Punkte einig ge$$$WESEN: Artikel I. Deutschland, Italien und Japan unternimmt den allgemeinen Krieg, der nach ihnen durch das USA und das England mit allen Mitteln der Energie an ihrer Beseitigung, zu einer victorious Zusammenfassung gezwungen wird. Artikel II. Deutschland, Italien und Japan verpflichten, ein armistice oder einen Frieden mit dem USA nicht zu folgern. oder mit England ohne komplettes gegenseitiges Verständnis. Artikel III. Deutschland, Italien und Japan setzt die enge Zusammenarbeit fort, selbst nachdem die victorious Zusammenfassung des Krieges, zwecks einen ungefähr geraden neuen Auftrag in der Richtung des Dreierpaktes zu holen durch sie an dem September 27. 1940 folgerte. Artikel IV. Diese Vereinbarung tritt sofort nach Unterzeichnung in Kraft und bleibt so lang wie der Dreierpakt von September 27. 1940 in Kraft. Die unterzeichnenden Energien konferieren in der Zeit, bevor diese Periode über die zukünftige Form der Mitarbeit beendet, die bereitgestellt wird für in Artikel III dieser Vereinbarung."

In London, Churchill smiles, “We have truly won the war.”


[ November 15, 2002, 05:38 PM: Message edited by: Carl Von Mannerheim ]

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Oi! What's with this deal of Molotov stuttering all the time and fawning over Stalin?! :D Unless I'm totally mistaken, the guy was a ROCK.

I also feel that any kind of "raid" or early invasion on Brest would have been... most unlikely.

However, cracking good read as usual! (Remember man, you asked me earlier to critique. ;)tongue.gif )

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I couldnt belive it when i read it but there were many signs and warnings of the invasion:

-The German embassy staff left.

-Papers were burnt at all German goverment houses.

-Germans left.

-A German soldier deserted and ran to russian troops bringing with him plans and memos of the invasion in return for his life.

-Reports said 80% of the German army was on his border(stalin later said that this was a decoy for a invasion of England).


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