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Capture of Warsaw should mean victory


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This is a good thread & has affected me. I played ZappSweden & Poland wouldn't surrender. I had to hunt every single unit down. Russia's readiness went up to 52% or something. Getting Warsaw is easy, but killing every unit takes away from all the hot & heavy LC-action. In a game against Archibald, Russia went to 59%. If you have to waste time hunting down EVERY Pole while watching the readiness go thru the roof, weak in the West, you're screwed.

I'll take luck for Poland's surrender anyday of the week. When you play the top competition, you might have lost the game because of this.


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Kuniworth and Rambo have a good point here.

Poland fell in about three weeks, with the surrender of Warsaw. It wasn't a prolonged campaign. In the game it should be short unless the Germans mishandle it and use too few troops.

I've also seen it hold out till the last corps was destroyed. Other times I've captured Warsaw on turn one and weakened the other units and that caused the country's surrender.

I think Poland should go down as soon as Warsaw is captured. Historically that would be a little past the first turn and a little short of the second.

Also historical is the fact the USSR was invading almost simultaneously from the east, leaving the Poles nowhere to withdraw to.

[ February 10, 2003, 09:29 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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I hate the poland Factor as well!

I have seen three factors not surrender and then I see over 30 factors surrender :mad:

There is that Luck factor agian!

I was piddle diddling around, and I think that the closer your HQ is to warsaw, the better there chance is on surrendering.

I am not totally sure that the HQ is true, I have not tried enough to really see

[ February 10, 2003, 09:55 PM: Message edited by: waltero ]

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Good tip about the HQ near Warsaw. If that's the case the best strategy is to take the city immediately and Operate either Rundstedt or Bock as close as possible, maybe even adjacent to it! Thanks for sharing the info. smile.gif

--- * --- Forget it. Just gave the HQ adjacent to Warsaw two consectutive tests and it doesn't change anything. Poland dropped on turn 2 both times despite Warsaw falling on turn one and having an HQ being adjacent to it in each case, once to the west and once to the east!

[ February 10, 2003, 10:09 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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The problem with a nation falling when the capital falls, is that it is possible to do so without killing off more than one or two units.

The fact that you don't know exactly how many of the Polish troops you have to kill is good. It is what gives us the randomness of the Polish campaign.

Otherwise, what is the point? Blast the unit in the capital, move in a unit and bam... Poland has fallen.

Much too gamey having the ability for Poland to fall if you enter Warsaw.

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It's been my experience that Poland generally falls in two turns. I can live with that, it's just the times when it holds out right down to the last point of the last corps that I'd like to change.

[ February 11, 2003, 12:08 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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I agree it is a bitch when ur trying to take low on turn2. I had russian readiness go up to 57% In my latest against Terif before i could hunt down all those stinking pole runabouts lol. But aye that's all part of the strat it was my fault for playing for the surrender and relocating all my air to the western Front.

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