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Man What Happened!


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I bought this game last fall and at that time this forum seemed like such a happy place. For the first time I even considered playing on line! However after Chistmas I got busy with my model building and had not played for sometime. I did check in afew weeks ago and saw a new patch was being tested but I also saw a complete change in the forum. I guess when this ladder thing came into being everbody went nuts! Today when I got to the site it was not pleasant. I will always like wargaming, I use to table top all the time. But I got out of it for this same reason, we spent more time argueing over the rules than enjoying the game. As for historically correct, it will never happen, someone will always find a way to bend the rules or use gliches to their advantage. You all say the AI sucks, well I'll just keep on playing with it, I think I'll have a much better time. I don't mean to offend anyone but compatision can be as destructive as it can be benificial. Just my two-cents worth. Now I have put myself in harms way I'm not even sure I'll ever come back to see the responses.


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I my opinion I don't think you can get the full effect of the game when playing the AI all the time. It makes too many mistakes and always follows the same general strategy, yes it is possible to lose against the AI but you will always lose after a long war, the AI never attempts a Sea Lion Invasion on the UK and never tries anything new.

As for the argueing that goes on around this fourm, it is not as bad as you say it is. Its more along the lines of debating, not argueing. Personally, there have been very few games I have played where there was an arguement during the game.

I don't really understand why you posted this when you said outright you will prob not check back for responses. In fact I find it kinda ignorant. If you want a fourm where everyone agrees with what you say then this fourm isn't for you, if you want a fourm where you can talk about the game and compete with other players

(or play a non-ladder game just for fun) then stay.

Comrade Trapp

[ May 22, 2003, 12:18 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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As I said to our friend 88MM, the ladder is only one isolated part of the Forum. There are many other parts and you can avoid it completely if you don't like it or don't want to get involved.

Why not just post where you feel like posting without worrying about whether or not this is a happy website. Sometimes it is, and sometimes it isn't.

Of course, you can always do something positive to improve the atmosphere. Starting a topic to say we're a bunch of cranky bastards unfit to associate with doesn't do it -- :D !

BTW -- Very big of you to not check for answers. Now there's communication at it's finest. Have fun in your cave.

[ May 22, 2003, 03:17 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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tanker, I partially agree with u, playing with the AI is so satisfying, always wining, my selfconfidence improved a lot, and the more handicaped i played the more satisfying it was when i finally won, and that happened always. I was about to enlist the army and ask for a general star claiming that I WAS WINING MY COMPUTER!!!

Man, U dont know what SC is till u play a human player.

And we both know u will come here for reading the answers, but u are afraid of reading em, arnt u? U still wake up late at nite, screaming, the echoes of the lambs screams as they are being sacrificed still in yer head and u cant get rid of em, but i tell u, once u have beaten a top SC player online those screams of the lambs will be over.

So, give it a try.

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mcktanker --- Here we go again. Another guy who spent $25 on a game & expects the Red Carpet. You posted when? Last Christmas & you return close to June 1?

I'm not getting paid to play-test the A.I.

I'm not in the Marketing dept. of battlefront.com.

This is a Forum, user-line, not the prayer line. I'm just some dude named Rambo who spent $25 myself to play one of the Greatest games ever!

Yes, we're competitive, that's life. There's plenty of guys who play just for fun. By being competitive, we are having fun. Maybe when I'm old & going die, I'll be different.

Until, then........I want to kick ass.

See you in another 6-months.

"And I still haven't found, what I'm looking for." --- U2

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To add my 2 cents in. After 1 week of the AI I thought I was going to have a coma. If it was a humanbeing on the other end losing his favourite Cruiser. Getting 1/3rd of his aircraft shot down in one frightful attack I'm not too happy. It's the fact that he's peeing his pants that makes me happy. tongue.gif plus he actually has a brain, the AI doesn't...it's like playing yourself hotseat

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For once I agree with mr Rambo. I like the argueing and mouth-slapping here...it spice up your life.

Yeah sure I use to call JerseyJohn gaypants, but thats just for fun. We all love eachother deeply here....like ahhh mmm....big family :rolleyes:

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Well said Mr. K.

And as Katherin Hepburn as the Queen in the movie Lion in Winter described her husband in a death struggle with her sons and her sons hating one another -- most of it through her own instigations --

"What family hasn't got it's little squabbles."[paraphrased]

[ May 23, 2003, 12:57 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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