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Why can't subs attack subs?

Edwin P.

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uk subs can attack other subs (without surprise) thats because they have sonar level 1, german subs cannot.

Cool, I never knew that. I need to play test this becaue I thought in one game I had subs and could not attack the itialian on unless it was a surprise contact. Hmmmm - breaking out the editor tonight!

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hmm, I know from my TCP games that it is not possible to attack other subs, no matter from which country they are or what sonar level they have...

To be sure I just testet the sub thing and UK subs can also NOT attack other subs... sonar doesnt matter.

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Ive jsut tested and u r right nothing to do with sonar or advance subs, i just remembered how the AI attacked my subs with UK subs and i always thought it had to do with tech development, now i see its only a nice advantage hubert have given to AI subs, also it works with axis subs BUT as i say only the AI can do it. weird.

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An AI special feature? Hmmmm. This one need some more investigation. A surprise encounter defensive "attack" is not an attack. Can anyone verify if the AI subs can attack enemy subs during the AI turn?

[ August 12, 2003, 01:32 PM: Message edited by: Bill Macon ]

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Well, before sophisticated sonar suites, and

homing torps, subs were pretty worthless as anti-

sub platforms. I remember facing off against

Jap subs in Silent Hunter I: we would both

submerge, then take pot shots at each other

underwater: I think I actually got lucky once and

got a hit...

John DiFool

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