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JCawley's Operational Tournament status

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For me, the thing that stood out the most in this operation was it's simplicity...and in that simplicity came great flexibility which led to a very fun game.

I would say for the next tourney to definitely open up the terrain to allow for maneuver, and at the same time increase the number of tactical fights all across the board.

I want to say thanks to Jason and everyone involved. I want to congratulate Leonard for showing great leadership skills by listening to his commanders at all levels and by being able to make a firm decision.

If there is to be another one, please count me in.

And by the way...too bad those American reinforcements where not able to join the fray just 1 or 2 more days as we Germans where ready for them. As you know...we Germans aren't all zmiles und zunshine... :D

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Maybe we misunderstood the rules as it seemed with the 1250 point limit per tactical battle and limited aproaches meant we were going to be stuck with 1:1 odds or close to it attacking.

Seeing the last AAR made it clear that we were at least this time able to gain local superiority of forces.

I recall the tactical battle I was assigned had roughly even numbers, in addition the German defender had dug in with a couple extra AT guns, HMG teams, arty spotters, and the Panthers....

Jason, maybe you could explore and respond back on how given the rules in place we could achieve 2:1 - 3:1 odds? Obviosly we did so this last (final) turn, when we expecting another probe / recon mission.

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Maybe we misunderstood the rules as it seemed with the 1250 point limit per tactical battle and limited approaches meant we were going to be stuck with 1:1 odds or close to it attacking.


I thought the limit per battle was 1500 points. Be that as it may, there could be up to two battles per opsquare per opphase, each of them up to 1500 points per side. Therefore it would seem that if you guys had sent ~3000 points to an opsquare, you could have gotten a 2:1 (unless I had done the same). As it was I never had more than perhaps 2000 points in an opsquare, for that first battle in B3. I asked Jason about how he would divide the defensive forces in such a case; it was basically up to the referee. That was why we had the full 2000 or so points worth of stuff there -- fear that you would send 3000. It was all we could afford.


Seeing the last AAR made it clear that we were at least this time able to gain local superiority of forces.


In this case it was simply because the German force was a rearguard, tasked only to attrit your force.

We tried to delay you as much as possible getting to E2, while we built minefields there. When you attacked E2, you would have found mines, a full company of infantry, some Panthers, and our (limited) high-caliber arty... then after spanking whatever force came in initially, we were planning to surge out and crush you at E3 in the semi-open.

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