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Would anyone like to playtest my new campaign? I was getting tired of the lack of naval play in the game campaigns, so I went for a "post Plan Z" campaign. I need someone or a couple of you to play it a bit and tell me if it's too over the top or unbalanced in any way.

For a bit of background on the way I have it set up.

1939 - Hitler is convinced by his naval advisors that a war in 1939 would be disasterous for the Kriegsmarine, and that only their proposed Plan Z building program offers even a slight chance of being able to function effectively at sea. He puts his expansionist plans on the backburner for a bit.

Despite the lack of German aggressiveness, the British and French cannot fail to notice the massive buildup going on in Germany. The people in Britain however, took Neville Chamberlain at his word when he promised "Peace in our time." and in elections make their views on any increased military spending known. Knowing that the Germans are quickly putting together a force that could challenge English superiority in the North Sea, the Admiralty is forced to make a tough decision. Building will continue as fast as the money allows, but to fill the shortfall in the North Sea and in the Far East where the Japanese continue to make noise, the Med Fleet is stripped to the bare essentials. France agrees to increase it's fleet in the Med to fullfill their side of the 1930s naval agreements.

1946 - Germany's Z Plan is finished, and while still not as big as the British North Sea and Home Fleets, qualitatively, it may be superior. The Italians have finally finished their restructuring and preparing for war, and to show how ready they are, they invade Greece in response to "terrorist acts" in Albania. Unfortunately for them, the Greeks prove tougher than planned and they stall quickly. Britain and France declare war on Italy in defense of Greece. Meanwhile, Hitler has been biding his time and improving his weapons in the seven years since the last crisis while the democratic countries have failed to keep pace. France repeatedly warned the world of her fears of another war, but was largely ignored. Now Hitler sees his greatest chance for domination. Disregarding his nonagression pact with Poland, he secretly signs one with Russia to divide up the Polish territory and moves while the west is looking elsewhere...

PS - One thing I was trying here was to make the 39 campaign a bit harder for the Germans. They don't have a lot more land units, but have a bit of extra income from Greece, Poland and Iraq, which is under UK control to begin the game.

[ August 10, 2002, 05:18 PM: Message edited by: Wolfpack ]

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1946? Is this a typo? I hope you mean 1940 or '41. The war ends in 1946!

Can you give us a little more info on unit changes? I assume you add a lot of German sea units, but did you sacrifice a lot of land/air units to do so?

What other changes have you made?

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Originally posted by R_Leete:

1946? Is this a typo? I hope you mean 1940 or '41. The war ends in 1946!

Can you give us a little more info on unit changes? I assume you add a lot of German sea units, but did you sacrifice a lot of land/air units to do so?

What other changes have you made?

Don't want to give too much away, but yeah, German Sea power is increased greatly. The tech levels have been fiddled with quite a bit on the assumption that Germany would have continued to funnel money into military projects while the allies would be more restricted by their governments. Germany didn't sacrifice any land units, added a couple. While England didn't add much if any in the way of Land, the French will be much better prepared. Since I can't mess with the Russians and Americans without making them active from the beginning, I've given them a hefty bonus in initial money. The Italian Navy and Army are both larger. This is offset a bit by the increase of the French Med navy. The US is at 20% to start. Again, just trying not to make it too easy on the Axis.

As for the date, the Z-plan was expected to finish in 46 or 47, so you'll just have to use your imagination there, since I don't want to start it then, that's no fun, so the actual date is 39.

BTW - Be sure to check the whole map for units the Germans managed to have a couple of ships out on "maneuvers" when the balloon went up.

[ August 10, 2002, 05:53 PM: Message edited by: Wolfpack ]

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