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A new LOS tool?

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I now that there is a limit to what BTS can implement in CM but I have an idea that I think would help game play somewhat (at least simplify it):

When I want to position a gun on the battlefield I find it very hard to determine what the gun actually can see. The LOS tool gives me LOS to a certain spot but not "the whole picture" that I would get if I was standing on the spot myself. Furthermore since the monitor gives a very limited field if vision it is very hard to check LOS “manually”.

I suggest a LOS overlay button that shows a selected unit’s LOS for a large area (the entire map perhaps) at every distance and angle. It could, for instance, divide the game plan into several small squares (perhaps 1*1 m) and colour every square with the "LOS colour" of that place (black, red or different shades of blue). I understand that this would require some computing and might take some time but since it is done under the orders phase it wouldn’t slow down the game play.

I don’t think it would be gamy to have this function because a person standing at the gun would get about the same information just by looking around.

Is this possible, reasonable and useable?

[ 12-07-2001: Message edited by: Swift ]</p>

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'Hallo Swift

In my very first post I brought the same thing up, and it turned into a long debate that was, at the time, over my head.

Search my member number and you will see the post. You can also search under 'LOS tool' and get alot of your answers there.

I agree that somehing like that would be nice as an 'optional' thing, but some folks, like my fellow Dogface like to do it Ol Skool. The main argument you will soon hear is:The increased load on old and rickety CPUs. I say buck up and get a new system, but thats not always po$$ible.

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Well that only shows that for every good idea you think you have there are already at least one other person that has thought it earlier.

I read the post and I got the impression that there were 2 things against "my" suggested version of the LOS tool.

First that it would be gamey and second that it would take up a lot of processing time. I now that I’m putting my neck out there with the next sentences but what the heck.

I don’t think it would be gamy because the current LOS tool gives you the information that I want but it requires a lot of (for me) boring trial and error and I don’t think that the games intention was to be boring (NOT that I think it is at ALL, well not much anyway) and I don’t think (and remember that I unfortunately have a very limited knowledge of programming 3d games) that it would take to large toll on the system considering that LOS already works fast and that a couple of seconds delay would not hurt (if you don’t like to wait don’t use the feature).

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