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Wtf are the forum gettin out of hand???


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Eh guys whats happenin here??? I have been away playin Hearts of Iron and when I return it´s like the movie "one flew over the coocoo´s nest" or how do ya spell it.

Man you all scare me a lot. Are you mental??? What about havin a life? Dating a girl? Partying? Playin diffrent games?

FINALLY several morons have accused me of being Rambo. No I´m not and I can prove it. He seems like pretty crazy like the all rest of ya. Atleast this stallone-wannbe seem to enjoy himself a lot whatabout you others? You make me crack. Seriously.

Seems Hubert(as we all know are Rambo) should start lockin threads a bit.

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Yes, the locking begins now with this thread. And if things continue on the current note, the banning will follow. Guys, this forum is about SC. No personal stuff. You guys have a Peng thread now for trash talk, use it. Anything off-topic outside of that will be moved or locked, and I am going to kick everybody out of these forums who continues to post nonsense. I'd rather be enjoying New Year celebrations, and since you guys force me to hang around here instead, I'm angry.


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